Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 410 The Shame of the Ninja Part 3

Chapter 410 The third watch of the shame of the ninja

"It's not just a big loss. Qin Feng is now hanging out with that kid from the Cao family. We might offend the Cao family. In the end, we will be completely dead. So, don't worry about the mission of the Yihe family."

Ma Wanting shouted sharply.

"Yes, Grandma Ma."

Zi Yan nodded quickly.

"Go, contact the people at Qin Feng's side, I will go to see Qin Feng in person."

Ma Wanting waved to Ziyan.

Zi Yan immediately backed out with a respectful face.

Not a while after Zi Yan left, the door of the private room was pushed open again, and a thin man with short hair came in.

The short-haired man went straight to Ma Wanting's side, leaning into Ma Wanting's right ear and said, "Grandma, something happened to the Wang family in Xitang. Wang Guoye, the second master of the Wang family, led people to surround the Wang family's villa."

"Wang Guoye? Isn't he Wang Guoliang's younger brother? Why did he surround Wang Guoliang's villa?"

Ma Wanting asked with a puzzled look.

"Wang Guoye has long been pushed out of the Xitang Wang Group by Wang Guoliang, so Wang Guoye is planning to take action against Wang Guoliang, most likely to grab the equity."

The short-haired man explained.

"I thought I could ask Wang Guoye to help. Now that he's making such a big fuss, it's inconvenient for us to intervene."

Ma Wanting looked gloomy and shook her head.

"Then who should we continue to ask for help with Bi Lu's matter? By the way, has Bi Lu been saved?"

The short-haired man asked quickly.

"Wang Bing, Bilu is dead."

Ma Wanting sighed.


Wang Bing looked at Ma Wanting in astonishment, felt his breath stagnate, and his face trembled: "No, Bi Lu will not die."

"Wang Bing, I know you like Bilu, but Bilu doesn't like you. Besides, she has been with the second ancestor of the Fan family, Fan Mingcai, so she has already been killed by Qin Feng."

Ma Wanting frowned, but still told Wang Bing the truth.

"Qin Feng? Did Qin Feng's Hun Dan kill Bi Lu?"

Wang Bing clenched his fists instantly, turned around and wanted to go out.

"Stop! Where are you going? You want to seek revenge on Qin Feng? What is your identity to seek revenge? Bi Lu has never admitted to you from the beginning to the end, and you are nothing in Bi Lu's eyes."

Ma Wanting shouted sharply.

Wang Bing paused, then turned to look at Ma Wanting with complicated eyes.

"When Bi Lu entered Fan's house under the pseudonym Wei Lu, I warned her, but she didn't listen to me."

"In order to gain a higher position, she hangs out with Fan Mingcai. Even if she came to Xitang all the way, she is still a plaything on Fan Mingcai's bed."

"In her heart, there is no you at all. Even when I was at the West Lake, I warned her not to follow Fan Mingcai, but she just didn't listen."

"So you don't need to contend with Qin Feng because of Bilu's matter. Moreover, you can't afford to contend, because Qin Feng is probably not an ordinary person."

Ma Wanting explained slowly.

At this time, Ziyan came back, she looked down upon Wang Bing, but instead of saying hello to Wang Bing, she looked at Ma Wanting.

"Grandma Ma, Qin Feng has called back, let us go there, I have already prepared the car."

"Meet Qin Feng in the past?"

Wang Bing looked at Ziyan in surprise, and then at Ma Wanting: "Can I go there together?"

"Since you want to go, let's go together. But after you go, you have to listen to me and don't talk nonsense, understand?"

Ma Wanting shouted sharply.

"Yes, grandma."

Wang Bing nodded.

at this time.

on a highway.

Inside a speeding black Toyota RV, a sturdy old man with a crew cut was holding a cell phone to answer the call.

"So, Gao Liuqitai is sure that something happened in Xitang?"

The flat-headed old man asked coldly.

"That's right. Senior Jincheng, you must bring Gao Liujun back to me."

A young man's cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Don't worry, Master Iga, I will find him, after all, he is my apprentice no matter what, I won't let him go."

The flat-headed old man gritted his teeth and responded.

This flat-headed old man is Jincheng Yingming.

And the person on the other end of the phone is Iga Toshiro who Qin Feng's people are searching for.

"Senior Jincheng, I'm being targeted by someone now, so I can only look at you next time. I sent people to attack Qin Feng a few times before, but they all failed. This is the shame of our ninjas. I hope Senior Jincheng you Can wash away the shame for us."

Iga Toshiro said sharply.

"Hmph. They are just people from the Xia Kingdom. Just wait. Tonight I will let them know what a real warrior is."

Jincheng Yingming snorted coldly.

"Then I'll hang up first, and after you find Mr. Gao Liu, senior Jincheng, you can call me again."

After Iga Toshiro finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone.

Jin Chengyingming threw the phone aside, then embraced a long-haired woman in a dark blue dress next to her, and then leveled the car seat.

"Dijun, can we really find Gaoliu-kun? According to what Master Yihe said, I'm afraid Gaoliu-kun is already in danger."

The long-haired woman frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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