Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 418 You Can't Take It 2 ​​More

Chapter 418 You Can't Take The Second Watch
Facing Long Feng's fierce and domineering attack, Cao Xiaochuan waved his dagger and kept retreating.

"Hmph! No matter who you are, if you meet me, Long Feng, you are unlucky."

Long Feng said arrogantly.

Cao Xiaochuan took a few steps back, then sneered, raised his head, raised his left index finger, and shook Long Feng.

Long Feng frowned, his face darkened, because he didn't expect Cao Xiaochuan to think that he was not good enough.

"Boy, do you dare to underestimate me? I'll let you know what courting death is."

After the words fell, Long Feng swung his double daggers again, and struck Cao Xiaochuan's deadly point swiftly and violently.

However, this time Cao Xiaochuan didn't flinch, nor did he show any fear, but his attack was not inferior to Long Feng's.

the other side.

Zhang Yu'an was entangled by Liang Musheng.

Liang Musheng waved a sharp knife, as if the sharp knife was stuck to his hand, as the figure swayed, he kept slashing at Zhang Yu'an with the sharp knife.

Faced with Liang Musheng's superb saber technique, Zhang Yu'an was immediately shocked to retreat.

The men in black didn't dare to approach at all, because they couldn't see Liang Musheng and Zhang Yu'an's duel, so they immediately aimed at Wang Guoliang's bodyguards.

The bodyguards of the Wang family immediately surrounded Wang Guoliang in a circle.

"Surrender, I can spare you from dying."

Liang Musheng said coldly, his face was full of arrogance, and his strike was still as fast as thunder, and he struck Zhang Yu'an in the blink of an eye.

"You are not my opponent."

Zhang Yu'an said suddenly.

A pair of tridents were swung by him, and they blocked Liang Musheng's sharp knife with perfect precision.

Liang Musheng's face changed slightly, and his eyes flickered a little, because he could sense the powerful force coming from Zhang Yu'an.

"Your strength..."

Liang Musheng never imagined that Zhang Yu'an's strength was not inferior to his.

Zhang Yu'an didn't make a sound, but the speed of swinging the trident was very fast, especially when two tridents were struck out, one trident resisted the sharp knife, but the other trident pierced Liang Musheng's left abdomen.

Liang Musheng quickly dodged to his right, but because the sharp knife was caught by a trident, he had to pull the sharp knife back.

However, Zhang Yu'an's agile movements and accurate predictions immediately blocked Liang Musheng's escape route.

Liang Musheng turned to the left, Zhang Yu'an turned to the left, Liang Musheng turned to the right, Zhang Yu'an turned to the right, and the double tridents he swung hit Liang Musheng's body continuously.

"Impossible! How can you be so much faster than me?"

Liang Musheng's face changed in surprise, because he could clearly feel that Zhang Yu'an was not only agile, but seemed to be faster than him.


If he was slower than Zhang Yu'an, it would be easy to lose the wind, so he immediately speeded up.

Wang Guoliang, who was surrounded by the bodyguards of the Wang family, couldn't see Zhang Yu'an's attack clearly, but he felt at ease.

Because from the beginning to the end, Zhang Yu'an shot very calmly, without the slightest hint of impatience.

And the duel was so fast, perhaps fifty strokes had already passed, but he didn't see Zhang Yu'an get injured or fall to the ground.

He could even feel that when the bodyguards on his side looked at Zhang Yu'an, there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

"Wang Guoliang, you should surrender quickly. As long as you sign the contract for transferring the shares, I can spare your bodyguards from dying."

Wang Guoye yelled at Wang Guoliang.

"Surrender? Do you think my bodyguards are people who are greedy for life and afraid of death? Then you are wrong. They are all bodyguards who are not afraid of death. Besides, you think your people will be able to deal with my people?"

Wang Guoliang chuckled and looked at Wang Guoye calmly.

"Aren't you afraid of death? There are only a few people on your side. Not afraid of death doesn't mean you won't die. Hurry up and sign the contract. I'll take what I want, and you can continue to enjoy yourself here."

Wang Guoye sneered, this time he was determined to win, and he also believed that Liang Musheng could win Zhang Yu'an.

"Like I said, it's not yours. Since it's not yours, then you can't take it away. What's more, the master sent these two masters over, and I won't give it up to you. Don't try to sell it to the people of Dongsang."

Wang Guoliang roared sharply.

"I can't take it away? You think I'm afraid of these two men in white, let me tell you..."

Wang Guoye immediately refuted Wang Guoliang, but in the middle of speaking, he was stunned for an instant, because Zhang Yu'an actually knocked the sharp knife in Liang Musheng's hand into the air.

Together with Liang Musheng, they all fell backwards.

The two men in black had their backs to Liang Musheng and didn't see Liang Musheng flying to this side, so they were thrown to the ground by Liang Musheng.


Liang Musheng spat out a mouthful of blood, he didn't get up immediately, but he raised his head, and looked at Zhang Yu'an in amazement.

"Who are you? Your cultivation level is not inferior to mine at all. Why didn't I know that there are experts like you in Dongjiang City?"

Liang Musheng asked sharply.

On the other side, Long Feng was slashed in the heart by Cao Xiaochuan, and his whole body fell against the snow-white wall.

(End of this chapter)

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