Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 459 Don't Die 2

Chapter 459 Don't Die
Ryusheng Shimadzu hastily withdrew half of the tachi to block, but because Song Jiangshan was as powerful as a bull, he also fell backwards as if being hit by Song Jiangshan's horns.

However, Li Jianhai and Wang Zhengxin rushed over and stabbed Shimadzu Ryusheng in the back respectively.


The two roared in unison, their expressions extremely excited.

Shimadzu Ryuugi's face froze, his eyes widened, and a mouthful of blood spewed from his mouth in an instant, but he was not dead yet, so he turned around and swung half of the sword.

Li Jianhai and Wang Zhengxin hurriedly moved away from each other.

However, Song Jiangshan continued to rush over, stabbed sharply with the butcher's knife, and stabbed Longsheng Shimadzu in the abdomen.

Ryuu Shimadzu also swung half of the sword and stabbed Song Jiangshan. Since Song Jiangshan's body was leaning to the right, he only stabbed Song Jiangshan's left abdomen.

As Song Jiangshan pulled out the butcher's knife, Shimadzu Ryuugi's abdomen was bleeding profusely in an instant, his body swayed, and then he fell to the ground, dying of breath.

Song Jiangshan shook his body, covered his left abdomen with his left hand, and threw the butcher's knife on the ground.

"Ten years of life and death are boundless, don't think about it, never forget it. There is a lonely grave thousands of miles away, there is no place to talk about desolation..."

"A Thousand Miles of Solitary Grave... Today I can finally take your head and sacrifice to my wife and daughter..."

"I was just taking a gamble. What if you came to Xitang, but I didn't expect that you really came to Xitang, and you are going to die..."

Song Jiangshan laughed loudly, with his mouth wide open, roaring Su Dongpo's poems, with an excited expression, leaning against the wall of the alleyway on the left with his body trembling.

"Old demon!"

"team leader!"

Seeing that Song Jiangshan was also injured, Li Jianhai and Wang Zhengxin immediately exclaimed.

As for the other ninjas in black, they were all knocked down by Li Yong and others.

Song Jiangshan fell to the ground, but he still retrieved the butcher's knife with his hand, and then crawled towards Ryusheng Shimadzu.


Li Jianhai and Wang Zhengxin quickly got up, stepped forward to support Song Jiangshan, and brought Song Jiangshan to the corpse of Shimadzu Ryusheng.

Song Jiangshan chopped off Shimadzu Ryusheng's head with a single knife.

The entire alleyway was in a mess.

At this time, a large group of people rushed over and blocked the exit of the laneway.

And this large group of people was precisely the people Song Jiangshan asked Li Jianhai to find.

"Old Song!"

Seeing Song Jiangshan's injuries, everyone was shocked and shouted.

"Take it to the hospital quickly!"

Someone suddenly shouted.

Li Jianhai and Wang Zhengxin suffered a lot of injuries, but they still supported Song Jiangshan tightly and got on a three-wheeled motorcycle.

"Sanjin, Jingwei, am I taking revenge? I can rest in peace!"

Song Jiangshan suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Old demon, don't scare me! Our brothers have agreed for a lifetime, you don't want to die..."

"Captain, hold back, we'll send you to the hospital right away!"

Wang Zhengxin and Li Jianhai said excitedly at the same time.

Li Yong also chased after him, inspected Song Jiangshan's wound, then quickly took off his clothes, tore them in half, and bandaged Song Jiangshan.

"Hurry up and drive to the hospital."

Li Yong quickly waved his hand and asked someone to drive a three-wheeled motorcycle to take Song Jiangshan to the hospital.

"Drive! Drive fast!"

Li Jianhai hurriedly shouted excitedly at a bald man sitting in the driver's seat.

The bald man immediately started the car and left.

Li Yong sighed, and immediately asked for the identities of these ninjas to be checked, and the ninja corpses here were cleaned up.

Then, he took out his mobile phone and reported the matter to Wei Shanshan.

Dream Inn.

When Wei Shanshan heard the news, she quickly reported it to Jiang Nishang and Zhou Qinya.

"Lao Song was injured? Seriously?"

Zhou Qinya's face darkened. She really didn't expect that Song Jiangshan would be seriously injured. After all, Song Jiangshan had handled it well in the April Sky Inn before.

Since this is an old house, Song Jiangshan had to be transported back to the new district over the farmer's market to find the hospital.

"According to the feedback from there, Lao Song is still bleeding profusely. After all, Lao Song is fighting against a master. According to Li Yong's report, that should be a Martial King who sneaked up on Mr. Wang and fled suddenly."

Wei Shanshan nodded.

"Notify me immediately, the best doctors in Xitang rushed there overnight, and I must rescue Lao Song."

Zhou Qinya's pretty face froze, she gestured to both Xianfu and Wei Shanshan, and ordered sternly.


Both Xianfu and Wei Shanshan nodded, then quickly picked up their mobile phones and made a call.

Zhou Qinya picked up the binoculars again and looked at Qin Feng's cruise ship. Seeing that no ninjas had emerged from the cruise ship, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Not only Lao Song, but all other injured people should be treated together. In addition, I must order them to keep their mouths shut and not discuss what happened tonight."

Jiang Nishang frowned and gestured to Wei Shanshan.

Zhou Qinya put down the binoculars when she heard this, and said coldly to Xianfu: "Just do what Nishang said. In addition, tell all the righteous men that we will pay for the treatment."

(End of this chapter)

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