Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 460 Keep Searching 3 More

Chapter 460
"All the sneak attacking Iga ninjas must be eliminated tonight, and all the righteous men we have found must be appeased."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Qinya immediately asked Xianfu for a mobile phone, and sent Qin Feng a text message.

Xianfu immediately picked up her phone and passed on Zhou Qinya's instructions.

"Qinya, why don't you go ashore, sir? What are you doing in the boat?"

Jiang Nishang suddenly asked Zhou Qinya.

"Emperor Dongsang Wu hasn't come out yet..."

Zhou Qinya replied without a word, then picked up the binoculars and continued to look at Qin Feng's cruise ship without saying a word.

But Zhou Qinya and Jiang Nishang knew very well that tonight, because of these Iga ninjas, there must be many things happening.

Moreover, we only know the situation on West Street and Tangjia Lane, and West Street and Tangjia Lane are both on the south side of the river. As for the north side of the river, there is no news of the escaped Iga Ninja.

Qin Feng arranged another person on the north side. Although Zhou Qinya also made arrangements, there was no news yet.

So both of them were worried.

Five minutes later, Wei Shanshan's cell phone rang and received the news that Song Jiangshan was sent to Xitang New District Central Hospital in time.

Several people were relieved to hear that Song Jiangshan had been admitted to the hospital temporarily.

Then, Xianfu also received the news that almost all the ninjas on West Street were found out and slaughtered.

"very good."

Zhou Qinya nodded, and said with cold eyes: "Continue to search, as long as half of the Iga ninjas are taken care of here, I believe that the Iga ninjas on the other side of the river will also be taken care of."

"Take down these Iga ninjas, then we have done something for Brother Feng."

"It's also fortunate that Young Master Rong still has the Songhe District in Donghai City, otherwise Young Master Rong would have taken away all the credit."

"Brother Feng, as the emperor's teacher, naturally has strong connections. It is not so easy to make Brother Feng owe you favors."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Qinya directed Xianfu to continue to inform, and turned to look at Jiang Nishang, "Of course, we can't blackmail Brother Feng with favors."

Jiang Nishang nodded solemnly, she naturally would not threaten Qin Feng, let alone they were the ones who came to intervene.

Seeing Qin Feng sitting on the cruise ship tonight, but commanding the strong men in white to defeat those ninjas in black, her heart was in turmoil.

It would be great if she was also on the cruise ship.

Zhou Qinya saw that Jiang Nishang lost her mind, so she didn't say anything to Jiang Nishang, but gestured to Xianfu.

Xianfu sent out a search notice just now, but when she saw Zhou Qinya's gesture, she was a little dazed, not knowing what Zhou Qinya wanted to express.

"It is necessary to make sure that all the injured martyrs are treated, and those who are not injured continue to search until Emperor Dongsang Wu is defeated."

Zhou Qinya said in a cold voice, and made the gesture just now.

It was only then that Xianfu realized that Zhou Qinya wanted news from Jincheng Yingming, but she glanced at it, but did not find that she had received news from Jincheng Yingming.

"Miss, I don't have any news about Jin Cheng Yingming."

Xianfu said with an awkward smile.

"Forget it, keep paying attention. Emperor Dongsang Wu should not run away like this. I want to see how powerful Dongsang Wudi is."

Zhou Qinya snorted softly before continuing to pick up the binoculars to watch Qin Feng's cruise ship.

But it just so happened that Xianfu's phone rang.

Xianfu answered the call, then looked at Zhou Qinya blushing.

"Miss, there is news about Jincheng Yingming."

"How is it?"

Zhou Qinya continued to look at Xianfu.

"He is playing with women at the Hongyun Inn across the river. It is said that there are not many people around him. Because of his status as Emperor Wu, I was worried that he was too powerful. I suggest not to follow him too closely."

Xianfu said with a face full of embarrassment.

"This Dongsang man is really disgusting. He sent people out to attack and kill Brother Feng, and he played with women in the inn by himself, hmph."

Zhou Qinya snorted coldly, then asked for her mobile phone, and sent the news to Qin Feng.

on the cruise ship.

When Qin Feng saw Zhou Qinya's news, he immediately waved his hand at Qinglong on another cruise ship: "Notify Gu Jian, let Gu Jian lead Jin Cheng Yingming out, and then you intercept Jin Cheng Yingming."

With Qinglong's order, he immediately jumped from the cruise ship to the small stone steps on the north shore, and disappeared instantly.

at this time.

Hongyun Inn.

In a bedroom, Jincheng Yingming was fighting with a young model.

Ota Chizuru was smoking a cigar in the lobby.

She also breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that there was no sound of fighting in the bedroom, only the sound of panting.

If someone really arrests Yuan Zihan, she can't guarantee what the consequences will be, after all, she is still worried about her status.

At this time, the mobile phone rang suddenly, Ota Chizuru picked up the mobile phone, and connected directly.

A strong man's nervous voice came from the other end of the phone: "Director Ota, something went wrong, the Five Elements Ninja was killed by Qin Feng's men..."

"What did you say?"

Ota Chizuru's pretty face suddenly changed, and her delicate body trembled, "What's going on? Why was the Five Elements Ninja killed?"

(End of this chapter)

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