Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 408 Where is Holy 1 more

Chapter 408

"No matter what, let's get to the bottom of it first and see who this Qin Feng is. After all, he can find so many masters, and it doesn't matter whether those masters belong to the Cao family or not. This is also considered his ability."

The old Avalokitesvara said in a deep voice, she naturally did not lose her mind, not to mention that Wei Lu had already left their Thousand-Hand Avalokitesvara team, and she also had a certain amount of resentment towards Wei Lu.

But Wei Lu is also her most proud disciple after all, she can't let Wei Lu die in an unclear and cheap way.

Human beings are mortal, and death is either heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather. She planned to ask Weilu to do one thing, for their Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara team, that is more important than Mount Tai, but Weilu died.

"Okay old Guanyin, let's go and track down Qin Feng."

Jiang Xue responded in a deep voice, then hung up the phone.

"Third Senior Sister, do we still have to track down Qin Feng?"

Wearing a milk tea gray dress, black hot pants, and a long-haired girl with milk tea and a bun near the clouds, the woman with long hair opened her eyes wide and asked nervously.

This is Jiangxue's fourth junior sister, Xuanshuang.

Under the old Avalokitesvara's name, a total of six female disciples were cultivated, Ziyanbilu, Jiangxuexuanshuang, Chiyunhongxia.

And Wei Lu is "Bi Lu", and for some reason, the big sister Zi Yan was not arranged by the old Guanyin to participate in this matter.

"Since the old Guanyin has asked, then we will naturally implement it. And it's just following, it's not murder and arson, what are you afraid of?"

Jiang Xue glanced at Xuanshuang, and said with a cold snort.

"That's right! Just follow the old Guanyin's instructions. I really want to see who this Qin Feng is, who can make the old Guanyin fearful and angry at the same time."

In the driver's seat, a mocha-colored long-haired woman in a light green tulle shirt and light green hot pants with a cloud bun said coldly.

She is Jiangxue's sixth and youngest junior sister, Hongxia.

In addition, the short-haired woman who was left behind to delete the monitoring is Jiangxue's fifth junior sister, Chi Yun.

However, Jiangxue deliberately let Chiyun separate, so Chiyun was not in the car, and only she, Xuanshuang, and Hongxia were in the car.

With Jiangxue waving her hand, Hongxia immediately started the black van with a giggle.

But as soon as the van drove for less than 200 meters, Xuanshuang's beautiful eyebrows frowned.

"Third Senior Sister, someone is following you."

"Could it be Qin Feng's people?"

Jiang Xue's pretty face changed slightly in an instant. When she was peeping before, she felt that Li Nian was not simple. Now that she was followed so quickly, if she said she was not flustered, she must be lying.

"Then should I speed up?"

Hongxia hurriedly asked in a trembling voice.

Behind them were three black off-road vehicles.

In the passenger seat of one of the off-road vehicles, Lu Yaohong was listening to the phone.

"Brother Lu, I caught it. This woman still wants to run away. We have already tied her up. She only has six numbers on her phone. Do you need to find Uncle Xuanwu to get a signal location?"

It was Jiang Xiaoxie's voice that came from the other end of the phone.

"No need for now, we have found their car here, just wait."

Lu Yaohong said coldly.

"Yes, Brother Lu."

Jiang Xiaoxie responded quickly.

Lu Yaohong hung up the phone, breathed a sigh of relief, and said coldly to a strong man in white who was driving next to him: "Speed ​​up, their car will stop."


The burly man in white accelerated immediately, and the off-road vehicle rushed out in an instant.

Near a three-way intersection, a black van was stopped.

Jiangxue immediately took Xuanshuang out of the car nervously, but she gestured to Hongxia not to get out of the car.

Because she had already planned that if something happened, she would let Hongxia crash and leave no matter what she did.

"You ruffians, are you going too far?"

When Jiangxue got out of the car, she immediately yelled at an off-road vehicle, intending to play a play on the tracker, playing the role of a poor woman.

In this way, people passing by will also help them. After all, this is Xitang. It is impossible for such beautiful and beautiful women like them to be helped.

As the van was stopped, Lu Yaohong and the others also got out of the car and immediately surrounded the van.

Hearing Jiangxue's words, Lu Yaohong sneered, but did not respond. Instead, he silently took out his phone, opened a video, and pointed the phone at Jiangxue.

Jiang Xue originally wanted to reprimand a few words, but when she saw Lu Yaohong's cell phone video, her face froze instantly.

Because the video on the mobile phone shows a tied woman, and this woman is Jiangxue's fifth junior sister, Chi Yun.

"What? I have nothing to say? Now she is in our hands. If you surrender obediently, then we will give her a way out. Otherwise, our people will kill her directly."

Lu Yaohong said coldly.

"I surrender."

Jiang Xue knew that if she didn't surrender, these people would definitely kill Chi Yun, after all they even killed Bi Lu directly.

"You're smart."

Lu Yaohong nodded and dialed out the phone, but the call was quickly transferred to Qin Feng.

"Bring them over to the Wang family's ancient house to meet me."

Qin Feng on the other end of the phone ordered in a cold voice.

"Where are you sacred?"

Jiang Xue hurriedly asked Lu Yaohong.

(End of this chapter)

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