Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 412 No Offense 1

Chapter 412 No Offense

Jiang Xue and the others quickly hugged Chi Yun to check whether Chi Yun was injured.

"I am fine."

Chi Yun quickly waved her hand, and then checked Jiang Xue and the others to make sure that Jiang Xue and the others were not injured, so she also breathed a sigh of relief.

But regarding Jiang Xue and the others being arrested, Chi Yun was puzzled. After all, Jiang Xue and the others left by car, while she left on foot.

Jiang Xue shook her head slightly at Chi Yun, signaling Chi Yun not to ask these questions for the time being, "By the way, the old Guanyin will come here."

As soon as Chi Yun heard this, she subconsciously looked at Qin Feng. She didn't expect that this man forced the old Guanyin to come here in person.

This was the first time she had heard of such a situation.

No matter what happened in the past, Lao Guanyin was the kind of person who didn't show his face easily.

Qin Feng squinted his eyes and leaned against the headrest of the seat, as if he had fallen asleep.

"Sir, our people have found the trace of Iga Toshiro. Would you like to capture Iga Toshiro immediately?"

Bai Hu answered a phone call and quickly reported to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's eyes widened in an instant, and a sneer flashed across his handsome face.

"Capturing? No need. The matter of killing Iga Toshiro was handed over to Musashi Shion. Naturally, it was also captured by members of the Musashi family. Just let people keep an eye on it. Let's play a game of cat and mouse first, and let Iga Toshiro relax. Be vigilant, by the way, is Jin Chengying over here?"

"Jincheng Yingming is already on his way."

Baihu replied in a deep voice.

"Very good. When Hideaki Jincheng comes over, the remnants of Iga here will also show up, but in order to accidentally hurt innocent people, you should first notify the Wang family and let the Wang family prepare to help clear the periphery."

Qin Feng waved his hand to Baihu, looking calm and breezy.

Bai Hu nodded, but when the phone rang, he glanced at it and answered it immediately.

"Sir, something happened. The Wang family is surrounded by people. The leader is Wang Guoliang's younger brother, Wang Guoye."

Before Qin Feng could say anything, Qin Feng's cell phone rang, and he connected the call without looking at it.

Wang Xiujie's eager voice came from the other end of the phone: "Sir, my old uncle is crazy. He took people to my villa to surround him. He has already controlled my father. I want to ask you to guarantee Xinman's safety."

"Xin Man is fine, my people are watching. I'll transfer two people to your villa, Mr. Wang can't have any accidents at this time."

Qin Feng said lightly.

"Thank you sir."

Wang Xiujie quickly expressed his gratitude.

The phone hangs up.

Qin Feng also waved to Bai Hu immediately: "Let Zhang Yu'an and Cao Xiaochuan go."

Bai Hu nodded, then picked up the phone, and dialed the number with a solemn expression.

Qin Feng closed his eyes again and sat quietly.

Jiang Xue and the others heard the conversation between Qin Feng and Bai Hu, but they didn't dare to say anything.

After ten minutes.

A black van drove up.

As the car stopped, Ma Wanting, Zi Yan, Wang Bing and others got out of the car.

"Sir, old Guanyin and the others are here."

Bai Hu hurriedly reminded Qin Feng.

Qin Feng opened his eyes suddenly, then got out of the car, and looked at Ma Wanting who was coming.

"Sir, I'm sorry about Wei Lu's matter. But we don't intend to offend you, sir, so I hope you will let my disciples go."

Ma Wanting approached and looked at Qin Feng with a gloomy expression.

"No offense? Don't say such perfunctory words, because the Fan family has a grudge against me, and Wei Lu participated in the Fan family sent people to attack and kill me, so I killed Wei Lu. Do you have any objection?"

Qin Feng asked coldly.

"I have no objection. Logically speaking, Weilu has already left our team and is not considered one of us."

"But after all, she used to be a member of our team, and she also used our team's methods to gain Fan Mingcai's favor."

"So about this, I'm sorry. If you have to punish, sir, you can punish me, but I hope you let them go."

The old Guanyin begged quickly.

Originally, she was a little dismissive of Qin Feng, but after getting closer, she realized that Qin Feng's aura is very strong.

As the saying goes, old people are close to demons.In other words, the older a person is, the more shrewd he is like a monster. Of course, this is only limited to the old man who has always been scheming.

And she, as the old Guanyin, is naturally good at scheming, but now she finds that all of them have no effect.

Qin Feng was calm and wise, with a faint murderous aura all over his body.

She was in palpitations, if she accidentally provoked Qin Feng, people like her would be dead.

Because she also glanced at the people around Qin Feng, she could feel that these people were all masters.

People had to bow their heads under the eaves, not to mention Qin Feng had so many masters around him, how could she dare to be presumptuous again?

However, Wang Bing, who was standing on the left side of Old Avalokitesvara, snorted coldly: "I advise you to let them go, our Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara team is not easy to mess with."

When the old Guanyin heard it, his face darkened instantly, and he turned to Wang Bing angrily: "Presumptuous! Who approved your speech?"

"No, old Guanyin, I..."

Wang Bing laughed awkwardly, and only then remembered the old Guanyin's advice.

(End of this chapter)

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