Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 463 Not qualified 6 more

Chapter 463 Unqualified Six Changes
"Yes, it's me!"

Saying that, Qin Feng lowered his head, pressed Gao Liu Qitai's shoulders, and put it close to Gao Liu Qitai's ear: "I said that I will let you watch your mentor be slaughtered, you should remember."

"Qin Feng, you are thinking too much. None of you will be my mentor's opponent. Therefore, it is still too late for you to surrender, otherwise, you will die."

Gao Liuqi held his head high and said arrogantly.

"Qin Feng, I have to say that your move to lure the snake out of the hole is really effective, but don't think that you are great just because you have invited the Gujian."

Jincheng Yingming's face was already cloudy, because he found that Gao Liuqita's arms had been removed, and he was tied up in a wheelchair.

He didn't expect Qin Feng to come here and dare to threaten Gao Liu Qitai in front of him, which obviously didn't take him seriously.

You know, he is Emperor Wu, he was praised by people everywhere before, how could it be his turn to be so ignored by Qin Feng, a nameless idiot?

Qin Feng stood up straight, looked at Jincheng Yingming coldly, and said with a sneer, "You are wrong, Gu Jian is not qualified to fight you yet!"

Jin Cheng Yingming frowned, and the corners of his mouth curled up immediately. He thought Qin Feng was admitting cowardice.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng went on to say: "Gu Jian's skill is too good, there is no need for him to lower his value to fight with you! Li Nian, come on!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Feng gestured behind him.

Li Nian immediately walked over wielding two Bazhan knives, with a strong aura all over his body.

Jincheng Yingming was startled, he didn't expect Qin Feng to look down on him, not that Gu Jian couldn't deal with him, but that he was too weak to be worthy of Gu Jian's attack.

"Bage! Qin Feng, I will tear your corpse into thousands of pieces."

Hearing this, Qin Feng chuckled, then squinted his eyes and squinted at Gao Liuqitai.

"Did you hear that? Your mentor is going to tear me into pieces. You said, since he is so ruthless, there is no need for me to keep him?"

Gao Liuqitai frowned, not daring to refute.

Because he didn't know why, he suddenly felt palpitations, and he felt that Qin Feng's words seemed to have a lot of confidence.

This feeling made him unbelievable, as if Qin Feng had completely controlled the life and death of Hideaki Jincheng, and even controlled the life and death of all the Iga ninjas brought by Hideaki Jincheng this time.

All of a sudden, there was a trace of complicated emotions in his heart. Can this Li Nian deal with his mentor Jin Chengyingming?

"Haha! Qin Feng, you want to keep me? Who do you think you are?"

Jincheng Yingming laughed, and looked at Qin Feng with disdain.

In his opinion, Qin Feng is just bragging. For this kind of person, he will use his strength to teach him a lesson.

"Who am I, you are not qualified to know."

Qin Feng smiled faintly, but pressed his left hand on Gao Liu Qitai's shoulder again, "I will tell you what regret is."

Gao Liu Qitai trembled, his face was frightened, and he grunted, but he still didn't dare to open his mouth to refute.

"Hmph! Come on! Kill them for me!"

Jincheng Yingming saw that Qin Feng was still so calm, and he was still acting like he was taking care of Gao Liuqita, which made him very upset, and he immediately gave an order.

However, just as the ninjas in black were about to attack Qin Feng, a group of strong men in white also rushed towards him.

Jincheng Yingming's expression darkened, he never expected that Qin Feng would actually ambush him.

Of course, this was nothing to him, because no matter how many people Qin Feng called over, he could still kill Qin Feng.

The strong men in white came over quickly, protected Qin Feng and retreated, and rushed towards the ninjas in black at the same time.

However, Li Nian rushed towards Jincheng Yingming with the eight-cutting knife in his hand, his whole body was murderous, and the two eight-cutting knives swung quickly and hatefully.

Two ninjas in black wanted to step forward to intercept Li Nian, but Li Nian sent him flying.

"Leave him to me! You killed the others!"

Jincheng Yingming saw that Li Nian was extraordinary, so he swung his sword and rushed towards Li Nian.

The ninjas in black stepped aside one after another, giving Li Nian to Jincheng Yingming, while they all rushed towards the strong men in white.


Lu Yaohong roared, full of murderous aura, and rushed towards the black-clothed ninjas first, his whole body turned into a white ball, looking unstoppable.

The two short knives swung out from his hands, and they were extremely swift and violent. The blades were terrifying, which made all the black-clothed ninjas look shocked.

Q Ba, Cao Xiaochuan, Haoguang and others who followed closely behind were all like beasts out of the cage, as if seeing a little sheep that could be devoured.

The black-clothed ninjas were all frightened. Although they were not bad at skills, they had never faced such a beast-like team, and they even delayed their attack for a while.

There was a sound of sword strikes, and the black and white sides were all fighting together in an instant.

Qin Feng pulled the wheelchair back, stood proudly at Gao Liu Qitai's right side, and said with a sneer, "Originally, I planned to give you another chance, but unfortunately, you missed it, and I can only feel sorry for my teacher."

"what do you mean?"

Gao Liuqi asked in a trembling voice.

(End of this chapter)

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