Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 461 Luring the Snake out of the Cave 4 More

Chapter 461 Leading the Snake out of the Cave Four More
"Qin Feng may have ambushed a lot of masters. The Five Elements Ninja was defeated. I saw one escape, and all the other ninjas were killed on the cruise ship."

The strong man on the other end of the phone quickly explained.

"There are many masters at Qin Feng's side? How is this possible?"

Ota Chizuru had a look of disbelief, but she remembered that Qin Feng was just a son-in-law, why did Qin Feng have so many experts there?
Moreover, the Five Elements Ninja is the Great Martial King of their Iga Ninja side, and has always been strong. What's more, all the Five Elements Ninjas are dispatched this time, so they can't kill Qin Feng?

"Now Qin Feng's people have removed all the corpses of the Five Elements Ninjas, and they seem to have sent people to search for our people, hurry up..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a sudden howl from the other end.

Then, a cold voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hmph, how dare you tip off the news?"

Chizuru Ota narrowed her eyes slightly, and her face darkened. She knew that the person who reported at the other end was probably in danger.

But, who is behind the voice?Was it someone arranged by Qin Feng?
As the phone was hung up, Ota Chizuru's heart was confused and he was a little confused.

If the Five Elements Ninja was really killed, how would she report it to Hideaki Jincheng?
Just as he was thinking, the door of the bedroom was opened, and Hideaki Jincheng walked out from inside.

Ota Chizuru looked at Hideaki Kaneshiro and smiled awkwardly, but didn't know what to say.

"what happened?"

Hideaki Jincheng sensed that something was wrong with Ota Chizuru, and asked quickly.

"Dijun, our Five Elements ninja has... been killed."

Ota Chizuru still told the truth.

"What did you say? The Five Elements Ninja was killed? Are you making an international joke? Our Five Elements Ninjas are all first-class Great Martial Kings, how could they be killed?"

Jin Cheng Yingming asked sharply.

"Emperor, calm down. This is a report call I just received. The Five Elements Ninja was killed, and our people are also being hunted down by Qin Feng's people, so our current situation..."

Ota Chizuru hurriedly continued to explain, but seeing Jincheng Hideaki's dark face, she couldn't continue at all.

"How could the people of East Sang Country lose to the people of Xia Country? Besides, Qin Feng is just the son-in-law of a small family. Could it be that he asked the masters of the Cao family to come and help?"

Hideaki Jincheng gritted his teeth and said that he knew Ota Chizuru would not dare to lie in front of him, but he couldn't believe that the Five Elements Ninja was killed.

"Dijun, what should we do now? Or, let's leave here first?"

Chizuru Ota quickly suggested.


Hideaki Jincheng's face turned cold, he looked at Chizuru Ota coldly, and asked him to be an escapee?
"Dijun! What I mean is, let's go down to find out the situation, because according to the report, Qin Feng's people not only killed the Five Elements Ninja, but also hunted down our people. We must go down and unite them all, or we lead the team directly Go kill Qin Feng."

Ota Chizuru saw that Hideaki Jincheng wanted to get mad, so she quickly told her thoughts.

Jin Cheng Yingming frowned, and was about to turn around when he heard a rush of footsteps coming.

Outside the gate, there were two wailing sounds.

Then, with a bang, the door of the private room was kicked open, and a man in white appeared at the door, holding a long sword, which was a lone sword.

Ota Chizuru hurried to Jincheng Hideaki's side, and then saw Gujian. As for the two black-clothed ninjas she arranged at the door, they were estimated to be lying on the ground.

Gu Jian made a thumbs down gesture with his right hand to Jin Chengyingming.

Jincheng Yingming's face was full of anger in an instant, he poked his clothes with his right hand, and threw a diamond-shaped hidden weapon at the lonely sword.

Unfortunately, Gu Jian dodged easily.

"who are you?"

Chizuru Ota yelled at Gu Jian sharply.

At this time, Gu Jian said coldly to Jin Chengying: "If you want to kill me, then come out."

Without waiting for Jincheng Yingming to respond, Gu Jian turned around and ran away.

"Don't run!"

Ota Chizuru yelled sharply and chased after him, but when she reached the door, Gu Jian could no longer be seen.

So she turned her head to look at Jincheng Yingming.

"Dijun, what shall we do now?"

"That should be Qin Feng's people just now. Since they want to seek death, then I will fulfill them."

Hideaki Jincheng snorted coldly, and then gestured to Chizuru Ota.

Chizuru Ota understood in seconds, and hurried back to the hall, took a tachi, and handed it to Hideaki Jincheng, and she also picked up a ninja sword herself.

The two immediately walked out of the private room.

When he arrived at the downstairs lobby of the inn, Jin Chengying saw Gu Jian standing at the entrance, looking at him coldly.

"Come on, I'll be waiting for you in the open space near Plant Manor."

Gu Jian said in a cold voice.

"The soul is pale!"

Ota Chizuru immediately swung the sword, and was about to strike at Gujian.

However, Gu Jian turned around and ran away immediately.

Hideaki Jincheng didn't run after him either, because he was wearing clogs and he didn't want to run.

Ota Chizuru did not continue to chase, but turned to look at Jincheng Hideaki who was walking over.

"Dijun, this is probably a trap."

(End of this chapter)

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