Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 423 Tian Tang Group 2 Thank you all readers for your support

Chapter 423 Tiantang Group Second Update Thank you all readers for your support
When He Jianbo saw it, he quickly stepped aside, and his expression darkened instantly, because he didn't expect that Li Junjie would dare to kick him.

Huan Wei rushed over, and kicked Li Junjie with a backspin, kicking Li Junjie to the ground.

The bodyguards in black suits were all shocked, and they rushed towards Huan Wei immediately.


Musashi Shion and the others also waved to the female bodyguards beside them.

Although there was only one female bodyguard, including Huan Wei, there were four female bodyguards.

Musashi Ziyuan pulled Wang Xinman back.

Miyata Kimiko also hurriedly backed Yuan Zihan.

Li Junjie fell to the ground, looking embarrassed.

He raised his head, looked at the bodyguards in black suits, and yelled, "Take them down! Take them all down for me!"

"Li Junjie! Are you fucking crazy?"

He Jianbo's face changed in surprise. He had already seen that these people were definitely not simple, and he also suddenly felt that Wang Xinman looked familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Seeing the bodyguards of Li's family rushing towards Yuan Zihan and the others crazily, and even someone rushing towards him, he was instantly enraged and waved to his two personal bodyguards.

Two personal bodyguards had already rushed over.

Just now they were dumbfounded by looking at Yuan Zihan, but now they thought of protecting He Jianbo, they immediately stepped forward to confront the immediate bodyguards.

Li Junjie got up, and laughed loudly: "Tonight you are all my actors! Hmph! Against me, I am the young master of the Li family."

"You are weak!"

He Jianbo spat angrily at Li Junjie.

"He Jianbo, just wait, my bodyguards are very skilled, they must..."

Li Junjie sneered, but he stopped talking in the middle of the sentence, because he heard footsteps.

Turning his head to look, he saw a group of people rushing towards him swiftly, led by three women.

It was Shi Qimeng and the three of them, followed by the strong man in white and Musashi Ziyuan.

Shi Qimeng rushed in, swept his legs with one move, and threw Li Junjie to the ground.

The others also stepped forward in an instant, controlling the bodyguards of the Li family.

When He Jianbo saw these people coming in, his moves were as fast as lightning, and he was shocked in an instant: "That's amazing."

As if in the blink of an eye, these bodyguards of the Li family were all laid down on the ground and controlled.

Li Junjie was very annoyed when Shi Qimeng clasped his hands behind his back, but he was also shocked when he saw his bodyguards were taken away all at once.

"Who are you guys? I advise you to let me go immediately, otherwise, my Li family will never let you go."

Arrogant tone!

People are struggling!

But because he was pressed to the ground by Shi Qimeng and stepped on his back, he couldn't break free at all.

Wang Xinman's delicate body trembled with anger, she quickly picked up her mobile phone and made a call.

"Hao Wenjing, please find out for me immediately, what kind of group Tiantang Group is, what is the relationship with Xitang, and whether there is any cooperation between Tiantang Group and my family group."

"Yes, Miss."

A young woman's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Putting down the phone, Wang Xinman looked at Li Junjie coldly, and hummed softly: "I don't care who you are, I will never let you go."

"You... Stinky, let me tell you, get someone to let me go quickly, otherwise I will definitely arrest you and abuse you every day until you sing to me Conquer."

Li Junjie cursed angrily, and a wretched look flashed across his face, as if he had imprisoned Wang Xinman and was waving his whip.

Both Musashi Shion and Miyata Kimiko's expressions turned serious. This kind of man has no self-knowledge at all, and he probably just depends on his family's wealth.


Wang Xinman's expression was cold, and she immediately reprimanded him angrily.

"Xin Man."

Yuan Zihan quickly pulled Wang Xinman and shook her head.

"Sister Zihan, don't worry, today I will make this soul unbearable."

Wang Xinman clenched her teeth, her pretty face blushed, and her eyes were very determined.

"What family are you from? Why do I always feel that you look familiar?"

He Jianbo asked quickly.

"Xitang Wang Group, Wang Xinman."

Wang Xinman looked at He Jianbo and nodded. She still had a good impression of He Jianbo, after all, He Jianbo stood out for them.

"Xitang Wang? So you are Miss Wang. But I heard that Miss Wang has gone abroad. I didn't expect you to return to China. Now you are getting more and more beautiful. I can't even recognize you."

He Jianbo said with an awkward smile.

Afterwards, he immediately bowed to Wang Xinman and the others: "By the way, I am He Jianbo from the Xitang He family, and my family group is Jiangnan Group."

"This guy is from the Li family of Tiantang Group in Jiahe City. Because I refused to cooperate with him, he came here to make trouble."

"It's just that I didn't expect him to be so crazy."

Looking up at Li Junjie again, He Jianbo couldn't help but shook his head and frowned.

"Li Junjie, you refused to let you go just now, but now you are being pressed to the ground, how do you feel?"

(End of this chapter)

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