Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 464 8 nonsense 1 more

Chapter 464

If Qin Feng gave a chance, it should be a fair match, but Gao Liuqitai didn't see what kind of chance Qin Feng was going to give, but felt that Qin Feng was murderous.

"If you had made Jincheng Yingming kneel down just now, maybe I would have spared him!"

Qin Feng laughed.

"You are wishful thinking! My mentor kneels down on you, how is it possible? You deserve it too?"

When Gao Liu Qitai heard Qin Feng's words, he looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and his face exploded with anger.

If Qin Feng just humiliated him, then he has no objection, but if he humiliates his mentor, then absolutely not.

"You're right! He's not qualified to kneel to me yet! Therefore, it's useless to keep someone like him."

Qin Feng nodded, as if he had just come to his senses, and then yelled at Li Nian who was fighting: "Li Nian, kill him after one hundred moves!"

"Yes, sir."

Li Nian responded to Qin Feng while waving the eight swords to fight.

Jin Cheng Yingming's face turned red with anger, and he killed him after a hundred moves?

snort!Then it proves that this Li Nian is nothing more than that, his strength is not as good as him, and he will definitely kill Li Nian within thirty moves.

Qin Feng smiled faintly, then restrained his smile, and sighed: "If Jin Cheng Yingming had a normal level, he should be able to hold on to two hundred moves. But it's a pity that when he came to Xitang, he kept playing with women, and his body had already been hollowed out. There are only seven points left in strength."

"You...you are talking nonsense!"

Gao Liu Qitai looked at Qin Feng angrily, his mentor Jin Chengying is not as good as Li Nian?Can only hold on to two hundred moves?

What kind of international joke is this?
As for Jincheng Yingming playing with women, he has always known, but he thinks Jincheng Yingming will definitely kill Li Nian.

However, when looking at these ninjas in black, Gao Liuqita's heart skipped a beat, what's going on?

These ninjas in black were brought by Hideaki Jincheng, but Keita Takayanagi also knew this group of people, so it would not be an exaggeration to say that they were personal guards.

This team followed Jincheng Yingming directly, so the skill test was also very good, and was brought by Jincheng Yingming in case of emergency.

Gao Liu Qitai never thought that this group of people would be brought by Jincheng Yingming to attack and kill Qin Feng.

However, this group of people seems to be... losing to Qin Feng's strong men in white?

"Am I talking nonsense, you will know soon, I hope you will still be so stubborn with me then."

Qin Feng sneered, but his eyes were still fixed on Jincheng Yingming.

When Gao Liuqitai saw Qin Feng's appearance, he also quickly looked at Jincheng Yingming.

at this time.

Facing Li Nian's aggression, Jincheng Yingming felt for the first time that Li Nian's strength was very strong and his moves were sophisticated.

Just now he thought that people like Qin Feng would definitely die, but looking at it now, Qin Feng's team is not that simple.

"So fast! This speed is simply..."

Jincheng Yingming couldn't help sighing, he just thought he could kill Qin Feng, but he didn't expect that Li Nian was so fast that he could keep up with him.

"Thinking to kill Mr.? You are not worthy!"

Li Nian sneered, and his strikes were extremely swift and fierce, his whole body was like a thunder running at high speed, no one was seen, and the blade was aggressive.

In the blink of an eye, he hit directly in front of Jincheng Yingming.

Jincheng Yingming swung the Taidao to block, and was shocked away, and he retreated five meters directly.

But he turned his head and glanced at Gu Jian, only to find that Gu Jian was standing aside with his hands tied, and he had no intention of coming to help Li Nian at all.

"What does this mean? That lone sword is standing motionless?"

"Hmph! Gu Jian? You don't need Gu Jian to kill you. I alone is enough."

Li Nian said arrogantly.

"You alone? Who do you think I am?"

Jin Cheng Yingming smiled disdainfully, this Li Nian is presumptuous in front of him?
Afterwards, he immediately sped up his speed. He wanted to take down Li Nian quickly, and then went to kill Gu Jian as well.

Afterwards, to depose Qin Feng, he will humiliate Qin Feng's woman in front of Qin Feng's face, and take revenge for Qin Feng's humiliation just now.

However, to Jincheng Yingming's displeasure, he speeded up, and Li Nian also speeded up obviously.

For a moment, Jincheng Yingming became a little impatient.

"How did this happen? Your speed can keep up with me? Who are you? What realm?"

Li Nian didn't respond to Jincheng Yingming, but continued to wave a pair of eight swords with astonishing momentum, constantly bullying him.

"Your mentor seems to be impatient. Unfortunately, it's useless for him to be in a hurry. There are some gaps that can't be made up in a hurry."

Qin Feng suddenly sneered at Gao Liuqitai.

"You are talking nonsense! My mentor will not be in a hurry, it is your person who is in a hurry, he will definitely be defeated by my mentor..."

Gao Liu Qitai stiffened his neck and roared loudly.

But his body couldn't stop shaking, because he suddenly felt that what Qin Feng said might be true.

This feeling made him particularly tormented, so he kept chanting silently in his heart, praying that his mentor could defeat Li Nian.

However, Li Nian suddenly gained the upper hand, even more majestic.

(End of this chapter)

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