Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 6 5 Years of Wrong Love

Chapter 6
Yuan Jiayan held her exquisite hairstyle and sneered: "How could I save such a waste like you? You were a cripple in 12 years, and you are still in a wheelchair. My brain is showing off, so I will save you?"

Qin Feng's head went blank as if being bombed.

Wasn't Yuan Jiayan the one who saved him back then?Who would that be?

He never doubted it, thinking that the one who saved him was Yuan Jiayan, not to mention that Yuan Jiayan had admitted it herself back then.

"Since it wasn't you, why did you admit to me that you saved me? Besides, if you don't want to marry me, the old man can't force you."

Yuan Jiayan said with a proud face: "I was forced by the old man back then, and I lied to you on purpose. Who knew you took it seriously? As for marrying you, it was because I hated you so much that I deliberately made you a real one. Toad."

"It's a pity that you, a toad, haven't even touched my hand. The old man was thinking about the little friendship between your Qin family and our Yuan family, but in my Yuan Jiayan's eyes, you are no shit."

"Now my Yuan family and Bai family are about to become second-rate families, and your Qin family has already become history, so I suggest you, hurry up and die, haha."

Everyone also laughed loudly. They had no mercy for Qin Feng, a waste.

Bai Yaoyang walked over with two bodyguards of the Bai family.

He walked close to Qin Feng and sighed: "You want to come back and ask Jiayan for money, right? How about you kneel down, kowtow to me three times, call me daddy, and I'll give you 500 million?"

Qin Feng frowned, and his expression darkened instantly: "Do you have the guts to say it again?"

Bai Yaoyang looked arrogant: "Oh, I won't repeat the good words."

Qin Feng swayed, and slapped Bai Yaoyang's left cheek.

Bai Yaoyang was unprepared and was sent flying out.

The whole person was slapped and flew a full five meters, then rubbed against the red carpet on the ground, and slid all the way to the edge of the stage.

The audience was amazed.

No one expected that Qin Feng, a good-for-nothing, would dare to attack Bai Yaoyang. You must know that the Bai family is very protective of their weaknesses, and Bai Yaoyang is the only child of the Bai family.

Is this Qin Feng looking for death?

"Young Master Yang!"

Yuan Jiayan exclaimed, then rushed towards Bai Yaoyang, and at the same time yelled at the two bodyguards of the Bai family: "Abolish this trash."

Only then did the two bodyguards of the Bai family come back to their senses. They also clenched their fists and punched Qin Feng ruthlessly.

But Qin Feng easily grabbed two fists, and with a wrong body, he directly pulled the two bodyguards of the Bai family and threw them away.

Two dining tables were hit, and someone screamed immediately.

The two bodyguards of the Bai family fell on the dining table, and both spat out a mouthful of blood.

One of them looked up at Qin Feng with fear in his eyes: "The Battle King of the Profound Realm, you are actually the Battle King of the Profound Realm?"

Yuan Jiayan didn't know what a Profound Realm Battle King was, and looked up at Qin Feng. She felt that Qin Feng was crazy.

Qin Feng stared at Yuan Jiayan, and asked coldly: "Who was the one who saved me back then? Say it quickly, or I will destroy him."

Yuan Jiayan was startled, then waved her hands and said, "You can't abolish Young Master Yang, I can tell you that she is the ugly monster of my Yuan family, Yuan Zihan."

"Ugly? Yuan Zihan?"

Qin Feng's heart trembled, because he remembered that there was indeed an ugly monster in the Yuan family. He once wanted to treat the ugly monster, but was stopped by Yuan Jiayan.

Later, he didn't take it to heart, worried that Yuan Jiayan would be jealous because he paid attention to women. After all, he believed that Yuan Jiayan was the benefactor who saved him.

It's just that he never expected that the person who saved him was Yuan Zihan.

Seeing Qin Feng's sharp eyes, Yuan Jiayan panicked.

But thinking of Yuan Zihan, she instantly regained her arrogant nature.

"That's right. It's her. Twelve years ago, I tricked her to go out to play. When I passed by your villa, it was she who insisted on going in to save people."

"She is also stupid enough, knowing that the fire inside is so big, she still rushed in foolishly, and the result was natural, she burned into an ugly monster."

"It was because I found my mother's bodyguard in time to save her life. Otherwise, she would have died in front of your house."

Qin Feng was stunned.

Yuan Jiayan's words were too shocking. He never thought that he would mistakenly recognize his benefactor, so he fell in love with Yuan Jiayan by mistake.

