Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 4 Birthday Dinner

Chapter 4 Birthday Dinner
Dongfang Hotel in Beituo District, one of the famous five-star hotels in Donghai City, has always been a place for banquets and dinners for high-ranking celebrities, elites from all walks of life, and wealthy families.

The western restaurant on the third floor is full of seats, and there is a lot of people's voices, which can be described as very lively.

On the stage in the northwest corner, stood a brightly dressed young woman, her pretty face was full of joy, her eyes were slightly squinted, showing a hint of arrogance.

Exquisite makeup, fashionable dress, full of jewels, and a string of eye-catching imperial green emeralds on the snow-white neck.

And this young woman is Qin Feng's wife, Yuan Jiayan.

"I am very happy tonight, because everyone braved the heavy rain to attend my birthday dinner. Here, I sincerely thank you all, and at the same time, thank you Yang Shao for your contribution to my dinner."

As she said that, Yuan Jiayan looked at a young man in white Versace. The man was tall, sitting upright, handsome, with a slanted punk hair.

This young man is the young master of the Bai family, Bai Yaoyang, known as Young Master Yang.

Half a year ago, Bai Yaoyang came back from abroad, ran into Yuan Jiayan at the airport, and started pursuing Yuan Jiayan crazily.

Of course, more importantly, he knew that Yuan Jiayan was Qin Feng's wife.

"Qin Feng, Qin Feng, I guess you have died in Xijiang."

"Once upon a time, you looked down on me and caused me to be driven abroad by the old man. I miss you very much."

"Now, I'm about to marry your wife. Everything you once had, I will have."

Bai Yaoyang was thinking in his heart, a trace of pride flashed across his eyes, his arrogance was overwhelming.

Then he stood up and walked towards the middle of the stage.

"Everyone, in the middle of next month, Jiayan and I will officially get married. I hope you can attend our wedding at that time."

Yuan Jiayan's pretty face beamed with joy, she bit her teeth lightly, pursed her flaming red lips, and looked at Bai Yaoyang with fiery eyes, her heart pounding like a deer.

Then, she covered her cherry mouth, and looked at a middle-aged man and woman sitting at a table below the stage in surprise.

They were Yuan Jiayan's parents, both of them had bright smiles, as if they were happier than winning a special prize of more than one billion in lottery tickets.

"Sister Jiayan, please lend me 30 yuan. I only need 30 yuan for Yashi's surgery. I beg you to show your respect."

A long-haired woman in a raincoat and a black mask rushed in and knelt down directly to Yuan Jiayan.

Seeing the visitor, Yuan Jiayan's face was instantly filled with anger, and a pair of peach blossom eyes were cold and ruthless, and a trace of cruelty flashed across.

"Which security guard let her in? Are you courting death?"

"I said before, if you are so ugly, don't come out to scare people."

"Come on, drag her out for me immediately."

The audience exclaimed.

Everyone turned their attention to the long-haired woman.

Soon, someone recognized that the long-haired woman was Yuan Jiayan's cousin, Yuan Zihan.

Yuan Zihan is the daughter of Yuan Huiying, the eldest daughter of the old lady. Because Yuan Huiying was too ugly when she was born, she was abandoned by the old lady.

Later, Yuan Huiying did not know who gave birth to Yuan Zihan, and after Yuan Zihan was brought back to the Yuan family by the old man at the age of 11, she was rejected by the Yuan family all the time, thinking that she was an evil breed.

The sad thing is that Yuan Zihan was burned and disfigured because of a fire, and she had an affair with someone five years ago, so she gave birth to a sick baby girl, Yuan Yashi.

So Yuan Zihan didn't invite the old lady and Yuan's family to see her even more.

For the Yuan family, Yuan Zihan and her daughter Yuan Yashi are a disgrace to the Yuan family.

Two bodyguards in black rushed forward, grabbed Yuan Zihan, and dragged him directly to the entrance of the hall.

Yuan Zihan yelled at Yuan Jiayan: "Yuan Jiayan, you can't treat me like this, you can't, you made me become like this, you..."

Yuan Jiayan was indifferent.

As beautiful as a flower, she is the number one beauty in Beituo District, but under her beauty, she has a heart of snakes and scorpions.

Because for her, Yuan Zihan is just a stepping stone on her road to success. Once she succeeds, her bones will be exhausted, and the successful person does not need to greet the stepping stone.

As for borrowing money and meat buns beating dogs, she was too lazy to do it.

"Young Master Yang, were you serious just now? Are you really willing to marry me?"

