Chapter 5
Yuan Jiayan stared at Qin Feng with a pretty face full of surprise and disbelief.

Then, she turned to frowning, furious.

This good-for-nothing broke into the dinner party, and dared to continue beating people?
The bodyguard's slap was tantamount to her face being slapped.

You know, tonight is her birthday dinner. Is this trash trying to make her lose all face?
And Bai Yaoyang was still there, and tonight was also the night of Bai Yaoyang's marriage proposal ceremony with her, it was an unforgivable crime for this trash to dare to disrupt the situation.

She must teach this trash a lesson in front of Bai Yaoyang.

After all, Qin Feng was just her licking dog before, and she asked Qin Feng to go to join the army, so Qin Feng just went there obediently?
She believed that even if Qin Feng came back, he would be just a licking dog.

"Trash, my old man forced me to register with you back then, but I have divorced you, what do you mean by coming back now?"

"What? Still want to come back and kneel and lick my shoes? Unfortunately, you have already been expelled from our Yuan family."

"From today onwards, I am Yang Shao's fiancée, please don't come here to harass me again."

"You immediately break both legs yourself, and crawl out."

Bai Yaoyang squinted his eyes, but didn't say anything immediately.

But his face was cloudy, after all, today was his well-planned public proposal.

So, this is not only Yuan Jiayan's birthday dinner, but also the night of his and Yuan Jiayan's proposal ceremony.

The people present here are also some relatives and friends of their two families. As for his family, they were not present because they were all waiting for the news of the No. [-] War Lord in Xijiang.

I heard that the number one warlord in Xijiang had to come back to Donghai City a day ago because of an urgent matter. It is said that he was in order to meet a very important person.

If his Bai family can be valued by the number one War Venerable, then his Bai family will naturally be able to soar into the sky and become a first-class family directly.

But he didn't expect that Qin Feng, a soft rice king, would dare to come and pester Yuan Jiayan.

So he waited for Yuan Jiayan to finish speaking, waved to Yuan Jiayan, and then looked at Qin Feng with a mocking face.

"Qin Feng, I guess you don't remember me either?"

"It doesn't matter. A trash like you doesn't deserve to remember me."

"But what Jiayan said is right, don't pester her again in the future, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you."

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Qin Feng jokingly.

If you dare to offend Young Master Yang, this trash is doomed.

Next, this trash will definitely kneel down and beg for mercy.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng looked at Bai Yaoyang coldly, raised his head and said, "Just you? Are you worthy?"

Bai Yaoyang was startled.

He didn't expect that this trash Qin Feng dared to talk back. Could it be that this trash is crazy?
Do you really think he dare not do it?You know, his two personal bodyguards are Sanda champions in two regions respectively, and they are famous for their fierce shots.

When choosing his personal bodyguard, he also told his father that he would not want a bodyguard who was not a ruthless one.

If he asked two bodyguards to take care of Qin Feng now, then Qin Feng would definitely die, a mere waste, even if he joined the army, he would still be a waste.

Yuan Huimei glanced at Bai Yaoyang, she noticed Bai Yaoyang's embarrassment, and quickly elbowed her husband, Zhang Daoxing, who was sitting beside her.

"Zhang Daoxing, what are you doing in a daze? This kid is absconding with the money. If you don't teach him now, when will you have to wait?"

In addition to the abandoned Yuan Huiying, the second generation of the Yuan family also had the four sisters Yuan Huimei, and the four sisters of Yuan Huimei were also known as the four golden flowers of the Yuan family, and they had always been well-known in Beituo District.

The Yuan family is a typical patriarchal family, none of the daughters of the second generation married out. Zhang Daoxing is one of the sons-in-law of the Yuan family, that is, Yuan Jiayan's father.

Seeing Qin Feng approaching imposingly, he immediately stood up and sternly shouted at Qin Feng: "Qin Feng, you absconded with the money, do you still have the face to come back?"

Qin Feng stood still and turned to look at Zhang Daoxing: "I absconded with the money? Are you slandering me?"

After the words fell, his whole demeanor became more stern and attractive.

Looking at Qin Feng, Zhang Daoxing couldn't help but froze, because he had never seen such a Qin Feng.

However, thinking that Qin Feng was such a waste before, he probably picked up some ruffian habits after leaving for five years, how could he be bluffed by Qin Feng?

