Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 419 Honestly Confess Part 3

Chapter 419
The audience was amazed.

At first everyone thought that Cao Xiaochuan was unable to defeat Longfeng, because it seemed that Cao Xiaochuan was clearly at a disadvantage, but unexpectedly, it was Longfeng who lost.

Long Feng hit the wall, then fell to the ground, and then spit out a mouthful of black blood with a puff.

And the men in black couldn't take down Wang Guoliang's bodyguards.

"How did this happen? Get up, get up quickly and kill them for me!"

Unwilling to fail, Wang Guoye hastily yelled at Liang Musheng.

Liang Musheng got up, but his eyes were still tinged with astonishment, and he was staring at Zhang Yu'an intently.

Zhang Yu'an waved a pair of tridents in his hands, and said coldly: "I told you, you are not my opponent."

"Come again!"

Liang Musheng spat angrily, then waved his hands, snatched two sharp knives from the hands of the two men in black, and continued to rush towards Zhang Yu'an.

Zhang Yu'an brandished a pair of tridents, and charged forward fiercely, his momentum was like a rainbow, and his whole body was full of murderous aura.

Like a sharp arrow, the trident knocked away Liang Musheng's sharp knife, and then swiftly struck Liang Musheng's body.

Because of this, Liang Musheng didn't dare to slack off, and he could only move faster, the two sharp knives were twice as fast as he had been exercising at any time.

It's a pity that Liang Musheng's speed is still slow in Zhang Yu'an's place, two sharp knives seem to be no faster than two tridents.

Everyone thought that Liang Musheng's swing of the two sharp knives should have knocked Zhang Yu'an back.

On the contrary, Liang Musheng, who was holding two sharp knives, was retreating steadily. With a careless move, the sharp knife in his left hand was knocked into the air by the trident in Zhang Yu'an's right hand.

Liang Musheng didn't dare to hesitate, he quickly lowered the sharp knife in his right hand, and slashed across from the abdomen.

But Zhang Yu'an was faster, the trident in his left hand resisted the sharp knife, the trident in his right hand suddenly turned, and the handle of the trident struck Liang Musheng's heart.

Liang Musheng was knocked into the air, and the sharp knife in his right hand was also thrown out.

The sharp knife was thrown at the crotch of a black-clothed man who was lying on the ground, and the black-clothed man was so frightened that he urinated instantly and trembled all over.

There was a tear in the crotch, but in fact, the lower body of the man in black was not hit by Liang Musheng's sharp knife.

As for Liang Musheng, he flew backwards and fell to the ground.

This time, Liang Musheng didn't get up, because he didn't have the strength to get up either, the pain in his heart made his face change suddenly, and then he spurted out a mouthful of blood again.

The men in black were astonished. Who the hell is this piece of Yu'an?How can it be so powerful?
In an instant, the men in black retreated one after another.

"Wang Guoye, tell me the truth, what Dongsang people have you reached an agreement with?"

Wang Guoliang saw that Zhang Yu'an was like a god of war, and Cao Xiaochuan was also very skilled, so he immediately shouted at Wang Guoye.

Wang Guoye didn't say a word for a while, and even wanted to turn around and run away. Since he couldn't win, it's okay to run away, right?

"Second Master Wang, you can't escape like this, you'd better tell the truth."

Ma Wanting, who had been silent all this time, also suddenly said sharply.

Wang Guoye paused, turned to look at Ma Wanting, but found that Ma Wanting was staring at Zhang Yu'an, and he immediately turned to look at Zhang Yu'an.

"Sir, I'm afraid you have a lot of connections. If you believe me, you can still save your life. Hurry up and tell me who you are from Dongsang."

Ma Wanting said in a deep voice.

"It's Tomoki Yamamoto from the Yamamoto Foundation in the Tosang Country."

Wang Guoye gritted his teeth.

Zhang Yu'an immediately made a call.

Afterwards, he immediately turned to Wang Guoliang and said, "Old Wang, sir, you will have the result in 15 minutes."

"Seven minutes?"

Before Wang Guoliang could speak, Wang Guoye frowned and asked.

But Zhang Yu'an did not respond to Wang Guoye.

Wang Guoye's face was full of embarrassment, but he didn't dare to say anything, he just stayed honest.

15 minute later.

Zhang Yu'an answered a phone call, then bowed his head to Wang Guoliang and said, "Old Wang, the matter has been clarified. Yamamoto Tomoki is a section manager of the Yamamoto Foundation."

"In order to compete with the Miyata family for performance, he learned that the eldest daughter of the Miyata family, Miyata Kimiko, had a relationship with your grandson Wang Xinman, so he tried to get someone to take down the Xitang Wang Group."

"Now, Tomoki Yamamoto has been killed by members of the Musashi family, and the Yamamoto consortium has also apologized for this matter, and will not target the Wang family again."

Wang Guoliang nodded after hearing this, and then looked at Wang Guoye with a solemn expression.

"Now, your backer is gone."

Wang Guoye's forehead was covered with black lines, and he clenched his teeth. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it, but his body was already shaking.

He quickly took out his cell phone and made a call.

But soon, it was confirmed by phone that Tomoki Yamamoto died in a car accident.

If Wang Guoliang had someone kill him at this time, then he would die.

Ma Wanting looked at Zhang Yu'an in shock, her body was also trembling.

Because she never thought that Qin Feng would send someone to kill Yamamoto Tomoki.

In just 15 minutes, the situation has changed. Qin Feng's connections are amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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