Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 402 Come in and support 4 more

Chapter 402 Come in and support the fourth update
The men in black rushed over, but did not make a move immediately, but gave way one after another.

A middle-aged man came forward, it was Smith.

"It turns out that Qin Feng is really here. This is really great. If you take Qin Feng's head, you will definitely get the bounty tonight."

Smith glanced at Fan Mingcai, and immediately turned his attention to Qin Feng.

It seemed that in his eyes, Qin Feng was a billion that could move, and he wished he could hold Qin Feng tightly in his hand immediately.

"Who are you?"

When Ye Wuchi saw Jianyi's gesture, he immediately yelled at Smith and the others.

"We are the ones here to kill you!"

Smith sneered, and then gestured to the men in black: "Come on, kill them for me."

The men in black were ordered to wave a dagger and rushed towards the triangular pavilion.

Jianyi's people took off their black suit jackets when they were on guard, revealing their white short-sleeved shirts, and they all brandished their daggers and rushed towards the men in black.

At the same time, the two strong men in white clothes brought by Qin Feng rushed forward in an instant.

Qin Feng slowly took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Q Ba, how is the situation outside?"

"There are still a group of men in blue ambushing outside. Young master, are you going to kill them directly?"

There was a sneering voice from the Q bully on the other end of the phone.

"No hurry, wait until they all come into the yard."

Qin Feng responded lightly, then hung up the phone.

Seeing the amazing moves of the two strong men in white clothes, Smith couldn't help but his face darkened, and he waved his hands quickly, "Hurry up, surround this place, and we must kill Qin Feng."

The men in black also dispersed immediately.

Soon, dozens of people made a detour and rushed directly to the Triangle Pavilion.

Brother Ye's face changed suddenly, because he could see that these men in black were more skilled than him. He swung his dagger, but he didn't dare to meet it.

However, there were only two Qin Feng, and all the people from Jian Yi's side were also sent out.

Although Jianyi's people blocked the due west of the Triangle Pavilion, but now that the Triangle Pavilion was surrounded, Jianyi's people failed to disperse in time, and other directions did not form a guard.

Several men in black rushed over and jumped into the triangular pavilion in the blink of an eye.

Lao Wei and Lao Ba looked at each other, and they immediately cooperated with Ye Wuchi to meet the man in black in the north.

Jian Yi saw a man in black jumping in from the south, so he immediately got up and rushed towards the man in black.

Qin Feng sat in front of the stone table with his back to the east, watching all this indifferently.

A few silver needles swung out from Qin Feng's hand, and threw them towards the black-clothed man in the due north direction.

The three of Ye Wuchi, who were originally defeated by the man in black, also had an instant opportunity to knock out the man in black.

The man in black at the south was also instantly shot out by Jian Yi.

The black-clothed men who hadn't had time to jump in saw how powerful Ye Wuchi and Jian Yi were in the north and south directions, so they didn't dare to step forward, instead they looked at Qin Feng and rushed towards Qin Feng.


Fan Mingcai, who was tied to the column in the due east, was struggling constantly. He wanted to shout out, but he couldn't. He could only watch all this anxiously.

Smith, who was standing behind Ximian, didn't take the people here seriously at first, but when he saw the two strong men in white and Jian Yi's moves so fiercely, he was a little flustered.

Especially the two burly men in white, they shot fast and ruthlessly, almost knocking the three of them away with one punch.

So Smith immediately took out his mobile phone, dialed the number, and begged: "Mr. Lin, come in quickly to support! We can't hold on here, hurry up!"

"Wait, we're going in now."

A middle-aged man's cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

Smith put the phone away, and immediately took out a dagger, but his face froze for a moment, because when he looked up, he found that most of the people on his side had fallen down.


Smith scolded angrily, and quickly looked towards the small door in the backyard to the northwest.

A group of men in blue rushed in, waving daggers one after another, and came to support Smith and the men in black.

Among them is a brawny guy with a flat head, named Lin Qiwei, who is one of the four powerful masters in the Flying Eagle Group of East Sea City.

When Smith saw Lin Qiwei coming over, he immediately waved to Lin Qiwei: "Mr. Lin, here."

Lin Qiwei rushed over, and when he saw the men in black who were fighting, he immediately gestured to the men in blue, signaling them to come forward and fight.

"These people seem to be very skilled, Smith, you take care of the one over there, and I will take care of this one."

Lin Qiwei saw at a glance that Qin Feng's two strong men in white were not simple, so he immediately assigned Smith the manpower to fight.

Smith nodded, then swung his dagger and rushed towards a strong man in white.

"Die! No one is allowed to hinder us from getting the bounty!"

While roaring, his dagger also hit the left abdomen of the strong man in white.

(End of this chapter)

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