Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 396 Killing and Silencing 5 More

Chapter 396

In the bathroom, Fan Mingcai was still fighting with Weilu in his arms.

Thinking that he was about to win Yuan Zihan, Fan Mingcai became more and more excited, trying to fight Weilu for [-] rounds.

He thought he had killed Qin Feng, and planned to sleep in the box after finishing the work, and then go to block Yuan Zihan.

Unexpectedly, a voice suddenly sounded, causing both Fan Mingcai and Wei Lu's expressions to change.

"Young Master Cai, Lao Ji has brought someone over to look for you."

"Old Ji?"

Fan Mingcai recognized the voice as his bodyguard Ding Zhize's, but what he didn't expect was that Lao Ji came here.

"Young Master Cai, this old Ji is too hateful. He must have come to ask for money. He didn't pay attention to you."

Wei Lu frowned slightly, and snorted coldly.

"Old Ji, this guy knows a lot of my secrets. If that's the case, then if we don't do it, we will keep on doing it. You will kill Old Ji directly."

Fan Mingcai's face darkened, and he said sharply.

Wei Lu nodded. To her, killing a black intermediary was nothing.

"Let Lao Ji and the others wait first, let's go out and get dressed first."

Fan Mingcai yelled towards the door.

The bodyguard Ding Zhize got the order, turned around and walked out again.

Fan Mingcai and Wei Lu immediately got out of the bathtub, wiped themselves off, and then went to the box hall to retrieve their clothes and put them on.

Wei Lu flicked her long rose wine red hair, then walked over with a cold face, and opened the door.

"You can come in."

When Lao Ji saw Wei Lu open the door, he did not rush in, but gestured to Jian Yi, signaling Jian Yi to go in first.

Jian Yi walked in with two men in black suits.

Lao Ji and Ye Ge walked behind.

Fan Mingcai was taken aback when he saw Jian Yi, because he didn't know Jian Yi.

When he saw Lao Ji coming in, he immediately asked in a cold voice, "Old Ji, what do you mean? Why did you bring a stranger here to find me?"

Upon hearing this, Old Ji stepped forward with a smirk, bowed to Fan Mingcai and said, "Young Master Cai, this master is here to ask you to cooperate with Qin Feng!"

When Fan Mingcai heard about dealing with Qin Feng, he immediately became interested, motioned Lao Ji to sit beside him, and then turned to look at Jian Yi.

"Old man, are you going to deal with Qin Feng?"

Jian Yi glanced at Fan Mingcai several times, and seeing Fan Mingcai's empty body, he shook his head involuntarily.

Such a person also wants to deal with Emperor Qin Feng?It's just an international joke!
Even if it is to die, it is not enough for Emperor Qin Feng to grit his teeth.

Jian Yi, who was thinking foolishly, did not respond to Fan Mingcai's words, and a trace of disdain flashed across his expression.

But Fan Mingcai frowned when he saw Jian Yi shaking his head, and asked Old Ji sharply, "Old Ji, what do you mean?"


Old Ji looked puzzled, and he didn't expect Jian Yi to shake his head suddenly, so he quickly looked at Jian Yi: "Master, didn't you say you were going to deal with Qin Feng? What's wrong with you?"

"Just him? He still can't deal with Qin Feng!"

Jian Yi still shook his head at Fan Mingcai.

Old Ji was startled, and then immediately looked at Fan Mingcai with a solemn expression.

"Young Master Cai, you haven't answered the phone before. I'm afraid you don't know that the killers you sent out have all been wiped out."

"What did you say? How is this possible?"

Fan Mingcai looked at Lao Ji in astonishment, he still felt that Lao Ji was joking, after all he had hired a large number of killers to attack and kill Qin Feng.

Moreover, Cheng Hui and the others are all masters of the mercenary team, so it shouldn't be a problem to deal with mere Qin Feng.

Wei Lu next to him was also shocked. Fan Mingcai sent so many killers, but he didn't kill Qin Feng?
"Cai Shao, the master is here to ask you to cooperate, so if you plan to cooperate with the master, then you can discuss it with the master."

Old Ji hurriedly reminded Fan Mingcai.

Fan Mingcai chuckled, glanced at Jianyi, and then winked at Weilu.

Wei Lu immediately stepped forward, pretending to pour tea for Lao Ji.

Old Ji was overjoyed immediately, his gaze also passed over Weilu's deep V black lace tulle pullover, and his Adam's apple slipped a few times.

But Wei Lu had sharp eyes and quick hands, swiped a fruit knife on the table, and stabbed Lao Ji directly in the abdomen.

When Lao Ji came to his senses, the fruit knife had already entered his abdomen, and he looked at Wei Lu with wide eyes, and said with a horrified expression: "You...you..."

"You know too much, there is no need to stay."

Wei Lu pressed against Old Ji's ear and said with a cold snort.

Jian Yi, Ye Ge and the others were startled, they didn't expect that Wei Lu would attack Lao Ji suddenly.

Blood gushed out of Lao Ji's mouth, and he wanted to wave to Jian Yi, signaling Jian Yi to save him.

It's a pity that Jian Yi just watched coldly, and didn't step forward to save him at all.

Wei Lu took out the fruit knife, took a cloth to wipe it clean, and put it back on the table, while she continued to sit beside Fan Mingcai, as if nothing had happened.

"What a ruthless woman!"

Jian Yi snorted softly, and then gestured, "Come here, take them down."

(End of this chapter)

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