Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 429 Five Ninjas 5 More

Chapter 429 Five Elements Ninja Four Changes

Looking at Yuan Zihan's oval face, which was as beautiful as a fairy, Jin Cheng Yingmingsun's heart was moved instantly. If this woman was in his hands, how good would it be?
Ota Chizuru's face trembled slightly. As a woman, she was naturally jealous of other women getting the favor of Hideaki Jincheng.

Looking at Yuan Zihan and the others in the photo, she immediately decided to kill Yuan Zihan and the others.

Jin Chengying looked at Gao Jingyu, and asked coldly: "So, they are all at the ancient stage now?"

"Yes, Monarch."

Gao Jingyu nodded quickly.

Ota Chizuru glanced at Takai Yu with some displeasure, then looked at the woman pouring tea, and asked, "Who is she?"

"This is the one sent by the young master to assist the emperor. Her name is Ayako Horiguchi."

Takai Yu explained.

Hideaki Kaneshiro glanced at Ayako Horiguchi, now that he saw the photos of Yuan Zihan and the others, he had no interest in Ayako Horiguchi at all.

Ayako Horiguchi was terrified, because she heard that Jincheng Hideaki had a bad temper, and she was afraid that something about herself would dissatisfy Jincheng Hideaki.

She was afraid that Hideaki Jincheng would punish her, and she was also afraid that she would be scolded by Toshiro Iga. After all, she didn't want to come here, but was forced by Toshiro Iga.

"Let her out."

When Ota Chizuru saw that Hideaki Kaneshiro was unhappy, she immediately said to Gao Jingyu in a cold voice.

Gao Jingyu was startled, he knew that Hideaki Kaneshiro had always liked women, but he didn't expect Hideaki Kaneshiro not to want Ayako Horiguchi.

So he only waved to Ayako Horiguchi, and signaled Ayako Horiguchi to wave.

Ayako Horiguchi bowed and quickly backed out.

"Let the Five Elements Ninja come here, I have given you the task of attacking and killing Qin Feng tonight."

Jin Chengying said coldly.

Gao Jingyu looked shocked, then walked aside and made a call.

The five-element ninja is a master among the Iga ninjas, and he is also a master at the level of the Great Wu King.

The Dongsang Kingdom divides the martial kings into small and small martial kings. The great martial king is naturally much stronger than the small martial king. They always like to evaluate and pass various martial arts tests. Only warriors who have completed the most times are eligible to become great martial kings.

When Jincheng Yingming decided to come to Donghai City, the Five Elements Ninja was arranged to come here. After confirming that Qin Feng was in Xitang, the Five Elements Ninja also came to Xitang first.

Ota Chizuru frowned slightly, but the corners of her mouth were raised, and she looked at the photo on the phone with disdain.

Because in her opinion, if Jincheng Yingming went out in person and brought the Five Elements Ninja there, then Qin Feng would be dead.

When Jincheng Yingming went to kill Qin Feng, she led people to kill Yuan Zihan and the others.

Because she knew that once Yuan Zihan was brought back to Dongsang by Jincheng Yingming, it would definitely hinder her position with Jincheng Yingming.

10 minute later.

Five strong men of different sizes walked in.

And this is the Five Elements Ninja of the Iga Clan.

"Meet the Emperor!"

Seeing Hideaki Jincheng, the Five Elements Ninja stood in a row and bowed to Hideaki Jincheng.

"Tonight, I need your help to help me kill Qin Feng and those people, and rescue Gao Liuqitai. Do you have any questions?"

Jin Cheng Yingming asked sharply.

"no problem."

The five element ninjas responded in unison.

"Okay! Since that's the case, let me tell you about my plan to attack and kill Qin Feng tonight..."

Jincheng Yingming nodded, and then talked about the attack plan with a gloomy expression.

After the Five Elements Ninja heard the plan, he immediately arranged for Hideaki Jincheng's instructions and left the private room first.

Ota Chizuru waved to Gao Jingyu, "What are you still doing? Hurry up and serve the emperor. After eating, the emperor has to go and kill Qin Feng and the others."


Gao Jingyu came back to his senses, nodded quickly, and ran to the private room to let people serve the meal.

"Emperor! In fact, let the ninja of the Five Elements go and kill Qin Feng. It's just a mere Qin Feng. It's not worth it for you to do it yourself."

Ota Chizuru quickly advised.

"That can't be done. Since I promised Master Yihe to kill Qin Feng and find Qitai, then I can't break my promise to Master Yihe."

Jincheng Yingming laughed.

Ota Qianhe pursed her lips, but she cursed angrily in her heart, old man, you just want to catch Yuan Zihan and the others.

Of course, she won't say these words, she can't afford to offend Jin Chengyingming.

"Dijun, when shall we set off?"

"Leave immediately after eating."

Jin Cheng Yingming smiled again, but a trace of cunning flashed across his eyes, he couldn't wait to catch Yuan Zihan and the others.

South of Nanshan Inn, Baoding Hotel.

top layer.

A burly, short-haired man in a black training uniform was holding up binoculars, looking at the Nanshan Inn.

This brawny man with short hair is none other than Xuanwu.

Standing on Xuanwu's left side was also a strong man with short hair, it was Liu Zhan.

Liu Zhan was on the phone with an extremely serious expression on his face. When he hung up the phone, he immediately approached Xuanwu and reported in a low voice.

"Brother Xuanwu, Ooka Kotaro has confirmed that the person who came over is Jincheng Hideaki, do we need to report to the sir immediately?"

(End of this chapter)

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