Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 407 Four Fairies 4 More

Chapter 407
Because the waiter said that, it meant that he was going to reveal his secrets.

All of a sudden, the burly man with round cake head was a little flustered, he was afraid that these burly men in white knew something.

"My girls have already gone back. If you send too much, I'll pay as usual."

The burly man in white on the phone frowned, and glanced at the burly man with the round cake head: "Hmph, you want to lie to me, Lu Yaohong, grab this waiter."

Two strong men in white clothes rushed over immediately and grabbed the waiter in.

"Brother, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

The burly man with the round cake head quickly laughed at Lu Yaohong, the burly man in white.

The corners of Lu Yaohong's mouth curled up, and he picked up a pair of binoculars placed on the tea table in front of the strong man with a round pancake head, and asked coldly, "Do you know what kind of binoculars these are?"


The burly man with the round pancake head was stunned, he knew what the hell, it was something left by those four women, and it wasn't his.

"I ask you, what kind of telescope is this!"

Lu Yaohong shouted sharply, and with a wave of his right hand, he grabbed the neck of the burly man with a round cake head.

The burly man with the round pancake head had difficulty breathing instantly, his face turned red like a pig's liver, and he couldn't speak at all.

Even if he wanted to break Lu Yaohong's hand, he couldn't.

"If you don't tell the truth, I'll just cut your neck off."

Lu Yaohong loosened the neck of the burly man with the round cake head.

The burly man with the round pancake head coughed twice, and quickly admitted: "Brother, these, the telescopes are not ours."

"Not yours? Whose is that?"

Lu Yaohong frowned and asked sharply.

"This... No, it's not ours, it's a few fairies. They've already left, and I don't know who they are."

The strong man with the round cake head said tremblingly.

There has always been a saying in Xitang that beauties are called fairies, so Lu Yaohong instantly understood that the fairies that the round pancake-headed men and the waiters referred to were beauties.

Lu Yaohong turned his head to look at the waiter who was detained, and asked coldly, "Is what he said true?"

"It's true. These are the bastards from our side. The ones who booked the private room just now are four fairies."

"Four fairies, eh?"

Lu Yaohong nodded, and then waved to a burly man in white: "Jiang Xiaoxie, take the two of you down immediately, and check the surveillance cameras in this inn, as well as those nearby."

Jiang Xiaoxie got the order, and immediately walked out with two strong men in white.

"Can you tell me what the four fairies look like? I suspect they are related to some criminal activities, so I hope you can cooperate."

Lu Yaohong waved to the two strong men in white clothes who were holding the waiter, signaling them to release the waiter.

The waiter was embarrassed, but then told Lu Yaohong about it.

Lu Yaohong asked the strong man with the round cake head to tell them again, and after confirming that there was no difference between the waiter and the strong man with the round cake head, he called Li Nian.

"Four women? They ran away suddenly and asked others to replace them? I'm afraid there is something wrong with these four women. See if you can track them down."

Li Nian on the other end of the phone said in a deep voice.

Lu Yaohong was about to say something, but Jiang Xiaoxie ran back and shouted loudly: "Brother Lu, the monitoring at the inn has been deleted."

"Uncle Li Nian, the monitoring here has been deleted." Lu Yaohong immediately reported to Li Nian.

Jiang Xiaoxie heard that Lu Yaohong called Li Nian, and hurriedly continued to report: "Although the computer monitoring has been deleted, we have taken away the computer host here, and have already brought it to Brother Xiaochuan."

"As long as Brother Xiaochuan repairs the main computer, the original deleted video can be restored."

"Also, we looked at the surveillance video outside, but there were very limited angles to capture the four women."

After listening, Lu Yaohong immediately asked Li Nian on the other end of the phone, "Uncle Li Nian, what should we do now?"

"At all costs, catch up with those four women. Next, you report directly to Xuanwu. I'm going to be busy with Mr. Dongsang. The people from Dongsang Kingdom are here."

Li Nian on the other end said coldly.

"I see."

Lu Yaohong responded in a deep voice, then hung up the phone, and waved to Jiang Xiaoxie: "Let's go, Uncle Li Nian said, we must catch up with them at all costs."

"so serious?"

Jiang Xiaoxie's face changed slightly, and he nodded quickly.

Lu Yaohong turned and walked out, Jiang Xiaoxie and the others followed immediately.

Watching Lu Yaohong and the others leave, the burly man with a round cake head breathed a sigh of relief: "Who are these people? Why are they so terrifying?"

In a black van.

"Old Guanyin, Wei Lu was really killed, they took Wei Lu's body away."

Jiangxue was on the phone, reporting to the old woman, Lao Guanyin.

"You guys continue to stare at me. I want to see what kind of people they come from. They even dare to kill my disciple directly."

Old Guanyin gritted his teeth and said.

"Old Guanyin, they may not know us. I think it doesn't make sense for us to continue following."

Jiang Xue said with a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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