Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 401 Rescue Wealth Lesson 3

Chapter 401
Although Fan Mingcai didn't know that Wei Lu had a secret identity, he couldn't care less now. Seeing Wei Lu die, his eyes were full of horror.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you yet. But, what's going on with your old man Fan Saijun and your elder brother Fan Mingde?"

Qin Feng looked at Fan Mingcai and asked sharply.

"It was me! It was I who killed my old man and my elder brother. I also let Lao Ji kill him, so I asked Wei Lu to kill Lao Ji. Qin Feng, please, let me go, I I don't want to die, I really don't want to die..."

Fan Mingcai said in a trembling voice.

Originally, he thought that Jian Yi would not dare to kill him, after all Jian Yi was a foreigner, but when he saw Qin Feng, he was terrified.

Especially when Qin Feng ordered Wei Lu to be killed, he didn't give Wei Lu any chance at all. He suddenly realized that Qin Feng must know that he and Wei Lu sent the killer.

"It turned out that you did it! But you let someone push all of this to me. You said, how should I let you go?"

Qin Feng chuckled, squatted down, swung his right hand over, and quickly grabbed Fan Mingcai's neck.

Fan Mingcai's complexion changed in shock, and his body trembled non-stop.

With a snort, he peed in fright.

Qin Feng stood up and waved to the two strong men in white: "Tie Fan Mingcai to a pillar."

Two strong men in white clothes got the order, and they immediately took Fan Mingcai from the two bodyguards in black suits on Jianyi's side, then tied Fan Mingcai to a column, and gagged Fan Mingcai's mouth.

"Sir, why not kill him directly?"

Jian Yi asked a little puzzled.

"Someone is coming to save Caishao, so next, my people will intercept and kill those who come to save Caishao."

While explaining to Jian Yi, Qin Feng waved to a strong man in white.

"Sir, since this is the case, my people can also stay and assist sir."

Jian Yi hastily cupped his hands.

When Brother Ye saw it, he quickly knelt on the ground: "Sir, please forgive me. My name is Ye Wuchi. We were sent by Lao Ji to follow Mr., please, Mr. Let us live."

When Lao Wei and Lao Ba saw it, they also quickly knelt on the ground. Although they were forced to do things by Jian Yi today, it doesn't mean that they are Jian Yi's people.

If Jian Yi abandons them and Qin Feng wants to kill them, then they will die, so they might as well surrender to Qin Feng now.

Qin Feng turned his head to look at the three of Ye Wuchi, his expression was slightly cold, but he didn't say anything.

"Sir, these three people are useless, or let them go, after all, they have helped for a day."

Jian Yi hurriedly warned, of course it was impossible for him to take the three of Ye Wuchi to Han Country, and he never thought about killing the three of Ye Wuchi.

It's not because he's soft-hearted when he's getting older, but because the three of them haven't done any real bad things yet.

"I'm short of manpower here, let's stay here first, there may be a lot of corpses that need their help to deal with later."

Qin Feng said in a deep voice, waved his hand to Jian Yi, and signaled Jian Yi to have Wei Lu's body removed.

Jian Yi understood, and he immediately asked Wei Lu's body to be removed.

"Thank you, sir."

The three of Ye Wuchi hurriedly said in unison.

"Okay, you guys wait by the side."

Qin Feng nodded to the three of Ye Wuchi, then walked over to a stone table and sat down, and waved for Jian Yi to sit down.

When Wang Xiujie saw it, he immediately asked someone to serve tea to Qin Feng and Jian Yi.

"Leave the tea, all of you Wang family retreat first, don't stay here, the people who come here this time are not easy."

Qin Feng instructed Wang Xiujie in a cold voice.

"Yes, sir."

Wang Xiujie nodded, then turned around and waved to the bodyguards of the Wang family, "Notice, all the servants of the Wang family should leave immediately, hurry up."

Several bodyguards of the Wang family hurried over to the ancient house.

And Wang Xiujie also left here under the protection of two personal bodyguards.

Fan Mingcai who was tied up was secretly happy, because Qin Feng said just now that someone would come to rescue him.

"It must be someone sent by my father. After all, I am now the only heir of the Fan family. Qin Feng, just wait. When the person sent by my father arrives, you will die."

Fan Mingcai naively thought that someone would save him, so he also planned in his heart, if Qin Feng was caught then, how would he kill Qin Feng?

But soon, Fan Mingcai was full of doubts, because Qin Feng knew that someone was coming to rescue him, but he didn't leave here, but drank tea here.

For a moment, a thought flashed through his mind that Qin Feng might have ambushed his hands.

Less than half an hour.

There was a sound of traffic in the driveway outside the backyard door.

Then, the small door in the backyard was kicked open, and a group of men in black strode in.

"Cai Shao is there!"

The backyard was brightly lit, even on the side of the Triangle Pavilion. Someone discovered Fan Mingcai who was tied up and immediately exclaimed.

All the men in black rushed towards the Triangle Pavilion.

When Jianyi's people saw these men in black approaching, they immediately became alert.

(End of this chapter)

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