Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 411 4 Changes Due to Experts

Chapter 411 Four Changes Caused by Experts

"How bad is bad? Who dares to touch my apprentice?"

Jincheng Yingming snorted softly, with a hint of arrogance on his face, he didn't think anyone would dare to touch Gao Liuqita, if there was, it would be courting death.

"I'm sorry, Emperor, I made a mistake."

The long-haired woman apologized quickly.

"Since you made a mistake, how do you think I should punish you?"

Jin Chengying said with a smile, but he had already untied the long-haired woman's dark blue dress with both hands.

"Dijun, you can punish me however you want."

The long-haired woman said shyly.

Jin Chengying directly put his arms around the long-haired woman's slender waist, and said in a low voice: "When the matter of Qitai is settled, you and I will go to the kingdom of Ming. I have talked with Lao Cha, and I want to negotiate a deal with him. "

"Good emperor."

The long-haired woman responded quickly.

Jincheng Yingming scanned the long-haired woman's exquisite figure with wretched eyes, and then took off his clothes in threes and fives.

The long-haired woman looked at the three shocking scars on Jincheng Yingming's body, and asked quickly, "Dijun, is this wound on your body..."

Jincheng Yingming was about to lie down, when he heard the question from the long-haired woman, his face darkened instantly.

"It's caused by a master at Kunlun Mountain in Xia Kingdom."

"Is there anyone else who can hurt the emperor?"

The long-haired woman asked with a look of astonishment.

"Of course, I'm not the most powerful person. However, there are only a few people in Xia Kingdom. These people are usually in the mountains. In places like cities, no one of them can deal with me."

Jin Chengying said coldly, and then put the long-haired woman down on the leveled car seat.

The long-haired woman also hugged Hideaki Jincheng tightly, and fought in this small space.

The Wang family's ancient house, on the driveway outside the backyard.

Qin Feng was sitting in the back of an off-road vehicle, listening to Baihu's report.

"Sir, Lu Yaohong and the others are back."

After a while, three off-road vehicles and a black van drove towards this side.

As the car stopped, Lu Yaohong and the others all got out of the car, and Jiang Xue and the others were also brought down.

"Sir, someone brought it here."

Lu Yaohong walked to Qin Feng's off-road vehicle, and gave Qin Feng his hands.

Then, he turned around and waved to the strong men in white.

The strong men in white detained Jiang Xue and the others side by side beside Qin Feng's off-road vehicle.

"You are from the Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara team, right? Your old Avalokitesvara has sent someone to contact me just now, and she will come over."

Qin Feng said lightly.

"Who the hell are you?"

Jiang Xue asked coldly.

She used to be a spy before, but now looking at Qin Feng at such a close distance, she immediately felt that Qin Feng's aura was very strong, even more awe and urgency than when she saw the old Guanyin.

As for Qin Feng's identity, she only knew that Qin Feng was the son-in-law of the Yuan family, a small wealthy family in Donghai City, and she knew nothing about the rest.

For them, daily life is just a disguise, so she wondered if Qin Feng's identity as son-in-law was also a fake identity?

"Do you think you have the right to know who I am?"

Qin Feng asked in a cold voice.

Jiang Xue's pretty face froze, and she didn't dare to respond to Qin Feng's words, but continued to ask: "We have no hatred or hatred with you, what are you making people arrest us for?"

"Wei Lu is a member of your team, and you are stalking me around. Now you say that there is no hatred between us, who do you think will believe it?"

Qin Feng sneered.

"No. Weilu has long betrayed our Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara team, so she is no longer ours. As for us following you, it is actually more like following Weilu, because we want to know why she betrayed."

Jiang Xue quickly explained.

Qin Feng smiled lightly and didn't say anything, but his face was indifferent.

When Jiang Xue saw Qin Feng like this, she didn't dare to say anything for a moment.

half an hour.

Qin Feng said indifferently: "Since you are watching around, you must know that I killed Weilu. I want to tell you, let alone Weilu, even if you are a team, I want to kill Weilu. But in one thought."

Both Xuanshuang and Hongxia frowned, they felt that Qin Feng was bragging.

But Jiang Xue nodded her head: "Jiang Xue believes that it is possible as Mr. said. However, we really have no intention of going against Mr., so please forgive me."


Qin Feng shook his head slightly to Jiangxue: "I have no possibility here, so don't make a mistake."

Jiangxue wanted to say something, but she couldn't. She could only comfort herself, and wait for the old Guanyin to come and see what happens.

"This gentleman, where is our Fifth Senior Sister?"

Hongxia frowned and asked.

Qin Feng glanced at Hongxia, then waved to Baihu: "Bring their people here."

"Yes, sir."

Baihu nodded, then took out his cell phone and made a call: "Jiang Xiaoxie, bring me here."

Soon, Chi Yun was brought over.

"Senior Sister Jiangxue, why do you..."

When Chi Yun saw Jiang Xue and the others, she was astonished. She never thought that Jiang Xue and the others would be arrested.

(End of this chapter)

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