Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 422 Stage Trouble 1 Thanks to all readers who supported me

Chapter 422 Stage Trouble [-] Thank you to all readers who supported me
"Presumptuous! You want to court death, don't you?"

Wang Xinman stepped forward and yelled at Wen Chaoyang.

"Xinman, what's going on?"

Seeing something was wrong, Musashi Shion asked hastily.

"His gesture is treating us as singing girls, and he wants us to accompany this young master."

Wang Xinman quickly explained.


Wen Chaoyang chuckled, glanced obscenely at Wang Xinman, and salivated instantly, "So they are from Xitang. It is your honor to let you accompany our young master."

Accompany the young master?

Yuan Zihan and the others all had gloomy expressions.

"Get out of here immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Wang Xinman scolded softly, she was very angry just now, after all, the villa at home was surrounded by people, and she couldn't help anything.

This bald man actually delusionally wants them to accompany some young master.

Simply shameless.

But the bald man's mouth curled up, his chin lifted, and he said arrogantly: "You're not polite? How can you be so rude?"

"Wen Chaoyang, who told you to talk to the fairy like this?"

Behind the bald man, the young man stepped forward, with fluffy hair, looked at Wang Xinman with wide eyes, and smiled.

"This fairy, my name is Li Junjie, I just came back to Xitang from abroad today. I wonder if I can meet you?"

As he spoke, his eyes immediately turned to Yuan Zihan.

Yuan Zihan didn't wear a mask because he thought there were few people when he came to the ancient stage.

Sensing Li Junjie looking over, Yuan Zihan also turned around immediately.

This made Li Junjie even more excited.

"This woman is like a celestial being. She is so beautiful. I can feel it just by looking at her. If I can sleep once..."

Shion Musashi and Kimiko Miyata looked at each other, and they immediately stepped forward to block Yuan Zihan.

"You are not qualified to know us! Take your people away immediately before I get angry!"

Wang Xinman also scolded Li Junjie softly.

When Li Junjie heard this, his brows frowned instantly. He always wanted the wind to win the wind, and the rain to win the rain. When has he been scolded like this?
"You fairy, what do you mean? Aren't you just actors on the stage, how dare you speak like that to my young master?"

Wen Chaoyang shouted sharply.


Wang Xinman was so angry that she treated them as singing girls for a while, and actors for a while, what is this?
"Ji Xueling! Slap him."

Wang Xinman waved to a tall woman with ball head.

This ball-headed woman is Wang Xinman's female bodyguard, Ji Xueling, tall and slender, wearing a black combat uniform.

She immediately stepped forward and slapped Wen Chaoyang with a slap.

Wen Chaoyang was instantly sent flying and fell to the ground.

"My people also dare to fight?"

Li Junjie looked gloomy, and waved to the group of bodyguards in black suits behind him.

"Go! Catch them for me."


A voice came over suddenly.

Li Junjie turned his head to look, and then saw a medium-height young man with a straight cut came in, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Bo Shao, what do you mean?"

The young man with a flat-inch head is called He Jianbo, known as Bo Shao, and he is the son of the Jiangnan Group.

In fact, Li Junjie didn't just come back from abroad today, but came back to Xitang three months ago, but because of the disturbance, he left Xitang for another three months.

Three days ago, Li Junjie returned to Xitang and received an assignment from his family's Tiantang Group to discuss business cooperation with Jiangnan Group, but was rejected by He Jianbo.

I heard that He Jianbo will play the stage here tonight, so Li Junjie brought people here tonight, planning to make a scene.

He Jianbo walked over, but bowed to Wang Xinman and said, "I'm sorry, everyone, this time it happened because of me. Li Junjie came here on purpose to make trouble for me, but I didn't expect that I would drag you down."

With that said, He Jianbo turned around to look at Li Junjie again, and said sharply: "Li Junjie, take your people and leave here immediately, otherwise, it will make things worse and everyone will be bad."

"Threat me? The actor here beat me up, and you let me go now? How can it be so easy? Unless, you let them all sleep with me for one night!"

Li Junjie chuckled, and glanced obscenely at Yuan Zihan and the others.

"Li Junjie, you are enough! They are not actors from our ancient stage. I am not qualified to order them to do anything, and you cannot slander them. You are not welcome here, please leave here immediately."

He Jianbo roared sharply.

"What if I don't leave? He Jianbo, don't think I'm afraid of you. Even if I don't cooperate with your Jiangnan Group, my Tiantang Group can still swallow the market here."

Li Junjie snorted coldly, and looked at He Jianbo with disdain.

"I don't have time to discuss any business with you now, please leave here immediately."

He Jianbo looked at Li Junjie coldly, and gestured to Li Junjie to leave.

Li Junjie instantly kicked He Jianbo like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

(End of this chapter)

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