Yuan Jiayan turned her head to look at Bai Yaoyang, her eyes full of anticipation.

As long as she marries Bai Yaoyang, then she is Mrs. Bai.

The Yuan and Bai families will definitely join forces to raise the stock price, and the Yuan and Bai families will surely make a lot of money.

Then, she, Yuan Jiayan, is the great hero of the Yuan family, and her mother, Yuan Huimei, will definitely get more group shares of the Yuan family.

Now her family's old man is very ill and may die at any time, the old lady is likely to distribute the shares.

As for Yuan Zihan's mother and daughter, in her eyes, they are no longer worthy of living, nor worthy of taking away the shares of the Yuan family.

Bai Yaoyang smiled and nodded to Yuan Jiayan: "I've made up my mind, Jiayan, you are the most exciting woman I have ever seen, so I must marry you."

As he said that, Bai Yaoyang suddenly knelt down on one knee towards Yuan Jiayan, took out a red box, and opened it towards Yuan Jiayan.


The audience exclaimed.

Then there was silence, and everyone stared at Yuan Jiayan.

Yuan Jiayan looked at the five-carat pink diamond in the box, her eyes widened instantly, and her face was full of unconcealable ecstasy.

"My God! This pink diamond is so beautiful! I love it so much!"

Yuan Jiayan's parents waved together and called out, "Marry him!"

The audience cheered instantly.

Everyone waved their hands and shouted: "Marry him."

Yuan Jiayan looked at the crowd, then at Bai Yaoyang, and then nodded at Bai Yaoyang's pecking rice.

The corners of Bai Yaoyang's mouth curled up slightly, then he took out the ring in the box and put it on Yuan Jiayan's hand.

A voice came over suddenly.

"I object."

When Yuan Jiayan heard this, she suddenly panicked.

Afterwards, her face became extremely gloomy, and her pair of purple eyes followed the sound source to look at the entrance of the hall.

Two security guards stationed at the entrance of the hall flew in and fell on the big red carpet.


The crowd exclaimed.

They stood up one after another and looked up at the entrance of the hall.

Yuan Jiayan's parents also stood up. Looking at the standing guests, they looked at each other and frowned.

Who dared to be so presumptuous, even dared to hit their security guard?
You know, this is a birthday dinner hosted by their Yuan family.

When the eyes of the two touched Qin Feng, they froze immediately.

"Qin Feng?"

This trash Qin Feng is back?
The two of them didn't expect that it was Qin Feng who threw down the security guards.

Qin Feng's face was gloomy, and he walked in wet all over.

Seeing Qin Feng's drowned look, the eyes of both of them flashed with disdain.

Yuan Jiayan's mother Yuan Huimei laughed at Qin Feng.

"I thought some important person came over, it turned out to be you trash. What are you doing here?"

Qin Feng looked at Yuan Jiayan coldly, completely ignored Yuan Huimei's yelling, and strode towards Yuan Jiayan.

Yuan Huimei frowned: "You shameless trash, you divorced our Jiayan, why are you pestering our Jiayan?"


Qin Feng paused, turned to look at Yuan Huimei: "Why don't I know about this?"

Three days ago, Yuan Jiayan talked to Yuan Huimei about her marriage to Bai Yaoyang.

Only then did Yuan Huimei realize that the marriage between Qin Feng and Yuan Jiayan had not been handled properly.

Then, Yuan Huimei immediately found an extra actor who looked exactly like Qin Feng to replace Qin Feng and divorce Yuan Jiayan.

So Qin Feng didn't know about the divorce.

But Yuan Huimei doesn't care whether Qin Feng knows it or not, but tonight is her daughter's marriage with Bai Yaoyang, which involves two big business plans, how can a piece of trash get mixed up?
So, she immediately waved to the two black-clothed bodyguards beside her.

"Stop him."

The two bodyguards in black looked at Qin Feng with disdain.

It's just a waste of Qin Feng, they will definitely be able to wring Qin Feng's hands off, so as to win Bai Yaoyang's approval.

As for the security guard at the entrance that Qin Feng knocked into the air, it was probably a sneak attack.

Fists clenched.

The two hit Qin Feng's face almost without hesitation.

The audience was silent.

Everyone seemed to have foreseen how Qin Feng would be lying on the ground.

But with two sounds, the two black-clothed bodyguards flew behind them as if hit by a speeding locomotive.

The two bodyguards in black fell to the ground, their mouths spurted blood, their faces were pained, and they were in a state of embarrassment.

The audience was stunned.

No one expected that Qin Feng's skills were so strong.

(End of this chapter)

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