Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 416 Not Yours 5 More

Chapter 416 Not Your Fifth Watch
"Of course you have a share in the things left by your ancestors. No one can deprive you of your things. When the family property was divided, your things were naturally distributed to you."

"But the group is my painstaking effort, not yours. Your own share has already been wiped out. Now that you spy on my group, I have no obligation to hand it over to others."

"You brought so many people to surround me, and you made it clear that you don't regard me as a brother, right?"

Wang Guoliang squinted at Wang Guoye, shook his head, and looked extremely dignified.

Wang Guoye gritted his teeth, his face darkened, and he did not refute Wang Guoliang's words, because he was trying to snatch the equity of Xitang Wang Group.

When Wang Guoliang saw that Wang Guoye didn't do anything for a long time, he was also a little puzzled, what's going on?Did my younger brother know about Emperor Qin Feng's coming?

But he thought it was impossible, because Qin Feng's identity as the emperor's teacher had never been revealed, and he had never talked to Wang Guoye, so it was impossible for Wang Guoye to know.

So Wang Guoliang guessed that Wang Guoye should be waiting for someone.

Just as he was guessing, a middle-aged man in white exercise clothes beside Wang Guoliang answered a phone call.

Afterwards, the middle-aged man quickly bowed his head to Wang Guoliang and said, "Old Wang, Mr. Qin Feng's people are here."

When Wang Guoliang heard this, he was overjoyed immediately, because Qin Feng had sent someone to rescue him.

And Wang Guoye also received the news.

"Second Master, there are two strong men in white clothes who want to come in, and they say they are looking for Wang Guoliang."

"Looking for Wang Guoliang? The trick is that my nephew is looking for someone, let them in! Hmph, anyway, none of them can escape tonight."

Wang Guoye nodded, and then waved to a crew-cut confidant beside him.

The flat-headed confidant immediately turned around and waved to a strong man in black: "Let them in."

Soon, two strong men in white came in, it was Zhang Yu'an and Cao Xiaochuan arranged by Qin Feng.

When Wang Guoliang saw Zhang Yu'an and Cao Xiaochuan, he quickly nodded to them.

"Wang Guoliang, it's useless for you to find anyone. I advise you to transfer the Xitang Wang Group to me obediently. This will be a good thing for you."

Wang Guoye snorted coldly.

"If my guess is correct, you should have reached an agreement with the people of Dongsang, right? Don't think that I can't get your details."

Wang Guoliang smiled lightly, his eyes full of disdain.

"Don't worry about my help. In short, you want to save your life, your son and daughter-in-law, and your precious granddaughter."

The corners of Wang Guoye's mouth curled up, and a ruthless look flashed across his eyes.


Wang Guoliang didn't expect that Wang Guoye would threaten his son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. This is simply shameless.

"Old Wang, please rest assured that your son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter are all safe. Our husband said that he will do his best to solve the crisis of the Wang family for you."

Zhang Yuan bowed his head to Wang Guoliang.

Wang Guoliang's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he sighed, "I've troubled Mr., it's just a trivial matter."

"Mr. said, family affairs, state affairs, world affairs! It is related to our Xia Kingdom culture, Xitang cultural relics cannot be destroyed or desecrated, so if you have any crisis, he can clean it up for you."

Zhang Tianan said in a deep voice.

"Good boy! Wang Guoliang, where did you invite him to act and brag in front of me? It's also related to the culture of Xia Kingdom. Can he control so much?"

Wang Guoye said suspiciously.

"I don't need to worry about whether you can manage it. Since the husband has already spoken, I can give you a warning here. Enough is enough, otherwise, you will be miserable."

Wang Guoliang sighed, admonishing in a low voice.

"Ridiculous! Is it because you have more people, or because I have more people?"

Wang Guoye snorted softly.

"A lot of people? If you want to outnumber people, I'll make a random call and you'll have more people than you. I just don't want to implicate so many irrelevant innocent people."

Wang Guoliang reversed his previous nervousness and said in a cold voice.

Wang Guoye saw it, gritted his teeth, and then waved to the men in black beside him.

The men in black got the order, waved their daggers, and rushed towards Wang Guoliang and the others.

Zhang Yu'an and Cao Xiaochuan looked at each other, then swung their daggers and rushed towards the men in black.

In an instant, the entire hall was in chaos.

But to the astonishment of the men in black, both Zhang Yu'an and Cao Xiaochuan made amazing moves, especially Zhang Yu'an, with a pair of tridents that were extremely fast.

Although the men in black continued to push forward, they were all sent flying by Zhang Yu'an and Cao Xiaochuan.

Then there was a wailing sound in the hall.

Wang Guoliang's royal bodyguards were all stunned. They suddenly understood why Qin Feng only sent two people over.

The men in black retreated one after another, not daring to step forward.


Wang Guoye was furious, he didn't expect Zhang Yu'an and Cao Xiaochuan to be so powerful, and immediately regretted letting them in.

"Second Master, there is an old lady outside who calls herself Ma Wanting and asks to see you immediately, do you want to let me in?"

The flat-headed confidant quickly reported to Wang Guoye.

(End of this chapter)

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