Five years ago, it was no wonder that he always felt something was wrong, because how could a person who went to save others at all costs be as unruly and willful as Yuan Jiayan?

Five years ago, he always thought that it was Yuan Jiayan who cared about getting hurt because of him, and that's why he kept asking him so much, but he didn't expect that this was Yuan Jiayan's nature.

Five years ago, he mistook his benefactor for Yuan Jiayan, but he never paid attention to his real benefactor, Yuan Zihan.

Immediately, Qin Feng felt a heart-stopping feeling.

Seeing Qin Feng's confused expression, Yuan Jiayan mocked, "Go and find that ugly monster, you and her are really a perfect match."

Qin Feng snorted coldly: "I will look for her. However, the Yuan family owes me, and this account should be settled."

With Yuan Jiayan's support, Bai Yaoyang stood up, quickly took out his mobile phone, and took a picture of his left face with the screen of the mobile phone. He saw that his left face was already swollen.

So he immediately raised his eyes, gritted his teeth and glared at Qin Feng, as if he wanted to cut Qin Feng into pieces.

You know, since he was a child, he has never been slapped in public like this, let alone the one who slapped him was Qin Feng.

Both Qin Chunqiu and the Chunqiu Group have become history, Qin Feng has no power and power, and to him, Qin Feng is just a waste.

"How dare you hit me? I tell you, you are dead."

Bai Yaoyang roared at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng ignored Bai Yaoyang, but stared at Yuan Jiayan intently, he still had some doubts.

"Since you didn't save me, and you hate me so much, why didn't I wear any clothes on the second day after you and I registered our marriage?"

Back then, it was just registration and no wedding was held, but on the second day of registration, Qin Feng was completely naked.

Just now Yuan Jiayan said that he didn't even touch her hand, so who was the person who slept with her on the night of registration?

"that is because……"

Yuan Jiayan wanted to say something, but she stopped the conversation in an instant, because her gaze had already turned to the entrance of the hall.

A few people walked in at the door, and an old woman in a Tang suit walking in the middle walked in with a golden dragon-headed cane, with an extremely gloomy old face.

This old woman is the old lady of the Yuan family.

Yuan Jiayan stared at the old matriarch, and immediately put on a pitiful look: "Old matriarch, you are here, this trash is already crazy, he beat Young Master Yang."

Qin Feng didn't turn his head to look at the old lady, but looked at Yuan Jiayan with a stern expression. He was not angry at Yuan Jiayan protecting Bai Yaoyang.

He just wanted to know who was hurt by his blind trust in Yuan Jiayan back then.


Yuan Jiayan's pretty face trembled, feeling Qin Feng's arrow-like eyes, she couldn't help but took a step back.

"What kind of skill is bullying women? Qin Feng, you trash, you can only be arrogant tonight. I'll call and ask my family to send experts over."

Bai Yaoyang stood firm and protected Yuan Jiayan behind him.

Qin Feng waved his right hand, trying to push Bai Yaoyang away, but a shout from behind made his right hand stop.


The old matriarch yelled at Qin Feng, she never imagined that Qin Feng, a trash who came to the door, would dare to be so rampant.

When Yuan Jiayan said just now, she still didn't quite believe it. After all, Bai Yaoyang was the young master of the Bai family, and he also had bodyguards around him. How could Qin Feng, a trash, beat the bodyguards of the Bai family?

But seeing Qin Feng waving his hand, she could tell that this trash really dared to hit someone. Could it be that this trash really thought that after five years in the army, he could do whatever he wanted?

As long as the Yuan family still has her here, it won't be the turn of this trash!

Five years ago, her wife begged Qin Feng to marry Yuan Jiayan, and she was against it.

However, because my wife said, I can find an opportunity to contact the Qin family in Beiyan City to fight for an opportunity.

The Qin family in North Yan City is a super family. If they get the support of the Qin family in North Yan City, then the Yuan family has some hopes of becoming a first-class family in Donghai City.

As a result, the Yuan family did not get the support of the Qin family in Beiyan City. Instead, they lost a large number of orders because they were not favored by them.

In the end, the Yuan family lost even the chance to become a second-rate family in East Sea City, let alone a first-rate family in East Sea City.

Thanks to her judging the situation, she led the Yuan family through the past five years.

"Qin Feng, Qin Feng, I never thought you would dare to come back to East Sea City."

(End of this chapter)

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