Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 462 Qin Feng's People 5 More

Chapter 462 Qin Feng's Fifth Watch
"Trap? Hmph, the Xia people are full of traps, but unfortunately, the person they met was me."

Hideaki Jincheng said with a conceited face.

"But the emperor..."

Chizuru Ota wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Hideaki Kaneshiro with a wave.

"Needless to say, they all deserve to die tonight!"

Jincheng Yingming snorted softly, then his face turned cold, and his whole body was full of murderous aura.

The temperature in the entire front hall seemed to drop suddenly, and the coldness made the heart stop suddenly.

The two waitresses at the front desk all squatted down, not daring to approach Hideaki Jincheng and Chizuru Ota at all.

Ota Chizuru took out his mobile phone and made a few calls.

After a while, dozens of black-clothed ninjas ran down from the inn.

Ota Chizuru checked the location of the Botanic Manor with his mobile phone, and then reported to Jincheng Yingminghui: "Dijun, the Botanic Manor is just to the north, very close to us, just cross the Huanxiu Bridge."


Jin Cheng Yingming shouted sharply, and then strode out.

Ota Chizuru also immediately waved to these dozens of black-clothed ninjas.

A group of people left Hongyun Inn and hurried towards Plant Manor.

2 minute later.

A group of people arrived at the open space near the plant manor, but there seemed to be no one here, only the extremely bright street lights.

"Dijun, he really lied to us."

Ota Chizuru frowned and said coldly.

"The Xia people are really hateful!"

Jincheng Yingming couldn't help scolding angrily.

"I am here!"

A voice came suddenly.

Jin Cheng Yingming raised his eyes and looked over, but saw Gu Jian straighten his waist from a stone bench, and yawned.

Ota Chizuru saw it, and immediately waved to the dozens of black-clothed ninjas, "Kill him!"

"and many more!"

Hideaki Jincheng gestured to Chizuru Ota, then looked at Gu Jian coldly, and asked coldly, "Who are you? Are you really from Qin Feng?"

"That's right! I'm from Qin Feng!"

Gu Jian nodded.

"what's your name?"

Jin Cheng Yingming frowned and asked, he felt that Gu Jian was very imposing, obviously not simple.

"Lone Sword!"

Gu Jian replied coldly.

"What? Are you Gu Jian?"

Ota Chizuru's pretty face darkened, a look of surprise flashed across her eyes, she never expected to see Gu Jian here.

Of course, she knew that Gu Jian was the No. [-] pick on Xia Guo's hunting list, and it was said that he was also very powerful. As for whether it was the strength of King Wu or Emperor Wu, she didn't know.

"Gu Jian? Who is Gu Jian?"

Hideaki Kaneshiro turned his head to look at Chizuru Ota, and asked with a frown.

He didn't know what Gu Jian was, but he knew that this Gu Jian had an aura similar to his.

Chizuru Ota hurriedly explained into Hideaki Kaneshiro's ear.

At this time, a large group of black-clothed ninjas came towards this side.

After Ota Chizuru finished explaining, seeing these black-clothed ninjas, she immediately made a gesture, signaling the black-clothed ninjas to go and surround this open space.

"Otian, take someone over there and arrest Yuan Zihan. I'm the one they're going to deal with."

Hideaki Kaneshiro waved to Chizuru Ota.


Ota Chizuru's face was full of embarrassment, and her brows were instantly frowned, because she didn't expect that Hideaki Jincheng was still thinking about Yuan Zihan at this time.

At this moment, she fully understood that Jincheng Yingming had already taken a fancy to Yuan Zihan.

But she pouted and took out her mobile phone to make a call to confirm whether Yuan Zihan was still on the cruise.

"Dijun, Yuan Zihan has already left the cruise ship and went to West Street, do you need to go there immediately and arrest someone?"

After finishing the phone call, Chizuru Ota quickly reported to Hideaki Kaneshiro.

"Qin Feng probably would be great if he invited the No. [-] pick on the hunting list. Don't worry, I will let him know that if he offends me, he will surely die."

Hideaki Kaneshiro looked at Chizuru Ota and hummed softly.

Ota Chizuru smiled awkwardly, but did not respond.

She thought that Jincheng Yingming could kill Gu Jian easily, but what she was worried about was that Jincheng Yingming wanted to arrest Yuan Zihan, and she also knew that Jincheng Yingming said this on purpose, but he refused to give up Yuan Zihan.

Therefore, she immediately decided that no matter what, she would kill Yuan Zihan later, and never let Yuan Zihan come to Jincheng Yingming's side to affect her status.

Afterwards, Chizuru Ota immediately left here with more than 20 ninjas in black.

Hideaki Jincheng watched Ota Chizuru walking up the Huanxiu Bridge, then continued to look up at Gu Jian, and hummed softly, "I think you'd better surrender."

"It's almost as if I gave you these words. You don't really think I'm alone, do you?"

Gu Jian chuckled, then swung his right hand and snapped his fingers.

Jincheng Yingming's face darkened, could it be that Gu Jian will not succeed in the future?

A familiar voice suddenly came over.

Jincheng Yingming turned his head to look, but saw Gao Liuqita sitting in a wheelchair and being pushed over.

And the person who pushed Liu Qitai up was actually Qin Feng!
"Qin Feng? You kid, do you still dare to come here? So, is this why you deliberately asked someone to lure me out?"

Jin Cheng Yingming snorted coldly, staring at Qin Feng with dark eyes.

Qin Feng smiled faintly and nodded in recognition.

(End of this chapter)

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