Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 425 This is fake 4 Thanks to all readers who support

Chapter 425 This is fake Four more thanks to all the supportive readers brothers
Tiantang Group is one of the largest groups in Jiahe City, with assets worth billions if not tens of billions.

But this Qin Feng in front of him actually said that he wanted to bring down the Tiantang Group and the Li family in Jiahe City?

What an international joke?
Li Junjie looked at Qin Feng with disdain.

"Oh! So, this is why you insulted my wife tonight?"

Qin Feng chuckled, squinted his eyes, and looked at Li Junjie playfully.

"Boy, hurry up and ask someone to let me go, I can consider letting you go, otherwise, you will die."

Li Junjie raised his mouth and said arrogantly.


Baihu scolded angrily.

Qin Feng gestured to Bai Hu, signaling Bai Hu to back off, "Get the computer here, I want him to see Tian Tang Group being seized with his own eyes."

"Yes, sir."

Bai Hu nodded quickly, then ran away.

Soon, Baihu got a laptop, of course, not only a computer, but also a projector.

"Seize my Tiantang Group? Kid, you are quite loud. Do you know that my old man had dinner with the Lord of Jiahe City? Just you, why seal up my Tiantang Group?"

Li Junjie looked at Qin Feng with contempt, and hummed softly.

Seeing Li Junjie's appearance, Musashi Ziyuan couldn't help shaking her head. Qin Feng did it himself, and she thought Li Junjie was dead.

Both Wang Xinman and Miyata Kimiko looked at Qin Feng with admiration on their faces. As for Li Junjie, they didn't take it seriously at all.

Yuan Zihan didn't say a word, but she knew that Qin Feng always said what he said, and Li Junjie dared to yell at Qin Feng, he was looking for death.

Qin Feng walked aside, took out his mobile phone, and made several calls in succession.

After finishing the phone call, he came back and smiled faintly at He Jianbo.

"Bo Shao, since Li Junjie wants to watch his Li's house being seized, then you can wait for him for a while, and then send him to the police station after he finishes reading. It won't take long, 10 to [-] minutes."

He Jianbo's throat throbbed a few times, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

"Twenty minutes? Haha, boy, what kind of international joke are you playing! My family is the Li family in Jiahe City. You knocked down my house in two ten minutes?"

Li Junjie laughed loudly, not taking what Qin Feng said seriously at all.

Qin Feng gestured to Wang Xinman.

Wang Xinman also immediately asked someone to get a chair.

Li Junjie watched Qin Feng and his group sit down, his face darkened instantly, and then he struggled again, but it was still in vain.

Two 10 minutes later.

The projection was turned on, and everyone saw the news about Jiahe City immediately.

When Li Junjie saw that Tiantang Group was really seized, Li Junjie's eyes widened instantly, and his whole body trembled.

"Impossible! How could this be? How could my family's Tiantang Group be seized? This is fake, and this news is fake."

Not to mention that Li Junjie didn't believe it, even He Jianbo felt all this incredible.

"Oh, don't believe it? All right, then change the news and bring me the picture of Li's family being arrested."

Qin Feng snorted coldly and gestured to Baihu.

Bai Hu nodded, and immediately called up another screen.

At this moment, Li Junjie froze instantly, because the news broadcast was exactly the scene of his Li family villa.

Seeing that his family members were all caught and put into the police station car, he was completely stunned.

Wen Chaoyang and the bodyguards of the Li family all turned pale, did the Li family really fall?

Looking up at Qin Feng again, Wen Chaoyang's body trembled even more, because he had also said insulting words to Yuan Zihan before.

So he kowtowed to Qin Feng immediately.

"Sir, please let me go, I don't mean it, please..."

Qin Feng didn't look at Wen Chaoyang, but looked at Li Junjie coldly.

"Master Li, how are you doing now?"

"Not true! None of this is true!"

Li Junjie glanced at Qin Feng, and immediately shook his head desperately. He couldn't accept these facts no matter what.

Qin Feng gestured to He Jianbo, "Just take him to the Xitang Police Station, and someone will receive you there."

"Okay, sir."

He Jianbo said excitedly, feeling his heart beating faster, because he didn't expect that Qin Feng would actually make people knock down the Li family and Tiantang Group in Jiahe City within 10 minutes.

This is too shocking, who is this Qin Feng?

Suddenly, He Jianbo was also very curious about Qin Feng.

However, the most important thing right now is to solve Li Junjie, so he immediately ordered people like Li Junjie to be taken away.

Watching Li Junjie being taken away, Wang Xinman relaxed her pretty face and smiled at Qin Feng.

"Sir, I'm sorry, it's all my fault this time, I shouldn't have brought Sister Zihan to a place like the ancient theater."

Qin Feng waved his hand at Wang Xinman, "It's okay! It's just the Li family in Jiahe City, not to mention it's all down now."

"So are you done with your work? Where are we going now?"

Yuan Zihan asked quickly.

"Now, go to the boat."

Qin Feng embraced Yuan Zihan and smiled faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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