Chapter 399

Liu Yingjie knew that Wang Wenjia didn't intend to admit it, and obviously wanted him to take over what happened yesterday.

So he immediately changed his words: "I just can't see them. Our young master Fan Mingde has passed away, and they came here to ask for money, so I ordered them to beat them."

Upon hearing this, Shao Jun immediately waved to the two police officers: "Arrest him and instigate the beating. We need to take him back according to the law."

Two police officers immediately stepped forward and detained Liu Yingjie.

Wang Wenjia didn't say anything.

"Steward Liu, what you did was wrong, but don't worry, as long as you correct yourself, you will still be the housekeeper of our Liu family when you come out."

Fan Zitong nodded to Liu Yingjie.

Shao Jun's face was as heavy as water, how could he fail to understand the subtext of Fan Zitong's words, that is, Fan Zitong wanted Liu Yingjie to deny it to the end.

It's a pity that the person who interrogated this time is not their Tianhui District Police Station. Of course, Shao Jun will not tell Fan Zitong and his wife about this.

Fan Zitong and his wife watched Liu Yingjie being detained, and then turned their attention to the Lin family.

The middle-aged woman standing behind Shao Jun was Lin Min's mother, Bao Guiyue.

Bao Guiyue has been glaring at Fan Zitong and his wife, gritted his teeth and said: "Your housekeeper beat me, you want to separate the relationship like this, it's not that easy, I will ask the lawyer team to send you a lawyer's letter. About my son Your Fan family must also be responsible for the compensation."

"What do you mean? Are you relying on us? Something happened to your son, and mine is dead. Why don't you go find the murderer? Are you worthy of shouting at our Fan family?"

Wang Wenjia stood up, pointed at Bao Guiyue and said angrily.

"The murderer has already paid compensation, so I didn't come here today to beg you, but to warn you. Your eldest son Fan Mingde is dead, and I can tell you that your second son Fan Mingcai is also dead."

Bao Guiyue said without showing any weakness.

"Do you believe that I sue you for slander? How dare you curse my son in front of me?"

Wang Wenjia roared sharply.


Bao Guiyue sneered, squinted at Wang Wenjia, and said coldly: "What I'm saying is the truth. Think about what Fan Mingcai is doing now? That person asked me to bring you a message. Your son won't survive tonight. "


Wang Wenjia was stunned, her expression suddenly changed, she couldn't survive tonight, was she going to kill her second son, Fan Mingcai?

"who's that person?"

Fan Zitong's expression also changed suddenly, and he asked hastily.

After all, a son has already died, and if he dies, he will have no son on his side, and he will have no daughter.

Bao Guiyue did not respond to Fan Zitong, but turned around and walked out.

"Mr. Fan, I advise you not to do anything illegal. This is a warning to you. Once you do something illegal, we will definitely arrest you next time."

Shao Jun snorted coldly, then waved and led the team away.

Fan Zitong and Wang Wenjia looked at each other, they were both depressed, someone wanted to kill Fan Mingcai?
"Husband, what shall we do now?"

Wang Wenjia asked quickly.

"We asked Smith to cooperate with the people of Feiying Group to save Mingcai and then kill Qin Feng. Although the stinky woman refused to say it just now, she must be talking about Qin Feng. We must kill Qin Feng's soul."

Fan Zitong shouted sharply with a gloomy face.

Wang Wenjia nodded, the corners of her mouth curled up.

She made a gesture to Fan Zitong, signaling Fan Zitong to call Smith, and she picked up the phone and dialed the number of Feiying Group.

on a highway.

In a silver-gray van that was rushing to Xitang, Dongjiang City, a lying middle-aged man was flipping through documents.

The phone rang, and Fan Zitong's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Smith, if you can take Qin Feng's head within three days, I can give you one billion."

"A billion?"

Smith's eyes lit up instantly, his breathing stagnated, and he straightened his waist immediately.

"That's right! However, you must help bring my son Fan Mingcai back to us safely. I'm afraid my son has been targeted by someone now. You should take someone to find my son immediately."

Fan Zitong said nervously.

"Master, don't worry, we will definitely kill Qin Feng and bring your son back safely."

Smith quickly assured.

"That's good. I won't say much else. I hope everything goes well for you."

Fan Zitong said in a deep voice, then hung up the phone.

Smith was very excited. He didn't expect that Fan Zitong's price would increase by one billion.

Before Fan Zitong said that he was going to deal with Qin Feng, he only paid [-] million yuan, but now it has increased tenfold, and he is also overjoyed.

"Immediately send me the information on Fan Mingcai, the treasurer. Next, we need to formulate a plan to save Fan Mingcai. Brothers, this is a billion-dollar deal."

Smith yelled excitedly at the others in the car.

"One billion? Oh my god, the Fan family is too rich, right?"

"Don't worry, boss, we will definitely work hard to win this one billion."

(End of this chapter)

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