Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 427 The Fan Family Was Investigated 2 More

Chapter 427
Fan Zitong yelled at Shao Jun because he did not allow Shao Jun to take Wang Wenjia away.

Unexpectedly, Shao Jun sneered, his eyes glanced at Fan Zitong with disdain.

"Important taxpayers? Your Fan Group is evading taxes, and you still have the nerve to mention this? But don't worry, I'm not in charge of this matter."

After finishing speaking, Shao Jun gestured behind him.

A man with a square face and a short crew cut came over, and he raised his work card hanging on his chest to Fan Zitong.

"I am Liu Jianzhong from the Commercial Crime Investigation Division. Your Fan Group is involved in tax evasion. Please cooperate with our investigation immediately."

Two uniformed men immediately stepped forward and detained Fan Zitong as well.

The bodyguards of the Fan family were all dumbfounded.

"I didn't, you wronged me! Let go, let me go..."

Fan Zitong roared, and looked at Liu Jianzhong with fear on his face.

"take away!"

Liu Jianzhong waved to the two men in uniform.

"I won't go! You can't pull me away like this!"

Fan Zitong roared and struggled hard, because he knew that once he and Wang Wenjia were taken away, the Fan family would be completely ruined.

He looked at the bodyguards of the Fan family, and quickly ordered: "What are you still doing blankly? Stop them immediately."

However, all the bodyguards of the Fan family stood still, they didn't have the courage.

Regardless of how Fan Zitong yelled, Liu Jianzhong asked two men in uniform to drag Fan Zitong out.

Wang Wenjia was also taken out by Shao Jun's men.

All of a sudden, the bodyguards and servants of Fan's family were all panicked.

The old man Fan Saijun and Fan Mingde were killed, Fan Mingcai also had an accident, Fan Zitong and Wang Wenjia were both arrested now.

No one dared to stay, and they packed their luggage one after another, trying to leave Fan's house.

The entrance of the Fan family villa.

In a black RV, Zhou Qinya and Jiang Nishang watched as Fan Zitong and his wife were brought out one after another.

The fact that the Fan family was investigated this time was not arranged by Qin Feng, but by Zhou Qinya.

"Qinya, both Fan Zitong and his wife have been arrested, and the Fan Group has also been shut down. It won't affect Brother Feng, right?"

Jiang Nishang asked with a frown.

"Don't worry, it won't happen. Brother Feng's plan is to deal with the three families of Fan, Zhang and Zhu. The investigation of the Fan family is a good thing for Brother Feng."

Zhou Qinya's small mouth was slightly turned up, her beautiful and slender Ruifeng eyes were slightly squinted, and she gently waved her right hand, brushing her long rose-brown hair.

"So, you mean, if Brother Feng learns that the Fan family has been investigated, he will be happy?"

Jiang Nishang said excitedly.

"Of course. Look at what you said, it's just doing Brother Feng a small favor, and this was originally within Brother Feng's plan, it can be regarded as our intervention."

Zhou Qinya smiled, but Xianfu in the front passenger seat waved her hand and continued: "According to the plan."

Xianfu nodded, then took out the walkie-talkie and said sharply: "According to the plan, immediately intercept the servants and bodyguards of the Fan family."

"Intercept the servants and bodyguards?"

Jiang Nishang looked at Zhou Qinya inexplicably.

"They work for the Fan family. Naturally, they also have a certain understanding of the Fan family. If we intercept them, we will have a chance to obtain their revelations. When the time comes, these revelations will be a nirvana if we want to completely bring down the Fan family."

Zhou Qinya said lightly.

Jiang Nishang was stunned. After all, the Fan family is a second-rate family and has certain connections. If the Fan family is not watched closely, the Fan family may turn around.

What's more, I heard that this time, the Fan family also recruited experts to deal with Qin Feng, so she felt that it was reasonable for Zhou Qinya to do so.

Zhou Qinya asked Xianfu for a mobile phone, and made a call casually.

"Practice the precepts and abide by righteousness, stay and protect Chen Li, and deal with the affairs of the Fan family. The blue sky and white clouds, the prodigal son in the setting sun, accompany us to Xitang."

"Yes, Miss."

The phone is hung up.

Zhou Qinya frowned instantly.

"Let's go to Xitang now? Shouldn't we go there tomorrow?"

Jiang Nishang looked at Zhou Qinya in surprise, because Zhou Qinya was someone who would not change her plan easily.

"I can't wait for tomorrow. The Iga family is making moves. It is said that Emperor Wu Jincheng Yingming has been hired to come over and kill Brother Feng tonight."

Zhou Qinya said in a deep voice, but in fact, when she received the news, she was also very surprised, because in her opinion, the Iga family was too arrogant.

Emperor Wu is a man of martial arts in the realm, which is already the peak existence in Dongsang Kingdom. It is said that in Dongsang Kingdom, there is only Emperor Wu of the realm, and there is no Martial Venerable in the realm of heaven.

However, there are people in the Heaven Realm in Xia Kingdom, and it is rumored that there are three great Martial Venerables. Of course, Zhou Qinya has never seen them either.

But she felt that if the Iga family sent Jincheng Hideaki over here, it must be courting death, because people in the martial arts world would definitely not let Jincheng Hideaki do whatever he wanted in Xia Kingdom.

"Strike and kill brother Feng? Then let's hurry over."

Jiang Nishang's pretty face darkened, and she immediately asked for a mobile phone, and then made a quick call.

(End of this chapter)

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