Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 413 Chance of Survival Part 2

Chapter 413 The Second Chance of Survival
With a sudden sound, an eight-cut knife was placed on Wang Bing's neck, causing Wang Bing's expression to change instantly.

Lao Guanyin and Jiang Xue were all astonished, because Li Nian was so fast that he reached Wang Bing's side almost in the blink of an eye.

They believed that if Li Nian made a move, his throat would be sealed with a knife.

"I really don't know how the Thousand Hands Avalokitesvara team is, but I know that if I make a move, it will be easy to kill you instantly."

Qin Feng said lightly.

When Wang Bing met Qin Feng's eyes, his heart trembled instantly, because Qin Feng's eyes were like the eyes of a hungry wolf on the grassland, deep and cold, making people palpitate and frightened.

Suddenly, Wang Bing felt his tongue froze and couldn't speak a word.

"Sir, my nephew has always been outspoken, please forgive me, sir."

The old Guanyin quickly bowed to Qin Feng.

She also immediately pulled Wang Bing to bow and lower his head.

"I don't know how many of you shady teams I have to kill in a year. I also slaughtered the millions of soldiers on Feizhou in one night."

"The members of your team committed crimes, and I arrested you to give you face, not to let you show off your might in front of me."

"Of course, if you really want to die, I don't mind giving you a ride. After all, I also sent away the killer team invited by the Fan family just now."

Qin Feng said sharply with a cold face.

He really didn't pay attention to the mere Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara team.

People don't attack me, I don't attack people, but if people attack me, I will attack them, but it's just five steps of blood spattering here, and a few lives are buried.

Not to mention the insignificant human life.

Old Guanyin and the others were all stunned, Qin Feng's murderous aura made them all hold their breath.

Wang Bing was trembling all over. He was worried that Qin Feng would really kill him, not to mention that Li Nian's Eight Cutting Saber was still on his neck.

"Yes, what sir taught me. I beg sir to give us a chance to live."

The old Guanyin came back to his senses, and begged quickly.

"If you like to watch the sentry, then let me take charge of the periphery. Tonight, Emperor Wu of Dongsang Kingdom Jincheng Hideaki will come, and my people will clean up Jincheng Hideaki, but the Iga ninja will never escape from Xitang, so you take Down is the eyeliner."

Qin Feng ordered this coldly, then glanced at the old Guanyin and the others, and continued to sternly say: "If you find that there are Iga ninjas who have escaped from Xitang, and your report is not in line, you will lose your life."

"Emperor Wu..."

The old Guanyin's face changed in shock. She never expected that Qin Feng would plan to deal with Emperor Wu of Dongsang Kingdom. This matter was simply beyond her imagination.

Even King Wu, she finds it difficult to deal with, let alone Emperor Wu, and Iga ninjas are always cruel, can Qin Feng deal with this Emperor Wu level ninja?
Jiang Xue and the others were all pretty shocked.

Wang Bing trembled even more, because he felt that Qin Feng's eyes were very firm when he said that he was wise to clean up Jincheng.

Qin Feng wasn't even afraid of Emperor Wu, so it would be an instant kill to deal with him, because he didn't have much strength.

"But sir, we are short of manpower. Xitang is so big, how can we ensure that the Iga ninjas don't escape?"

Jiang Xue frowned and asked, after all, they only had so few people, even if they found that the Iga ninja had escaped, they would not be able to stop them.

"Jiangxue! Back off!"

Old Guanyin shouted sharply.

"Yes, old Guanyin."

Jiang Xue nodded, and backed away with a pretty face.

"The manpower situation depends on how you arrange it. Once Jincheng Yingming comes over, my people can lock their number, and the scope is naturally not a problem. The key is whether you will complete the task with your heart when it is assigned."

Qin Feng sneered and glanced at Jiangxue.

"Sir, don't worry, we will definitely obey your orders."

Old Avalokitesvara hurriedly bowed her hand, but she thought of the Iga family, and she immediately told the story of the Iga family's desire to invite her.

"Iga Toshiro actually invited you to steal my dragon and phoenix painting of the First Emperor, he is really looking for death."

"If you really go there, then you are dead, because my villa naturally has many masters."

"As for Toshiro Iga, we won't let him see the sun tomorrow. Now we are delaying because I want to catch them all."

Qin Feng explained with a sneer, his demeanor was impressive.

Old Avalokitesvara's expression froze, because she didn't expect that Qin Feng would try to catch all the Iga ninjas of the Iga family here, and this aura shocked her.

Because in the past, whenever they encountered Iga ninjas, they would choose patience, but they never thought that Qin Feng would choose toughness.

It's not that no one in Xia Kingdom has the strength and toughness, but few people have such courage. After all, they can kill snakes and kill seven inches, or even kill nine clans, otherwise they will be born again.

But Mr. Qin Feng erased the influence of the Iga family on the side of Xia, not only being tough, but also provoking the Iga family on the side of Dongsang.

What kind of confidence did Qin Feng have to make such a choice?

(End of this chapter)

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