Chapter 397
Brother Ye and the three watched Lao Ji die in horror, and their attention was also on Wei Lu just now, after all Wei Lu's clothes were too hot.

It's just that they didn't expect that Wei Lu would be such a cruel and ruthless woman, she would kill Lao Ji without saying a word.

After all, according to what Lao Ji said, he was also a person who worked for Fan Mingcai, and he did not say that he would betray Fan Mingcai.

Following Jian Yi's order, the two men in black suits who followed Jian Yi rushed towards Fan Mingcai and Wei Lu immediately.

When Wei Lu saw it, she immediately exclaimed: "Bodyguard!"

After exclaiming, she immediately picked up the fruit knife that had been put down, forming a guarded posture.

But Weilu didn't know that the two men in black suits that Jian Yi brought in were also first-class masters, and they were not something she could deal with.

So soon, both Fan Mingcai and Wei Lu were detained by these two men in black suits, and their arms were removed.

Both of them fainted, and then they both woke up again.

Fan Mingcai looked at Jian Yi who was sitting calmly, and then looked at the door of the box, with a puzzled look on his face: "What's going on? I clearly arranged for bodyguards to be at the door! Ding Zhize!"

Wei Lu was also puzzled, but seeing how Fan Mingcai shouted and no one came in, she immediately understood that Jian Yi's people must have taken care of Fan Mingcai's bodyguards.

"Who on earth are you? Why do you want to fight against us, Young Master Cai? Let me tell you, Young Master Cai is from the Fan family, a second-rate family in Donghai City. You have offended the Fan family, but there is no good fruit to eat."

Wei Lu looked at Jian Yi and said sharply.

Fan Mingcai also immediately looked at Jian Yi, his eyes were full of resentment, because his arms were still in great pain after being removed.

"It's just the Fan family, so what if you offend them?"

Jian Yi sneered, but didn't take Wei Lu's words seriously.

Wei Lu's pretty face froze, and she didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Old man, just now Lao Ji said that you came to find me to cooperate? Is this how you deal with your partner?"

Fan Mingcai glared at Jian Yi, and said in a cold voice.

"You are not worthy of cooperating with me!"

Jian Yi shook his head, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Qin Feng's number.

"Sir, I have captured Fan Mingcai and the others here, should I bring them to you now, or should you come here now?"

"I'm not free right now, so I'm going to ask you to take a look at it now, Master. I'll go there when I'm free in the evening."

Qin Feng on the other end of the phone responded coldly.

"Okay, sir."

Jian Yi hung up the phone and let out a soft breath.

However, Wei Lu's complexion changed drastically, she clenched her teeth, and asked Jian Yi, "Did you call Qin Feng just now?"

Hearing this, Fan Mingcai frowned instantly, his face full of displeasure: "Calling Qin Feng? Is he from Qin Feng?"

Wei Lu glanced at Fan Mingcai, then looked at Jian Yi coldly, but she was extremely depressed.

Because if Jian Yi was from Qin Feng, then they would be dead.

"You guessed it right, I'm calling Mr. Qin Feng, but unfortunately, Mr. Qin Feng doesn't have time to talk to you."

Jian Yi sneered and said that he didn't have a good impression of a poisonous woman like Wei Lu.

"How much do you have to pay before you let us go?"

Wei Lu asked coldly, if it can be settled with money, then she believes that Fan Mingcai should be able to pay the price.

Ke Jianyi shook his head, but did not discuss money with Wei Lu.

"1000 million, you let me and Cai Shao go!"

Wei Lu thought that Jian Yi was disgusted by the lack of money, so she quickly marked the price, and she felt that 1000 million was almost enough.

Jian Yi still didn't respond to Wei Lu, because he was too lazy to talk to this woman anymore, so he gave orders to the three brothers Ye next to him.

"The three of you watch them for me. If they run away, then I'll only ask you."

"Yes, Master."

The three of Brother Ye quickly nodded in agreement, because Fan Mingcai and Wei Lu had already had their hands removed, so they were not worried at all.

Both Fan Mingcai and Wei Lu's expressions changed, Jian Yi won't allow them to run away?What exactly is going on?Who is Jian Yi working for?
Sanctuary Temple.

Qin Feng stood in front of the gate of Guanyin Hall, watching the strong men in white clothes remove all the corpses, and watched everything return to normal before his eyes.

As for Yuan Zihan and the others, because they closed the door and put on earphones playing scriptures, they couldn't hear the sound of fighting in the front yard at all.

Huan Wei made sure that the outside had been dealt with, so she opened the door of the palace and put away Yuan Zihan and the others' earphones.

Wang Xinman proposed to visit other halls, and Yuan Zihan and the others did not object.

After leaving Guanyin Hall, the group went to Wenchang Hall and Sanguan Hall.

Compared to Yuan Zihan and Wang Xinman, Musashi Shion and Miyata Kimiko were even more solemn, they did not dare to be disrespectful at all, and they followed the etiquette of offering incense and worshiping.

Therefore, Yuan Zihan and Wang Xinman were not to be outdone, and followed all the etiquette procedures.

After the pilgrimage, Yi Yi and his party left the third hall.

Qin Feng, like a bodyguard, followed Yuan Zihan and the others silently, and followed them out of the temple.

(End of this chapter)

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