Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 428 Dongsang Martial Emperor 3

Chapter 428
"Li Yong, you all follow and go to Xitang."

"Yes, Miss."

Jiang Nishang hung up the phone, turned her head and frowned at Zhou Qinya and asked, "Qinya, can we really help Brother Feng when we go over there?"

"Not necessarily. I'm afraid Brother Feng is already ready. In the past, we can only see if there is any fish that slipped through the net. It may not be able to help Brother Feng."

Zhou Qinya shook her head lightly and smiled.

"Ah, I thought we could help. I called my master Li Yong and the others."

Jiang Nishang pursed her lips, feeling that she really couldn't help.

"Don't worry, it's a good thing if you get called. Let's stop thinking about it, we'd better get to Xitang first."

Zhou Qinya sighed, quickly leveled the seat, and lay down.

"it is good!"

Jiang Nishang nodded and lay down.

After all, it would take half an hour to travel from Tianhui District of Donghai City to Xitang of Dongjiang City.

at this time.

East of Xitang, Nanshan Inn.

As the black Toyota RV stopped, Hideaki Jincheng got out of the car aggressively after the long-haired woman opened the door.

In the front hall, two bald men in suits and leather shoes were waiting. When they saw Jin Cheng Yingming approaching, they immediately bowed their heads.


Jin Chengying waved to them, then walked towards the elevator.

The long-haired woman looked at them coldly, and asked one of the bald men, "Are you all ready?"


The bald man responded immediately.

When he reached the private room upstairs, Jincheng Yingming strode in, glanced at a bowing man with a crew cut, and then sat on a long sofa.

The long-haired woman came in and sat beside Jin Cheng Yingming.

"Dijun, Qin Feng and the others are already in the east of Xitang Scenic Area, and there are less than ten bodyguards around them."

The crew cut man hurriedly walked up to Jincheng Yingming and reported in a deep voice.

The crew cut man was arranged by Toshiro Iga to come to Xitang, and his name was Gao Jingyu.

"Less than ten people? It's even easier to kill him. But, have you found Gao Liu Qitai?"

Jin Chengying asked coldly.

"I'm sorry, Dijun. We haven't found Team Leader Gao Liu, but we have investigated. Team Leader Gao Liu had a plan to attack and kill Qin Feng before, and now it may fall into Qin Feng's hands."

Gao Jingyu bowed his head.

"What? You mean, my disciple of Jincheng Yingming is not as good as Xia Guoren?"

Jincheng Yingming's face was filled with anger in an instant, and he shouted sharply.

"No, Monarch, please calm down. You are Emperor Dongsang, our pinnacle, and Team Leader Gao Liu has always been a martial arts genius we admire."

"It may be that the Xia people used some despicable means to capture Team Leader Gao Liu, otherwise, we would not have been able to find Team Leader Gao Liu."

"Now that Team Leader Gao Liu has disappeared, we have been feeling uncomfortable. I hope you, Dijun, can lead us to find Team Leader Gao Liu."

Gao Jingyu bowed his head again, and finished talking about these people in a trembling voice.

"Hmph! The people of Xia have a lot of conspiracies and tricks, otherwise, none of them will be Qitai's opponent."

Hideaki Jincheng gritted his teeth and said.

"Dijun, calm down. Let Ota Chizuru figure this out."

The long-haired woman Ota Chizuru quickly freed up her slender palm and stroked Hideaki Jincheng's heart, as if to comfort a child who was angry.

Gao Jingyu didn't dare to go to see Ota Chizuru, but he was relieved because he was afraid that Hideaki Jincheng would be angry.

Jincheng Yingming snorted softly, but did not speak.

Ota Chizuru waved to a woman with long hair in a bun and wearing a black OL uniform who was waiting beside her to pour tea, and then asked Takai Yu.

Takai Yuya cooperated with Ota Chizuru and answered Ota Chizuru's questions knowingly.

After hearing this, Chizuru Ota snorted softly, and his eyes instantly became extremely cold.

"Based on what you're saying, something really happened to Mr. Gao Liu, and it's very likely related to the surprise attack on Qin Feng."

"But unfortunately, we don't know the sneak attack plan. Even if we know the sneak attack location, if Qin Feng sends someone to take Gao Liujun away, it will be useless for us to go to the sneak attack location. We might as well go to Qin Feng directly."

"By the way, what is Qin Feng doing now?"

Ota Chizuru analyzed slowly, and suddenly asked Takai Yu.

"According to the latest news, Qin Feng is currently at the ancient theater on Huanxiu Street. He is accompanying his wife Yuan Zihan, who is now a beautiful woman in Donghai City."

Gao Jingyu nodded, then took out his mobile phone to find a video, and then handed the mobile phone to Chizuru Ota.

"Big beauty?"

When Hideaki Jincheng heard Gao Jingyu's words, he became interested in an instant.

"That's right! Qin Feng's wife Yuan Zihan is a great beauty, and there are many beautiful women tonight. By the way, Xitang is called a fairy."

Gao Jingyu looked at Hideaki Kaneshiro and said embarrassingly.

Jincheng Yingming wanted to pass the phone, and then saw the photos of Yuan Zihan and the others on the phone.

"Sure enough, she is a great beauty, no, fairy, very good."

(End of this chapter)

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