Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 457 Water Ninja Escapes 6 More

Chapter 457

Takeda Kotaro was fighting Qinglong, when he suddenly heard Fire Ninja's shout, he panicked.

Because out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the four men in black training suits on the side of Mu Nin and Huo Nin, and their moves were very fierce.

Just this glance shocked him.

Because in the blink of an eye, the four men in black training clothes broke the swords of Mu Ninja and Huo Ninja, and chopped off an arm of Mu Ninja and Huo Ninja respectively.

Two howls sounded, shocking all the ninjas in black.

And because of the broken arm, Mu Nin and Fire Nin also lost the ability to fight swiftly and violently. Although they could still swing the dagger, their speed and strength had been weakened by two-thirds.

So soon, the four men in black training suits directly killed Mu Nin and Huo Nin on the awning.

"Mu Ninja, Fire Ninja..."

Takeda Koutaro's three major ninjas all exclaimed, but this distraction made them lose their defense in an instant.

Qinglong used to move swiftly and violently, so naturally he would not be polite to the three major ninjas of Takeda Kotaro, and of course, he did not go all out.

The three major ninjas came back to their senses, and immediately asked the other ninjas on the awning to help surround and intercept the strong men in white.

But Takeda Koutaro discovered that the four men in black practice uniforms did not climb over to participate in the attack and kill the ninjas above the awning, but disappeared on the awning in an instant.

Facing Qinglong and the others' superb skills, Takeda Kotaro also quickly discovered that not only Qinglong, but also other strong men in white were all capable, and they didn't go all out at all.

What's ridiculous is that these ninjas are going all out, but they can't even touch the corners of the strong men in white like Qinglong.

quick!Soon there was only an afterimage, and the black-clothed ninjas in the cruise ship were also watching Takeda Kotaro and the others above the awning, but no one could clearly see the moves of the white-clothed strong men.

Originally they expected Takeda Tiger Taro and the others to come down from the awning to help kill the twelve Hanfu women, but they found that Takeda Tiger Taro and the others were not free at all.

Qin Feng kept throwing poker cards, making the ninjas in black keep dodging, for fear of being hit by Qin Feng.

But in the end, the ninjas in black were overthrown by the twelve Hanfu women.

Dream Inn.

When Zhou Qinya and the others saw the battle on Qin Feng's cruise ship, their hearts trembled and their delicate bodies froze in place.

A pair of them held binoculars, they didn't dare to blink their eyes, and they even stopped breathing.

Although they were nervous about Qin Feng's cruise ship, they could only see the shots inside the cruise ship. As for the duel on the cruise ship's awning, they couldn't see clearly at all.

But seeing Mu Nin and Huo Nin howling, they knew that the strong men in white had succeeded, and they couldn't help cheering in a low voice.

"The people above shot too fast, I can't see it at all."

Wei Shanshan couldn't help sighing.

And Xianfu looked into the cruise ship with binoculars, and saw the twelve Hanfu women taking down the ninjas in black.

But at the same time, she found that there were ninjas lurking on both sides of the river. It seemed that Qin Feng had been intimidated by them, and they didn't dare to jump into the cruise ship.

"Miss, there are still many ninjas on both sides of the strait. It is estimated that they may escape. We have to send someone to intercept them."

When Zhou Qinya heard what Xianfu said, she immediately waved her hand.

"Nie Shengjun has an accident, let Li Yong and Song Jiangshan go there."

Xianfu nodded, then put down the binoculars, picked up the phone, and made a quick call.

Soon, Xianfu conveyed Zhou Qinya's words.

When Xianfu continued to look at the cruise ship, she found that most of the ninjas on the awning of the cruise ship had been consumed.

And what is amazing is that so far, no ninja has been shot down in the river.

Rao was the ninja on the rain canopy. He was killed and just threw his body in the cruise ship.

At this time, there were only three ninjas left on the rain canopy, Takeda Kotaro.

The three major ninjas are still striking fiercely, looking very tenacious.

However, suddenly, a black-clothed ninja jumped towards the west bank, trying to escape.

"Mizuno, what are you doing?"

Takeda Kotaro never imagined that Mizuren would try to escape from here.

I don't know if it was Qinglong's intention, but Suinin really left here.

So above the rain canopy, only Takeda Tiger Taro, the gold ninja and earth ninja, remained.

"Captain, what should we do?"

Tu Nin was repelled by Zhang Yu'an, and hurriedly asked Takeda Kotarou in a trembling voice.

"Let's break out quickly!"

Takeda Koutaro snorted softly, and then rushed towards the other awnings in the direction where Mizuren left just now, wanting to jump away.

However, Qinglong and the others never thought of letting Takeda Kotaro leave.

So Qinglong and the others chased after them all at once, blocking their way.

The two of them could only continue to fight with their swords, but facing Qinglong's powerful strength, they realized that they were not in the same realm as Qinglong and others.

"No! I am Jin Ren, I will not lose, how could I lose..."

(End of this chapter)

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