Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 444 Fairy Scattering Flowers 8 More

Chapter 444
"But, there are six cruise ships on their side, is it really all right? They wouldn't have ambushed a lot of people on board, right?" Nagase Shun said with a frown.

"The ruined ships of the Xia Kingdom can be seen at a glance. How many people can they hide? Besides, you see, most of the people on them are dressed in white clothes. Even at night, they can be seen clearly."

Mizutani Tetsu said disapprovingly.

Tetsuya Mizutani was also full of confidence in being able to kill Qin Feng for the first time.

As long as Qin Feng is on the cruise ship, then Qin Feng will be dead this time.

"Hey, Mizutani-kun, what's going on? Their cruise ships became a row?"

Shibayama suddenly said in surprise.

Mizutani Tetsu also looked up, and he really saw Qin Feng's cruise line lined up, as if he regarded them as ordinary tourists.

Very good!
This is simply the best opportunity to attack and kill Qin Feng.

When the cruise ship passed by, he could just seize this opportunity to attack and kill Qin Feng, unload Qin Feng, and then directly throw Qin Feng's body into the river.

Tetsuya Mizutani finished his thinking, and then made a gesture to signal the helmsmen of the other three cruise ships to form a row immediately, and then leaned towards Qin Feng's cruise ship.

Soon, the four cruise ships rowed towards Qin Feng, and Mizutani Tetsuya and the three immediately looked at the people on Qin Feng's cruise ship team clearly.

But Mizutani Tetsuya and everyone were stunned when they saw the cruise ship Qin Feng was sitting on.

Because Tetsuya Mizutani all eyes were on Yuan Zihan and the others.

Seeing Yuan Zihan and the four of them playing poker, they all grunted, their throats slipped, their eyes widened, and their faces were full of disbelief.

Mizutani Tetsu also came back to his senses, and he immediately snapped his fingers.

The people on the two cruise ships on their side immediately stood up, reaching for a ninja sword in their trouser pockets.

However, before the ninjas crossed over to Qin Feng's cruise ship, a few women suddenly sprinkled flowers on the two cruise ships there.

"Fairies scattered flowers! The soul returns!"

A woman suddenly sang in a resentful voice.

Immediately afterwards, those flower-sprinkling women suddenly threw all the flower baskets into the river.

Tetsuya Mizutani and the others looked confused, and they didn't know what these singers were singing.

"Mizutani-kun, I feel like something's not right."

Nagase Shun approached Mizutani Tetsuya and reminded him in a deep voice.

"Nagasei Shun, you are worrying too much. Qin Feng's side is full of women. We are really lucky this time."

Shibayama laughed and said.

Mizutani Tetsu also nodded, his face was full of complacency, as if he had already taken all these women into his pocket.

His eyes were also fixed on Yuan Zihan's side. Seeing Yuan Zihan playing poker gracefully, he suddenly felt that his breathing was stagnant, and he was afraid that even his breathing would disturb such a beautiful scene.

What Shibayama said made Shun Nagase, but because Tetsuya Mizutani didn't send someone to take action immediately, Shun Nagase couldn't say anything.

Tetsuya Mizutani's phone vibrated suddenly, he took out his phone and glanced at it, and saw the message from Chizuru Ota, he couldn't help but frown.

Following Mizutani Tetsuya's gesture, two of the cruise ships approaching Qin Feng's cruise ship jumped out, and they even tried to jump directly to the two cruise ships at the two ends of Qin Feng's cruise ship team.

Because the cruise ship that Qin Feng was on was in the middle, they tried to attack Qin Feng from both ends, front and back, and lock Qin Feng in the middle of the cruise ship.

However, the two jumping people did not jump over the Qin Feng cruise ship, but they all fell into the river with a plop.

"What's the situation?"

When Nagase Shun saw it, his expression suddenly changed.

Both Tetsuya Mizutani and Shibayama's expressions changed suddenly, and they looked at each other, feeling that something was very wrong just now.

These people have all been specially trained, and now the river basin is divided into two sides, their cruise ships are on the south side, and Qin Feng's cruise ships are on the north side.

There is only a distance of more than one meter in the middle, but when their ninjas can't even jump more than one meter?

"Mizutani-kun, what should we do now? Hurry up and give the order!"

Nagase Shun quickly suggested.

"The people on the two cruise ships before and after are all planning to go to Qin Feng's cruise ship."

Mizutani Tetsu also made a gesture immediately.

When Nagase Shun heard this, he looked at Qin Feng's cruise ship, and his expression froze for a moment.

Because he saw that several women in Hanfu on Qin Feng's cruise ship jumped towards their cruise ship instead.

"The fairy asks the way!"

Several women were shouting in unison, full of momentum.

Mizutani Tetsu also quickly gestured to the two cruise ships on his side.

The ninjas on the two cruise ships at the front and rear watched the woman in Hanfu come, and they all looked proud.

Although they saw Tetsuya Mizutani's gesture, they did not hold their position, but moved out of the way, deliberately letting the woman in Hanfu jump over, and then swung their ninja swords.

But when the women in Hanfu came over and they wanted to wield the ninja sword, it was already too late.

Because a burst of fragrance wafted over, they all went limp, and none of them could stand still.

(End of this chapter)

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