Chapter 467

Ota Chizuru's Taidao was pulled away by Jianyi's long sword in an instant, but at the same time, the long sword moved towards Ota Chizuru's neck.

Ota Chizuru's tender body trembled in shock, and hurriedly flopped backwards on purpose.

Unfortunately, she still underestimated Jian Yi's speed.

Jian Yi's long sword slashed across sharply, slashing Ota Chizuru's neck.

Ota Chizuru's eyes widened, seeing the blood splatter on his neck, and the whole person really fell to the ground.

She quickly waved her left hand and covered the wound on her neck, "I won't die..."

But before she finished speaking, a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth.

Jian Yi continued to charge up, and pierced Ota Chizuru's abdomen with a sword.

Ota Chizuru's eyes widened for an instant, and then died.

Those black-clothed ninjas were constantly being knocked down under the impact of the setting sun and the others.

Jian Yi also swung his long sword at the ninjas in black.

Without Ota Chizuru's command, the ninjas in black were also very flustered.

Moreover, the ninjas in black couldn't resist Jian Yi and Xi Yang at all.

Soon, the ninjas in black were all knocked down.

The prodigal son yelled towards the gate of the compound: "Miss, all the ninjas here have been killed."

When Zhou Qinya and Jiang Nishang heard the prodigal son's voice, they also rushed in immediately.

Musashi Ziyuan stood still and looked at Jian Yi. She didn't expect that so many support would come over suddenly, and she didn't even expect Jian Yi from Han Country to come.

At this time, the door of the hall was also opened.

Yuan Zihan and Wang Xinman walked out.

Zhou Qinya glanced at the front yard with a surprised expression on her face. She didn't expect so many black-clothed ninjas to come here.

But when she saw Jianyi, she was also taken aback: "You are Master Jianyi, right?"

Jian Yi looked at Zhou Qinya, and nodded to Zhou Qinya: "Yes, I am Jian Yi."

"Thank you, Master Jianyi. I am Zhou Qinya from the Zhou family in Beiyan City. I really can't imagine that the Yihe ninja is so rampant, and dares to send people to attack and kill sister Zihan."

Zhou Qinya frowned and hummed softly.

She knew that Jianyi should have confirmed Qin Feng's identity as the emperor teacher, and must also know Yuan Zihan, but she was really surprised that Jianyi would come to support him.


Musashi Ziyuan let out a breath, then walked towards Zhou Qinya, and hugged Zhou Qinya.

"Thanks a lot!"

Zhou Qinya smiled lightly, and also reported to Musashi Ziyuan, because without Musashi Ziyuan and the others to intercept, her support might be late.

"Qinya, she's hurt!"

Jiang Nishang came over and quickly reminded Zhou Qinya.

When Zhou Qinya heard this, she quickly let go of Musashi Ziyuan, pushed with both hands, and then checked, and found that Musashi Ziyuan was injured a lot.

"I'm fine, it's just a skin injury."

Shion Musashi laughed.

"Qinya, Nishang, why are you here?"

Yuan Zihan hurried over and grabbed Jiang Nishang, but her eyes flicked over the black-clothed ninja corpse on the ground, her complexion suddenly changed and her heart trembled.

"We should have come here earlier, but I didn't expect these Iga ninjas to take advantage of the loophole."

Zhou Qinya gritted her teeth, and then she turned her head to look at Xiyang and the others, "Go out immediately, continue to search, and catch all the Iga ninjas who sneaked up tonight."

"Yes, Miss."

Xiyang and the others quickly responded in unison, then turned around and walked out of the front yard.

Nie Shengjun walked in and cupped his hands at Zhou Qinya: "Miss Zhou, the Iga ninjas outside have been cleared."

"Very good. Immediately arrange manpower to remove all the corpses of these Iga ninjas. As for the injured, arrange them too."

Zhou Qinya nodded to Nie Shengjun and immediately ordered.


Nie Shengjun turned around and walked out, telling his men to come in and carry the corpse.

Yuan Zihan looked at Huan Wei in the corridor, and shouted with a pretty face in shock: "Huan Wei, how are you?"

Huan Wei covered her left belly, and said with a sneer, "I'm fine!"

Yuan Zihan let go of Jiang Nishang and ran over, she immediately squatted down and checked Huan Wei's abdomen.

Seeing the big gash in her abdomen, she quickly turned her head to look at Zhou Qinya, "Qinya, hurry up and send Huan Wei to the hospital."

Zhou Qinya also quickly called the two of them, and arranged for Xianfu to escort Huan Wei in person.

Wang Xinman suggested that Zhou Qinya and the others go to the hall first.

"Qinya, do you know where Qin Feng is? Take me there!"

Yuan Zihan suddenly said to Zhou Qinya.

"No, sister Zihan, this..."

Zhou Qinya's face froze. She naturally knew where Qin Feng was, but Qin Feng deliberately pushed Yuan Zihan away, which meant that Qin Feng didn't want Yuan Zihan to go there, and it might be very dangerous.

But now, Yuan Zihan asked her to take him there, so she naturally wanted to reject Yuan Zihan.

But looking at Yuan Zihan's resolute face, she froze and couldn't say a word of rejection.

"Take me there."

Yuan Zihan clenched her teeth and said with a solemn expression.

"it is good."

Zhou Qinya nodded, but then turned her head and glanced at Li Yong and Jian Yi: "However, you must be accompanied by a master."

(End of this chapter)

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