Chapter 442
"Don't even have King Wu, just an ordinary ninja?"

Song Jiangshan frowned, a little disappointed.

"You are wrong. I did not say that there is no King Wu among them, but that it is Emperor Wudi Dongsang who came here this time."

Zhou Qinya said in a deep voice.

"Emperor Dongsang Wu?"

Song Jiangshan's face froze, his eyes flickered with astonishment, he really didn't expect that the other party would send a master of Emperor Wu level.

From this point of view, the person Dongsang Wudi wants to deal with should and must be a peerless master.

Thinking of this, Song Jiangshan couldn't help feeling excited.

Zhou Qinya pouted, "It's okay for you people to be afraid of Emperor Dongsang Wu. In short, you just follow my orders, and don't mess up my brother Feng's plan."

"Miss, is Emperor Dongsang Wu very powerful?"

Han Fu asked with an awkward smile.

"You should have graduated from high school this year too, right? Then do you know Zhuge Jun who shocked the whole country in the college entrance examination last year?"

Zhou Qinya turned her head to look at Han Fu, and asked lightly.

"Zhuge Jun? Are you talking about Zhuge Jun who got a perfect score in the college entrance examination and entered Tunghai University?"

Han Fu looked at Zhou Qinya in surprise. He naturally knew Zhuge Jun, and because of this, he also chose Donghai University for the college entrance examination this year.

"That's right! It's him! A master at the Emperor Wu level, for Dongsang Kingdom, is equivalent to the champion of martial arts."

Zhou Qinya nodded.


Han Fu wanted to say something, but couldn't come up with it. He also instantly understood why Zhou Qinya said that it might not be Song Jiangshan's turn to make a move.

He is the champion of martial arts, you are a butcher, can you make a move?It's not at the same level, even if you make a move, it's just being killed in seconds.

However, Han Fu was not disappointed because of Emperor Wu of Dongsang. Instead, he was very much looking forward to seeing who would fight Emperor Wu of Dongsang.

Li Handong and Zhen Shanmei didn't say a word, but they both felt that Emperor Dongsang might be very difficult to deal with, otherwise, Zhou Qinya wouldn't have to spend so much time in recruiting people.

A group of people went downstairs together and returned to the convoy in front of the market.

When Jiang Nishang saw the group of people coming back, he was inexplicable: "Why is there only one person? Didn't they say they were looking for 300 people?"

Li Handong smiled awkwardly, and then looked at Song Jiangshan. In fact, he agreed before because Song Jiangshan boasted that he could call 300 people at will.

Now, he feels that he is really ashamed. He can only hope that Song Jiangshan can find more than ten people to fill the scene.

"Wait a minute, 300 people will arrive soon."

Song Jiangshan waved to Jiang Nishang with a stern face.

Looking at Song Jiangshan's disheveled hair and long beard, Jiang Nishang couldn't help frowning, and then looked at Zhou Qinya.

Zhou Qinya grinned, got into the car, and smiled next to Jiang Nishang's ear: "Wait a minute. By the way, Brother Feng called just now."

"What did Brother Feng say?"

Jiang Nishang asked excitedly.

"Let's not interfere, he said he can handle it. But don't worry, I told Brother Feng, we will send someone to take care of the periphery."

Zhou Qinya laughed.

"That's good. Brother Feng has arrangements. If we go there rashly, it is indeed easy to destroy Brother Feng's plan. We are in charge of the periphery, so we must keep a close eye on the periphery."

Jiang Nishang nodded.

Zhou Qinya looked at Song Jiangshan outside the car, she was not in a hurry now, she leaned against the headrest of the seat and took a nap.

Xianfu walked to Song Jiangshan's side, and asked coldly, "When will your people come?"

"I'll call and ask."

Song Jiangshan's face darkened, and he quickly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"What's the matter with you? Are you here?"

A middle-aged man's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Lao Song, we are on our way here. Wait for another 2 minutes, we will be there soon."

Song Jiangshan hung up the phone, turned to look at Xianfu, "wait another 2 minutes."

Xianfu pouted her small mouth and squinted her eyes to look at Song Jiangshan, but she could only wait beside her with her hands tied.

Li Handong was relieved to see Song Jiangshan's serious face, because he felt that Song Jiangshan would not deceive Zhou Qinya.

But after 5 minutes, Xianfu still didn't see anyone coming here.

So she immediately looked at Song Jiangshan again, and asked sharply: "Mr. Song, are you sure that the call you just made is real? It's been 5 minutes, do you know that 1 minute on the battlefield can decide the outcome? "

"not me……"

Song Jiangshan looked embarrassed, and he didn't know what to say. After gritting his teeth, he simply lowered his head and remained silent.

Xianfu hurriedly walked to the side of the black car, and said to Zhou Qinya inside: "Miss, he didn't call anyone over at all."

Zhou Qinya opened her eyes wide and glanced at Song Jiangshan, but said nothing.

Seeing Zhou Qinya's appearance, Xianfu didn't reprimand Song Jiangshan again.

"Hey, Dongzi, are you reliable or not?"

Han Fu pulled Li Handong's arm and asked in a low voice.

Zhen Shanmei also pulled Han Fu by the corner of his clothes, and looked at an intersection in astonishment.

"Han Fu, there are many... many people."

(End of this chapter)

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