So he sneered, and immediately mocked: "Slander you? Back then, the old man gave you 5000 million to invest, and gave you a chance to turn around."

"In the end, you pretended to join the army in the western border, and then absconded with money. Everyone in Donghai City already knows about this. How dare you say no?"

"You are a waste without parental upbringing, there is really no cure."

Qin Feng's face darkened, and he looked at Zhang Daoxing with wide eyes. He could say anything, but he couldn't talk about his parents.

He clenched his fists and almost punched him, but he held back, after all, there were still some things he didn't understand.

"Speak well, don't bring up my parents, and you are not qualified to talk about my parents. As for the 5000 million that the old man gave, I returned it to the old man on the spot."

Zhang Daoxing looked disdainful, then turned around and waved to the audience, turning into a detective: "Give it back to the old man? We have already investigated, and you never returned it to the old man. Therefore, the old man has been heartbroken for the past five years."

"In addition, we sent people to the Xijiang camp to ask. Your name was not registered at the camp. In other words, you did not go to join the army."

"I reckon that you lost everything with the old man's money. Now that my Jiayan is going to marry Young Master Yang, you want to come back to pester Jiayan and pry some money from Jiayan, right?"

"Let me tell you, Qin Feng, that your reputation in Donghai City has been ruined, and the Spring and Autumn Group has already gone bankrupt. You are no longer Master Qin, and you are a complete waste. If you are sensible, get out, otherwise, you will wait to be imprisoned. "

The audience instantly exclaimed.

"So he is Qin Chunqiu's son, Qin Feng? Who would have thought that he would dare to come back to East Sea City."

"That's right. Mr. Yuan gave him 5000 million investment funds, but he is still not satisfied. What's more, he married the number one beauty in Beituo District. He didn't even want a beautiful wife, so he actually absconded with the money."

"The country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change. This kind of waste is used to gambling. Isn't it coming back to pry money with the Yuan family?"

Qin Feng's face instantly became angry when he heard everyone's criticism.

He and Yuan Jiayan were obviously husband and wife, but the Yuan family wanted to marry Yuan Jiayan to Bai Yaoyang, and now it turned out to be his fault, slandering him for absconding with money?
He never imagined that during the five years he was away, the Yuan family had been turning black and white and slandering him everywhere.

As for Mr. Yuan's gift of 5000 million at that time, he also clearly remembered that he directly rejected Mr. Yuan at that time, and he never took 5000 million at all.

This Yuan family really has ulterior motives. He knew back then that the old man of the Yuan family had been speculating about his relationship with the Qin family in Beiyan City, and wanted to cling to the Qin family in Beiyan City.

So, the Yuan family probably didn't cling to the Qin family in Beiyan City, and simply abandoned him?
Think about it.

Qin Feng smiled, turned his head and glanced at Yuan Jiayan on the stage, then looked coldly at Zhang Daoxing, raised his head, and said in a proud and stern voice:

"First, I didn't take 5000 million yuan from the Yuan family, and I didn't abscond with the money. I have a clear conscience. If you want to slander me, there is no way."

"Second, I just came back from Xijiang today, and you changed the marriage certificate of me and Jiayan to a divorce certificate yesterday, without asking my opinion."

"Third, you will forcibly throw the broken shoes that I, Qin Feng, don't want to Bai Yaoyang, and I agree."

"You Yuan family's tricks are really consummate. Let me say, have your Yuan family always been so shameless?"

When Yuan Jiayan heard Qin Feng's words, she immediately gritted her teeth and retorted: "Who is a broken shoe? You are so weak-hearted, don't talk nonsense!"

"The matter of the divorce certificate is because of the old man. The old man said that you are a man who can be made, and he does not allow me to divorce you. He has been suppressing the marriage certificate and the household registration booklet."

"However, the old man has seen through you now, and you are not worthy of me. I was forced by the old man to register with you, so I have been sleeping with you in a separate room."

"A lowly trash like you is not qualified to sleep with me. Now only Young Master Yang is worthy of me. You'd better go as far as you can, trash. I won't give you a penny."

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Qin Feng jokingly, as if they were looking at a toad.

Toad wants to eat?

It's downright ridiculous.

Qin Feng felt a pain in his heart, and looked at Yuan Jiayan suspiciously.

"Yuan Jiayan, do you hate me so much? If that's the case, then 12 years ago my Qin family was on fire, why did you rescue me so desperately?"

"save you?"

(End of this chapter)

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