Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 458 1 Must Be You 1 More

Chapter 458 It Must Be You

The collapse of Takeda Koutaro also quickly disintegrated the fighting spirit of the soil ninja.

Originally unable to escape, Tu Ninja was covered in injuries and felt even more hopeless.

In less than ten moves, Tu Nin was beheaded by Li Nian on the rain canopy, blood splattering.

The remaining Takeda Kotarou was trapped by Qinglong on the awning, unable to escape at all, even if he wanted to go to the cruise ship below, he was intercepted by Qinglong.

"Eight grids!"

Takeda Koutaro was so angry that he cursed angrily, and wanted to continue to flee to the west, but found that Qinglong was soon following him.

Being blocked by Qinglong again and again, Takeda Kotaro had no way to retreat, and continued to curse Qinglong.He didn't stop, and continued to attack Qinglong.

Qinglong was not polite either, and directly laid Takeda Kotarou on the rain canopy.

Other strong men in white surrounded him, completely blocked the way of Takeda Kotaro, and finally beheaded Takeda Kotaro on the rain canopy.

The ninjas lurking on both sides of the river watched Takeda Kotaro being beheaded, and they all ran away, not daring to jump on the cruise ship.

Qinglong and the others did not go to pursue them, but left behind to clear the bodies of Takeda Koutaro and the others.

But Shui Nin's escape caught the attention of Zhou Qinya and the others.

"Quick! Xianfu, let me know, but kill all the Iga ninjas who escaped from West Street."

Zhou Qinya immediately gave Xianfu an order.

Xianfu didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately sent out the order.

On the west side of West Street, Suinin, who had escaped from Cong, left with a group of people.

But before he had gone far, he was stopped in an alleyway in Tangjia Lane.

The people who intercepted it were Li Yong and Song Jiangshan.

When Song Jiangshan saw Shuirin, his expression changed instantly. Although Shuirin's face was covered with a black scarf, the big black mole under Shuirin's left eye made him ecstatic.

"It's you! It must be you! You are Ryuu Shimadzu, right?"

Despite the excitement, the voice carried endless killing intent.

This water ninja is Shimadzu Ryusheng. He looked at Song Jiangshan with an inexplicable expression on his face: "You know me? But I don't know people like you. Get out of the way immediately, or I will kill you without mercy."

"Get out of the way? I will never let go! You are the kind of person who killed my wife and daughter ten years ago in the Kingdom of Zhu, and made me lose them forever. I will kill you tonight. They take revenge, haha..."

Song Jiangshan laughed loudly, his voice was extremely stern, and he immediately swung his dagger and struck at Shimadzu Ryusheng.

"court death!"

Shimadzu Ryuugi seemed to have forgotten what happened ten years ago. He was unwilling to be intercepted like this, so he immediately swung the sword and slashed at Song Jiangshan fiercely.

Li Yong led other people to clean up those ninjas, but his eyes also turned to Shimadzu Ryusheng from time to time. After all, Shimadzu Ryusheng was quick and fierce, and he was a little worried that Song Jiangshan would not be able to deal with Shimadzu Ryusheng.

But to Li Yong's surprise, Song Jiangshan's shots were not weak at all, and the imposing man completely crushed Shimadzu Ryusheng.

Shimadzu Ryusheng was suppressed by Song Jiangshan, and immediately became annoyed, and his moves became more vicious, deadly.

Song Jiangshan quickly dodged, but was still hit several times by Shimadzu Ryusheng.

Even so, Song Jiangshan didn't groan softly, let alone shout tired, but moved faster and faster.

Facing Song Jiangshan's crazy offensive, Shimadzu Ryuuwa was still timid after all, so he was shaken in the bottom of his heart instantly. He didn't want to continue fighting, but tried to continue to abscond.

It's a pity that Song Jiangshan never thought of letting Shimadzu Ryusheng escape at all.

"Don't expect you to leave, you must die tonight! I want to take your head as a sacrifice to my wife and daughter."

Song Jiangshan yelled sharply, he saw that Shimadzu Ryusheng was going to escape, so he deliberately provoked Shimadzu Ryusheng.

Ryusheng Shimadzu gritted his teeth, and had no choice but to continue to attack Song Jiangshan. After all, Song Jiangshan was too annoying. If Song Jiangshan wasn't knocked down, he wouldn't be far away.

Song Jiangshan shot calmly, kept dodging Shimadzu Ryuu, and kept looking for opportunities to hit Shimadzu Ryuuu. His body skills and moves were very skilled.

The dagger in Song Jiangshan's hand was knocked into the air by Ryusheng Shimadzu.

"Old demon, butcher's knife!"

Li Jianhai's voice suddenly came over.

Then, a butcher's knife was thrown towards Song Jiangshan.

Shimadzu Tatsuo's expression changed, and he immediately swung the Taidao, trying to knock the butcher's knife away.

But Li Yong rushed over and blocked Ryuu Shimadzu's sword with a single blow.

When Song Jiangshan caught the butcher's knife, his aura was immediately overwhelming, as if his whole body had changed, and his whole body was filled with murderous aura.

With a flash of his figure, Song Jiangshan swung the butcher's knife and slashed at Shimadzu Ryusheng aggressively.

Li Yong also deliberately backed away, leaving Ryuu Shimadzu to Song Jiangshan to deal with.

"Haha! Ryuu Shimadzu, take your life!"

Song Jiangshan roared angrily, his strike was as fast as lightning, and the butcher's knife was swung out, drawing a perfect arc.

Ryuu Shimadzu quickly swung his sword to block.

Taidao was split in two by the butcher's knife.

Shimadzu Ryusheng's face changed in shock, and he had no time to back off, because the butcher's knife continued to strike at him.

Song Jiangshan seemed to be exhausting all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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