Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 415 The Royal Family Crisis 4

Chapter 415 The Fourth Change of the Wang Family Crisis
Zi Yan was not polite, and stabbed several times in a row, then glanced at Ma Wanting, and then took a few steps back.

Fan Mingcai watched blood gushing from his abdomen, and he also felt a burst of blood rushing up his throat instantly, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Why, why..."

Fan Mingcai wanted to ask something, but he couldn't say anything, and died instantly.

"Wang Bing, take care of the corpse. Jiangxue leads people to follow the Iga Ninja, and Ziyan is waiting for me at Qionglou Yuyu Inn."

As soon as Ma Wanting turned around, she strode out.

Jiang Xue and the others immediately followed.

Wang Bing untied Fan Mingcai's body from the pillar, carried the body on his back, and chased him out of the backyard.

At a corner, Lu Yaohong looked at Ma Wanting and his party, and he immediately dialed Qin Feng's number.

"Sir, they killed Fan Mingcai and are leaving now."

"I see. You follow the old Guanyin and report her whereabouts to Xuanwu in time. In addition, report the killing of Fan Mingcai to Zhou Qinya."

Qin Feng on the other end of the phone said sharply.

"Yes, sir."

Lu Yaohong quickly responded, hung up the phone, and immediately found out Zhou Qinya's phone number.

On the driveway at the entrance of the backyard, Ma Wanting got into the driver's seat directly, but she rolled down the window because she saw Jiang Xue and the others chasing them out.

"Don't follow me, just follow what I said, Qin Feng's people are still watching us, if we don't handle his affairs well this time, I'm afraid we will really fall."

The old Guanyin said in a low voice.

"Old Guanyin, why don't we just escape from Xitang?"

Hongxia frowned and asked.

"You think I don't want to, but Qin Feng can find so many masters, how can you guarantee that he didn't ambush masters at those intersections?"

Old Guanyin glared at Hongxia angrily, escape?If only it was that easy, she believes Qin Feng is not that simple.

Hongxia's pretty face froze instantly, and she quickly backed away.

"Old Avalokitesvara, don't worry, we will definitely follow your instructions. And I think that Qin Feng really doesn't intend to kill us."

Jiang Xue nodded.

"In short, if you don't have my order, then don't mess around, otherwise, I won't be able to protect you this time. Moreover, you have heard that Qin Feng only sent two people to the Wang's villa, but you know that the kingdom How many people did Ye send to surround Wang's villa?"

Jiang Xue and the others all shook their heads.

"At least 300 people, because Wang Guoye wants to snatch the equity of Xitang Wang Group. But why do you think Qin Feng just sent two people there? Do you think Qin Feng wants to watch Wang Guoliang die?"

Old Guanyin gritted his teeth and said.

She didn't know the relationship between Qin Feng and Wang Guoliang, but she knew that since Qin Feng sent someone to rescue Wang Guoliang, he would definitely not let Wang Guoliang die.

Moreover, the person sent here is definitely not an ordinary bodyguard, but must be a master, maybe even a peerless master.

Jiang Xue and the others were all embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

Old Guanyin didn't say anything more, waved to Jiang Xue and the others, and then drove away.


Jiang Xue and the others also left immediately.

Wang Bing came out with the corpse, and hurriedly loaded into a black van left behind, and drove away in a hurry.

at this time.

Royal Villa.

In the luxurious and exquisite hall, Wang Guoliang watched his younger brother Wang Guoye barge in with someone.

Wang Guoliang is of medium stature and thin, while Wang Guoye is just the opposite, taller and somewhat puffy.

After Wang Guoye came in, he angrily scolded Wang Guoliang, trying to coerce Wang Guoliang to sign and seal, but he was shocked when he received a call from Ma Wanting.

Because he had never heard Ma Wanting's panic-stricken voice before, what happened?
Wang Guoliang also received a call from his son Wang Xiujie.

"Don't worry about me, what does your husband say? Is Xinman okay?"

"Dad, don't worry. Xinman is fine. This is my husband's guarantee, and my husband also said that he will send two people to our villa. You drag the old man first and wait for the man."

Wang Xiujie on the other end of the phone quickly reminded.

"I see. Take care of yourself."

Wang Guoliang nodded, then hung up the phone.

Looking up at Wang Guoye again, he didn't know what to say, because he didn't expect that Wang Guoye would spy on his group.

But now, he is protected by more than a dozen bodyguards, and his life is not safe yet.

In fact, if Qin Feng hadn't been here, perhaps he had already surrendered to Wang Guoye.

"Wang Guoliang, you advise you to hand over the group as soon as possible. I already belong to this group."

Wang Guoye put down his phone, looked at Wang Guoliang coldly, and said sharply.

"The group has always been run by me, where did you come from? Wang Guoye, in your conscience, am I not good enough for you? Are you going to rob me of my property like this?"

Wang Guoliang sneered and shook his head at Wang Guoye.

"What is your property? It is all left by the ancestors, and I have a share of it."

Wang Guoye roared sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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