Chapter 426

Fan Family Villa.

"What's going on? Is there no news from Smith yet?"

Wang Wenjia looked at Fan Zitong nervously. She clearly remembered that Smith had found Fan Mingcai.

But two hours later, she has not received a call from Fan Mingcai.

Fan Zitong didn't say anything, he didn't know what was going on.

Now Liu Yingjie, the butler, was taken away, so he had to let the bodyguards stand by at any time.

"You're talking, Mingcai is fine, right? Since that Smith is a master, it's impossible that he can't even kill Qin Feng?"

Wang Wenjia asked with a frown.

"Don't worry, Qin Feng is dead."

Fan Zitong glanced at Wang Wenjia, leaned back, and looked up at the snow-white ceiling with a very dignified expression.

The phone rang suddenly, it was Fan Zitong's call.

He immediately picked up the phone and glanced at it, then connected.

A middle-aged man's nervous voice came from the other end: "Patriarch, it's too scary. Smith and the others may have been wiped out."

"What did you say? The whole army was wiped out? Smith didn't kill Qin Feng?"

Fan Zitong was astonished, the sure thing was not completed?
What exactly is going on?

"Patriarch, I can't get in touch with Elder Lin of Feiying Group, nor can I get in touch with Smith. Elder Lin and Smith went to the Wang family's old house, and then there is no news about them, and Qin Feng is not dead."

The middle-aged man at the other end quickly explained.

"Are you really sure that Qin Feng is not dead?"

Fan Zitong's face changed suddenly. He was only guessing just now, but now he was flustered when he heard that Qin Feng was not dead.

"Patriarch, Qin Feng is really fine. Our people followed up and found that Qin Feng didn't even seem to be injured at all."

The middle-aged man on the other end continued to explain.

"Qin Feng is not dead, and he is not injured at all?"

Fan Zitong stiffened his neck, suddenly felt that his breathing was not smooth, and his face was full of disbelief.

Even though Smith is so powerful, how did Qin Feng escape unscathed?
Suddenly, a flat-haired man rushed in with a panicked expression.

"Patriarch, something has happened. I just received the news that he, who is less wealthy, is probably... more ominous."

The short-haired man walked up to Fan Zitong and said in a trembling voice.

"What did you say? More bad luck? What do you mean?"

Fan Zitong looked at the short-haired man with a horrified expression, his heart beating wildly, his youngest son is dead?
"Master, this is the video."

The crew-cut man offered a mobile phone with trembling hands.

Before Fan Zitong could answer the phone, Wang Wenjia grabbed it.

She immediately saw that Fan Mingcai was directly stabbed to death on the pillars of a triangular pavilion, and Fan Mingcai was tied up with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

The shooting angle of this video is very tricky, basically the murderer cannot be seen.

"Ming Cai!"

Wang Wenjia's face was full of fear. She never thought that her youngest son would be killed.

Fan Zitong snatched the phone, but a video popped up immediately, and this video was Fan Mingcai talking.

In an instant, Wang Wenjia was also attracted.

Because Fan Mingcai was explaining the matter, the old man Fan Saijun and the eldest son Fan Mingde were both killed by Fan Mingcai.

"This beast! No wonder I always feel something is wrong. No matter how powerful Qin Feng is, it is impossible to kill the old man. It turned out to be this beast."

Fan Zitong scolded angrily.

"Fake! They must have forced Mingcai to say this. Mingcai can't be that kind of person."

Wang Wenjia roared angrily. She couldn't accept the fact that her youngest son killed his family, and she was extremely nervous.

Afterwards, she continued with a trembling face: "This must be what Qin Feng forced him to say. It is a lie. Qin Feng is framing him."

Fan Zitong frowned, he felt that what Wang Wenjia said was also possible.

"Husband, hurry up and call Feiying Group and ask them to continue sending people there. Mingcai won't die, won't..."

Wang Wenjia suggested with a trembling voice.

"I'll fight right now."

Fan Zitong nodded, then picked up the phone.

But before the call was made, a bodyguard with a short cut came in with a panicked expression.

"Patriarch, there are a lot of people outside, and that Shao team is here again."

Both Fan Zitong and Wang Wenjia's expressions changed, and they came again?What does it mean?
"Quick! Wife, go upstairs first."

Fan Zitong suddenly realized, and hurriedly urged Wang Wenjia to go upstairs to escape.

Unfortunately, it was too late, Shao Jun and the others rushed in directly.

"Wang Wenjia, you are involved in instigating and beating people, we have the right to see you arrested and brought to justice."

As soon as Shao Jun came in, he yelled at Wang Wenjia.

Wang Wenjia was stunned, and then she guessed that Liu Yingjie might have confessed her.

"I didn't instigate the beating, you must have made a mistake, you can't wrong me..."

Wang Wenjia wanted to argue, but was interrupted by Shao Jun.

"We have always enforced the law impartially. We will not wrong people, nor let any bad person go. Come, catch her for me."

Two police officers stepped forward and arrested Wang Wenjia.

"Presumptuous! How dare you? This is the Fan family, and we are key taxpayers."

(End of this chapter)

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