Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 409 Only Summation 2 More

Chapter 409
From when they left to when Lu Yaohong and the others found him, the whole process took only 10 minutes, which made Jiangxue feel amazing.

She couldn't believe it was possible to find them in such a short time.

Moreover, Jiang Xue noticed that the drivers of these off-road vehicles were very skilled. Are these people from Qin Feng?
"Where we are, you don't need to take care of us, but if you want to survive, you have to go with us. Our husband wants to see you."

Lu Yaohong said coldly.

"Sir? Are you talking about Qin Feng?"

Jiang Xue frowned, and she could hear Lu Yaohong's words filled with respect.

But why does Lu Yaohong respect Qin Feng so much?
Lu Yaohong didn't have time to pay attention to Jiang Xue's boring questions, but waved to the other strong men in white.

Soon, the four of Jiangxue were taken into the off-road vehicle, and they were driven away together with their van.

at this time.

On the east side of Qionglou Gourmet Inn, Qionglou Yuyu Inn with a similar name.

In a private room.

An old woman was sitting on a mahogany chair, looking at her mobile phone with a gloomy face.

The mobile phone was placed on the tea table, and a photo was opened on its screen, which was a photo of Qin Feng and his wife.

"Who is this man? He didn't kill Fan Mingcai, but directly killed Wei Lu. Why?"

This old woman is Lao Guanyin, but Lao Guanyin is her special title in the team. Her real name is Ma Wanting, and she is known as Granny Ma and Grandma Ma in her life.

When Ma Wanting was puzzled, the door of the private room was pushed open, and a woman with ball head wearing a black bodysuit walked in.

This ball-headed girl is none other than Ma Wanting's big apprentice and Jiangxue's big sister, Zi Yan.

"Grandma Ma, something happened. Jiangxue and the others were taken away by Qin Feng's men."

Zi Yan said nervously.

"What did you say?"

Ma Wanting was astonished and stood up quickly. She really didn't expect that Jiang Xue and the others were caught by Qin Feng's men.

"Really. I just received feedback. Our ambushing people found out that Jiang Xue and the others were taken away by Qin Feng's people."

Zi Yan lowered her head and said.

"The soul is pale!"

Ma Wanting spat angrily, and her face was clouded instantly, what did Qin Feng catch Jiang Xue and the others?
No, Qin Feng's people were able to discover Jiangxue and the others, and even capture Jiangxue and the others?
It seems that this side of Xitang is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

"Grandma Ma, what should we do now?"

Zi Yan hurriedly asked in a trembling voice.

"Why are you panicking? You are a big sister! If you were half of Weilu or Jiangxue, would I be so passive? The top priority now is to rescue Jiangxue and the others."

Ma Wanting shouted sharply.

"Yes, I'm going to prepare the manpower."

Zi Yan laughed awkwardly, then turned around, wanting to go out.

"Wait. What kind of manpower are we going to prepare? There must be peerless masters on Qin Feng's side. No matter how many people I plan to have, it may not be the opponent of Qin Feng and the others. Now, we only need to be able to seek peace with Qin Feng and the others."

Ma Wanting frowned, and ordered in a cold voice.

"Begging for peace?"

Zi Yan was stunned, and looked at Ma Wanting with a puzzled expression.

"I can't beat the manpower, so naturally I can only ask for peace."

Ma Wanting gritted her teeth and sighed.

Zi Yan didn't say anything, and she didn't know what to say.

Zi Yan has always been the kind of person who Ma Wanting says, and she does what she does.

The phone rings.

Zi Yan took out her mobile phone and glanced at it, then walked aside to answer it.

After listening to the phone call, Zi Yan walked up to Ma Wanting and bowed her head to report.

"Grandma Ma, the Yihe family wants to cooperate with us. They offered a reward of [-] million, asking us to go to the villa on the top of the mountain in the Longfeng Villa District of Donghai City, which is Qin Feng's villa, and steal Qin Feng's first auction. The picture of the emperor's dragon and phoenix."

Ma Wanting's face froze, and she snorted softly: "The Dragon and Phoenix Picture of the First Emperor? I heard that Qin Feng bought it for 300 billion. Is the Yihe family crazy? Let us steal the Dragon and Phoenix Picture of the First Emperor? This is Want us to die?"

Zi Yan looked at Ma Wanting in astonishment, "Then I reject them?"

"Just ignore them. There must be many bodyguards watching the 300 billion Dragon and Phoenix Map of the First Emperor. In the past, stealing the map was a dead end. My old woman is old, but she is not stupid."

Ma Wanting shook her head and said coldly.

"But, this [-] million bounty..."

Zi Yan smiled awkwardly again, but a hint of reluctance flashed in her eyes, after all, the bounty was too high.

"Don't even think about it, I didn't tell you, the Iga family has failed to attack Pirates three times in a row. Now that they have lost so many people, they have no manpower. This will focus on our Xia people's stealing team. .”

The corner of Ma Wanting's mouth curled up. She knew that the Yihe family was burning money, but it also made her and Qin Feng kill each other.

So she didn't want to pay attention to the Iga family.

Of course, she had to settle the account between Qin Feng and her.

"Speaking of which, the Iga family is really shameless. They actually want to borrow a knife to kill people. Once we accept the task, I'm afraid the loss will be very big."

Ziyan nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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