Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 420 How Do I Think 4 More

Chapter 420
"Wang Guoliang, what do you want?"

Wang Guoye asked tremblingly. At this moment, he no longer had the arrogance he had before.

I thought I could easily force my elder brother to sign a contract and take the equity, but I didn't expect that he would die so quickly.

He was also very curious, who did his elder brother know?

The men in black heard that Wang Guoye had lost his backer, but they retreated together.

Because they knew that none of them was Zhang Yuan's opponent.

Confronting a peerless master like Zhang Yu'an is a dead end.

No one is willing to die. It was to get money before, but after seeing the reality clearly, they were all persuaded.

"What do I want? I just want to guard the foundation of my ancestors. You are the one who wants to do something. You bring so many people to your door. You are going to kill me. Now you ask me what I want. How should I answer you?"

Wang Guoliang yelled sharply, his old face was extremely excited, and his eyes were sharp as arrows looking at Wang Guoye.

Wang Guoye was stunned, a trace of guilt flashed across his face.

Then, Wang Guoye gritted his teeth and knelt down facing Wang Guoliang.

"Brother, I was wrong. Punish me however you want. Please, let my son's family go."

At this time, Wang Guoye was also afraid. With Wang Guoliang's contacts and financial resources, if he and his son's family were shot, it would be dead.

"You are my own younger brother. I never thought of dealing with you. If you are in trouble, I will help you as soon as possible. However, for the sake of the Dongsang people, you brought people to threaten me."

Wang Guoliang gritted his teeth and roared.

Afterwards, he made a gesture to Zhang Yu'an, "Abandon his hands. Knowing that it can't be done, it's extremely stupid. It's shameful to snatch our ancient culture to please the people of Dongsang. What's the point of keeping your hands and not serving the country?" use?"

"Brother, don't! Please! Don't!"

Wang Guoye hurriedly said in horror.

But Zhang Yuan rushed over with a stride, his pair of tridents had already been put away, and he stepped on the two sharp knives on the floor with both feet.

The two sharp knives bounced, and he caught them accurately immediately, then swung the sharp knives and slashed at Wang Guoye.

Wang Guoye quickly got up, trying to turn around and escape.

Zhang Yu'an's face was cold, and the sharp knife in his hand almost became an afterimage, and it was drawn towards Wang Guoye's arms in an instant.

Because it was too fast, everyone didn't see clearly at all. When they saw Zhang Yu'an stop, they saw Wang Guoye's hands were chopped off.

Blood splattered!

Hands down!

Wang Guoye wailed, and immediately fell to the ground.

Wang Guoliang waved to the middle-aged man beside him: "Bandage him immediately, send someone to take him to the hospital, and give me 24-hour guard."

The men in black knelt on the ground and begged Zhang Yu'an for mercy.

"It's useless for you to beg me, please beg Mr. Wang, if Mr. Wang forgives you, then you can all be safe."

Zhang Yu'an said coldly.

When the men in black heard this, they knelt down to Wang Guoliang and begged Wang Guoliang for mercy.

Wang Guoliang didn't say anything immediately, for a moment, he really wanted to kill these people, so that one day these people would come back with Wang Guoye.

"Old Wang, I am willing to submit to you."

Liang Musheng didn't know when he got up, knelt down to Wang Guoliang, and shouted.

"If you are dedicated to the country and never do anything that will harm the country and the people in the future, I am willing to keep you."

Wang Guoliang snorted coldly.

"I am willing to obey the teachings of Mr. Wang."

Liang Musheng nodded quickly.

When the men in black saw it, they also shouted Liang Musheng's words.

However, Wang Guoliang turned his head to look at Zhang Yu'an, frowned and asked, "Is there anything else I can do to help you, sir? Or, send some people from my side?"

"No need, Mr. Wang. These people can deal with ordinary people. The people who came to sneak attack on the side of the sir are Junin, King Wu and Emperor Wu. They can't deal with them."

Zhang Yu'an shook his head at Wang Guoliang, and replied in a deep voice.

"In that case, you should go back and support Mister. After all, the problem on my side has been solved, Mister needs you."

Wang Guoliang quickly waved his hand to Zhang Yu'an. After all, Zhang Yu'an is so strong, so he can protect Qin Feng better.

"Sir asked me to stay here. If the situation changes, I can protect Mr. Wang's safety, so I can't leave."

Zhang Yu'an still shook his head at Wang Guoliang, and said firmly.

"But on my side..."

Wang Guoliang wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a voice.

"Old man, another group of people has come outside, and the leader seems to be your nephew Wang Xiuyang."

A royal bodyguard hurriedly reported to Wang Guoliang.

"Wang Xiuyang? Does he also want to come and make trouble?"

Wang Guoliang's face darkened, and he waved to the middle-aged man beside him, and ordered: "Wang Xiangrong, take everyone out to stop them, and I won't go out."

Wang Xiangrong is the housekeeper of Wang's villa, he was a little surprised when he heard Wang Guoliang's words, because he thought Wang Guoliang was going out to teach Wang Xiuyang a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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