Chapter 398
Fan Family Villa.

Fan Zitong and his wife are entertaining a middle-aged man, this is a top expert they have found.

The middle-aged man is called Smith, with a square face, a stalwart figure, and a hostile look all over his body.

"Master and Madam, don't worry, we have always guaranteed our affairs. Within seven days, we will definitely be able to take Qin Feng's head."

Smith patted his heart and promised Fan Zitong.

"it is good."

Fan Zitong nodded, and then handed a bank card to Smith, "This is half of the deposit for you, and the remaining half, I will give it to you after you take Qin Feng's head off."

"Smith promises not to let you down."

Smith took the bank card and stood up immediately.

"Butler Liu, see off the guests."

Fan Zitong immediately waved to Liu Yingjie who was waiting beside him.

Liu Yingjie also waved to Smith immediately, and then led Smith out.


Liu Yingjie came back, nodded to Fan Zitong and said, "Patriarch, he has been sent away."

Fan Zitong nodded, and said with a sneer, "This time, with Smith taking action, Qin Feng is dead. Butler Liu, call Mingde immediately and inform Mingde."

After Liu Yingjie got the order, he immediately took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed Fan Mingde's number.

However, Liu Yingjie called several times, but the phone was hung up directly.

"Patriarch, Young Master Cai doesn't answer the phone!"

Liu Yingjie hurriedly reported to Fan Zitong.


Fan Zitong frowned, guessing that Fan Mingcai might be busy with something good, so he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

He arranged for the caller to follow Fan Mingcai, after all, he was also afraid that something would happen to Fan Mingcai.

However, after making the phone call, he looked at his wife Wang Wenjia in astonishment, and sighed.

"Mingcai went to look for Qin Feng. Although I don't know what Mingcai is now, if Mingcai wants to fight Qin Feng directly, then he might not be able to fight Qin Feng."

When Wang Wenjia heard Fan Zitong's words, she quickly asked, "Then what should we do now?"

"Now... there is no better way, but to tell Smith to go to Xitang quickly."

Fan Zitong gritted his teeth.

"Then let Smith go there quickly. Mingcai must not let anything happen to our family. We only have one son now. Also, didn't you ask people from Feiying Group to find Mingcai? Tell them to contact Smith Bar."

Wang Wenjia nodded, agreeing with Fan Zitong's words.

Immediately, Fan Zitong took out his mobile phone again, dialed Smith, and begged Smith to contact the Feiying Group immediately, and hurry to Xitang to see Fan Mingcai.

As soon as Smith was arranged here, something happened before Fan Zitong had time to catch his breath.

Liu Yingjie answered a phone call, his expression changed instantly, and he quickly said to Fan Zitong: "Patriarch, something has happened, people from the Lin family came to make trouble last night and asked for money for medical treatment, Madam asked me to send someone to clean them up, and now they are coming again gone."

"What? How dare they come to the door?"

Wang Wenjia's face was gloomy, and she was instantly annoyed. Her eldest son, Fan Mingde, was already dead. How dare the Lin family come here to make trouble?Does this mean they don't take their Fan family seriously?
"Tell them to leave immediately."

Fan Zitong shouted sharply.

"Patriarch, I'm afraid it can't be done. I just had them beat them up last night and told them to leave. But now, they have blocked the entrance of the villa with people from the police station. Now the people from the police station are going to come in. Arrests."

Liu Yingjie said in a trembling voice.

He also didn't expect that the members of the Lin family would call the police.


Fan Zitong's face froze, and he was a little confused, the police station's people were not so easy to deal with.

And what Fan Zitong didn't know was that these people from the police station were not from ordinary police stations, and they couldn't be dismissed easily.

"It's just people from the district police station. Let them in. Also, people from the Lin family also let them in. But if there are reporters, then don't let them in."

Wang Wenjia snorted softly and waved to Liu Yingjie.

Liu Yingjie nodded, immediately picked up his cell phone and made a call.

3 minute later.

A large group of people came in, including not only members of the Lin family, but also a group of police officers.

"Liu Yingjie, Wang Wenjia, I'm Shao Jun from the Tianhui District Police Station, you can call me Team Shao. Now it involves a beating case last night. I hope you will cooperate with the investigation."

A crew cut police officer stepped forward and said in a cold voice.

Fan Zitong looked at the police officer Shao Jun, his face darkened instantly, and he said coldly: "Shao team, right? Then you have to find out, we are all good people here."

Shao Jun squinted his eyes, glanced at the people in the hall, then communicated with a middle-aged woman behind him, and then locked on to Liu Yingjie.

"You are Liu Yingjie, right? You were the one who ordered the beating last night, right? May I ask why you did this?"

Shao Jun stepped forward and questioned Liu Yingjie in a cold voice.


Liu Yingjie looked at Wang Wenjia, and when he saw Wang Wenjia shaking his head, his expression changed instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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