Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 424 Bringing Down the Li Family 3 Thanks to all the readers who supported me

Chapter 424 Down with the Li family three more thanks to all the supportive readers brothers
"He Jianbo, I see, you are in the same group."

Li Junjie looked up at He Jianbo, and shouted sharply.

"Hmph, I don't care what Tiantang Group is. In short, if he dares to be so rude in front of our sister Zihan, then he has to pay the price."

Wang Xinman said coldly.

"Let me pay the price? Huh, smelly Sanba, do you think I'm afraid of you Xitang people? Let me tell you, let me go quickly, otherwise, you will die."

Li Junjie continued to roar, and looked at Wang Xinman with resentment.

"Who is dead?"

A voice came in suddenly.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and then saw Qin Feng and Bai Hu striding over.


Yuan Zihan saw Qin Feng and hurried over.

Qin Feng stepped forward, hugged Yuan Zihan, then let go, then looked at Musashi Ziyuan, and asked coldly: "What's going on?"

Musashi Shion then told the story.

Wang Xinman's cell phone rang, and she answered it immediately.

After listening to the call, she looked at Qin Feng.

"Sir, Tian Tang Group belongs to Jiahe City, and it is one of the main suppliers of our Xitang Wang family in Xitang Industrial Park. But this Li Junjie was too rude just now, so I decided to terminate it from now on." All the cooperation with Tiantang Group."

Wang Xinman looked at Qin Feng solemnly with a pretty face, and said in a deep voice.


Qin Feng waved to Wang Xinman, then turned to look at Shi Qimeng, and signaled Shi Qimeng to pull Li Junjie up.

"Cancel the cooperation with my family, Tiantang Group? Then no one in Jiahe City will cooperate with your Xitang Wang family anymore. I advise you to think clearly."

Li Junjie scolded angrily.

He Jianbo's expression changed, he never thought that Li Junjie would dare to scold Wang Xinman angrily at this point.

Qin Feng frowned, waved his right hand, and slapped him.

Li Junjie's left face was instantly punched out of a five-finger mountain.

"Hun Dan, did you slap me?"

Li Junjie stared at Qin Feng with wide eyes. He was slapped before, and now he was slapped again, and he was furious instantly.

"You deserve it! A slap in the face is considered light. Just wait, I will tear Tian Tang Group apart today."

Wang Xinman spat angrily, immediately took out her mobile phone, dialed the number, and asked someone to terminate the cooperation with Tian Tang Group.

"let me go!"

Li Junjie roared and wanted to break free, but he found that he couldn't, because Shi Qimeng was so powerful.

Whenever he moved, his arms ached.

"Bo Shao, right? How much do you know about Li Junjie? It shouldn't be a problem for you to send him to the police station, right?"

Qin Feng turned his head to look at He Jianbo, and asked in a deep voice.

"Send it to the police station?"

He Jianbo's face froze. Although he didn't like Li Junjie, and now he had a falling out with Li Junjie, he never thought about sending Li Junjie to the police station.

"Are you afraid that Li Junjie will come to deal with you again? You can rest assured that Tiantang Group will be seized tonight. Starting tonight, it will become history."

"As for sending Li Junjie to the police station, all the crimes he has let go before will also be found out, so he will be locked up and there is no chance to come out again."

"In this way, you don't have to worry about Li Junjie or the Li family in Jiahe City coming to trouble you again."

Qin Feng spoke lightly, as if talking about a trivial matter.

He Jianbo was stunned.

He never expected that Qin Feng would bring down the Li family. If the Li family were to be brought down, then naturally he would not be afraid of Li Junjie.

Because Li Junjie is just a dude with no talents, he is just arrogant because of his status as the young master of the Li family.

Once the Li family falls, then Li Junjie will be nothing.

"Sir, I heard that the Li family arranged for Li Junjie to manage the company here in Xitang, but Li Junjie killed someone three months ago, so he left Xitang for three months."

He Jianbo thought of this and quickly reported it to Qin Feng.

"It's so good. When he enters the police station, if the murder is true, then what awaits him is to be shot."

Qin Feng nodded.

"So, sir, can you really bring down the Li family and Tiantang Group?"

He Jianbo asked doubtfully.

"Mr. said that if you can bring down the Li family and Tiantang Group, then you will definitely be able to bring it down. I am Musashi Ziyuan from Dongsang Kingdom. If you encounter any problems, you can also find me. If you don't have a barrister, I can also Hire the best lawyer for you."

Musashi Ziyuan quickly waved to He Jianbo.

At the same time, she waved to Mayumi Kitano, her female bodyguard, and motioned Mayumi Kitano to take out her business card.

Kitano Mayumi immediately stepped forward and handed He Jianbo Musashi Shion's business card.

Miyata Kimiko also asked Hasegawa Satsuki to hand over her business card.

After Wang Xinman finished making the phone call, she immediately asked Ji Xueling to hand over her business card.

Li Junjie looked at this scene with a full face of displeasure. He came to get acquainted and was rejected, but now He Jianbo has been fulfilled?
"Let me go if you have the ability! Let me tell you, you want to bring down my Li family? No way! You all wait for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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