Chapter 443

On the river near the ancient stage.

Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan got on the cruise ship, but instead of rowing fast, they let the helm row slowly.

The night is deep, the stars are shining, and the old corridors and sheds are like old wine that has been buried for a long time, with a mellow and charming fragrance.

On both sides of the river, there is no such a sense of tranquility, and there are still bursts of noise.

For Yuan Zihan and the others, on the contrary, the cruise ship on their side seemed a little quiet.

And the cruise ship rowed east, not far away, when it reached a place near the water, several women boarded a cruise ship, and this cruise ship followed closely.

Soon, with the singing on the cruise ship, Yuan Zihan and the others were sure that it was Qin Feng who invited the singer for them.

Wang Xinman then told Yuan Zihan and others about the anecdotes of these singers.

The six pleasure boats slowly swam towards the east of the river.

On the cruise ship, Qin Feng didn't say much, and after making a phone call to Zhou Qinya, he sat cross-legged all the time.

Yuan Zihan and the others were enjoying the night and listening to the classical ballads sung by the singers, looking at ease.

But after rowing for a while, the cruise ship stopped suddenly and did not continue to row east.

"Husband, why is the boat not moving?"

Yuan Zihan hurriedly asked Qin Feng in a low voice.

"Jiang Taigong is fishing."

Qin Feng whispered something close to Yuan Zihan's ear.

Yuan Zihan nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Wang Xinman pestered Yuan Zihan to play cards together.

"This... I haven't played cards much, by the way, the two of them shouldn't be able to?"

Yuan Zihan smiled, then turned to look at Shion Musashi and Kimiko Miyata.

"Sister Zihan, you are thinking wrong. In terms of poker, we may not necessarily lose to you. Unless, you ask Mr. to help you, otherwise, it will not be so easy for you to win me."

Musashi Shion smiled lightly.

"That's right. I'm pretty good at poker."

Miyata Kimiko also immediately grinned, and looked at Yuan Zihan with a small mouth.

In this way, Yuan Zihan was dragged by Wang Xinman to play poker.

At the same time, seeing Qin Feng's gesture, Wang Xinman also threw a deck of cards to Qin Feng.

To the east, four cruise ships rowed towards this side.

Qin Feng was playing poker, looking at the four cruise ships, his expression immediately turned grim, and a trace of playfulness flashed across his eyes, because he could feel the murderous intent of the four cruise ships from a distance.

The phone rings.

Qin Feng immediately connected the phone, and Baihu's deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Sir, there may be a problem with the cruise ship ahead. We have already ordered that no more cruise ships are allowed ahead. There should not be four cruise ships suddenly appearing from the shipping industry."

"That's where they come."

Qin Feng chuckled lightly, his brows furrowed in an instant, and he still cast his eyes on the four cruise ships, as if he wanted to see through the four cruise ships.

"Then what should we do now? Do I need to send someone to intercept them? Or should the two cruise ships in front of us intercept them?"

The white tiger on the other end asked quickly.

The river area is not wide, small cruise ships can pass three or four ships, but large cruise ships can only pass one, if the first two go to intercept, then the other cruise ship will not be able to pass through.

"There is no need to intercept them. Instead, we have to give way to them."

Qin Feng replied lightly.

"Yes, sir."

The white tiger on the other end was a little surprised, but immediately carried out Qin Feng's order.

Qin Feng leaned down suddenly, and put the poker in his trouser pocket. His eyes were closed tightly, as if he fell asleep suddenly.

There are four cruise ships in the east, and the last one is on top of the cruise ship.

A bald man gestured wretchedly to a short-haired man on his left side.

"Mr. Mizutani, they are just a few people, and they are all flower girls who are still singing songs. How long do you think it will take us to take them down?"

The flat-headed man was a jonin arranged by Chizuru Ota, named Tetsuya Mizutani.

The bald man on Mizutani Tetsuya's right side is called Shibayama Division.

As for the short-haired man on Mizutani Tetsuya's left side, his name is Nagase Shun.

Except for one of the four cruise ships, which had three people, the other three had five or six people.

"It's just Xia people, it's easy to deal with them. Gao Liujun's accident must have been ambushed by them."

"But now it's in the river, and they can't ambush anywhere if they want to."

"So this time, it stands to reason that we should make a quick decision, but Director Ota said that we must act according to the plan, and we must first ensure that Qin Feng is on the cruise ship."

Mizutani Tetsu also spoke slowly, his eyes were also looking at the Qin Feng cruise ship team on the west side of the river.

Shibashansi touched his bald head, and nodded in agreement.

"What Director Ota said is true. If we can ensure that Qin Feng is on the cruise ship this time, we will definitely be able to kill Qin Feng."

"And killing Qin Feng is not only an explanation to the emperor, but also an explanation to Master Yiga, who will reward us when the time comes."

"And those flower girls..."

(End of this chapter)

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