Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 468 Don't Be Stressed 5 More

Chapter 468 Don't Be Nervous
Botanical Garden.

Li Nian's shots became faster and faster, forcing Jincheng Yingming to retreat steadily.

"Impossible! I am Emperor Dongsang Wu, how could I lose to you, a nameless rat?"

Jincheng Yingming's face flushed red, he was very excited.

He has always been a proud existence, but now he has fallen behind, how can he not be reconciled!

However, this is not a fact that Jincheng Yingming can change if he is not willing. After all, Li Nian is also very powerful.

Looking at this scene, Gao Liuqitai felt that he was not well. He thought that Jin Chengyingming could kill Li Nian quickly, but he didn't expect that it was Jincheng Yingming who was beaten by Li Nian in the end.

In an instant, the steel wire in Gao Liuqitai's heart was completely pressed down, breaking at any time.

Qin Feng patted Gao Liuqitai on the shoulder, and hummed softly: "Don't be nervous, there are not a hundred moves yet!"

When Gao Liuqitai heard this, his face changed suddenly, because he suddenly remembered that Qin Feng had asked Li Nian to kill Jincheng Yingming after a hundred moves.

So he was even more flustered, and his eyes immediately squinted at Qin Feng.

At the same time, he found that there were a few people beside Qin Feng who hadn't joined the battle at all, and he felt that these people had a strong aura flowing from them.

"What's going on? Who are they?"

Gao Liuqitai gritted his teeth, held back his full of doubts, and then continued to look up at Jincheng Yingming.

"Come and help me!"

Jin Chengying yelled sharply, while dodging Li Nian's double-eight sword.

But it's a pity that his close guards were all left on the ground by Q Ba, Cao Xiaochuan and others.

None of the ninjas in black could get up and continue the duel. From the moment they fell to the ground, they all became corpses.

At this moment, Jin Cheng Yingming glanced around from the corner of his eyes, but saw that the ground was completely black, and all the people lying there were his people.

For a split second, a trace of fear passed through his heart, and he immediately smelled the breath of death.

"No! It's not like this! I am Emperor Dongsang Wu, you are just people from Xia Kingdom..."

Koyanagi looked at Hideaki Jincheng's murmured words, and his expression froze.

Because he knew that Jincheng Yingming had already lost, even though Jincheng Yingming was still struggling.

But Qin Feng has so many masters here, if he continues to struggle, he might just die in the end.

After hesitating for a while, Keita Takayanagi roared at Hideaki Jincheng.

"Master, run quickly! Hurry up!"

Jincheng Yingming turned his head and glanced at Gao Liuqita, but his expression froze instantly.

"Shut up! I won't run away! I am Emperor Dongsang Wu. These are just wastes from the Xia Kingdom. They will not be my opponents, absolutely not."

In a rage, Jincheng Yingming threw two black balls at Li Nian.

Twice bang!

A burst of white smoke instantly rose from the ground.

Li Nian originally planned to continue to attack Jincheng Yingming for a fatal blow, but unexpectedly Jincheng Yingming used a hidden weapon.

Because of the white smoke, he couldn't see Jincheng Yingming's position in an instant.

Of course, Li Nian didn't wander around, but stood in his original position with a calm face, intending to listen to the sound to identify his position.

With a sudden sound, a Taidao slashed towards Li Nian at an astonishingly fast speed.

But Li Nian reacted quickly, quickly dodged, and at the same time swung the eight-cut knife to block the Tai knife.

"Li Nian, be careful of Jin Chengying."

Qin Feng shouted sharply.

In the white smoke, Jincheng Yingming took out a diamond-shaped hidden weapon and threw it towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's expression froze, and he swung a few poker cards to knock out all the diamond-shaped hidden weapons.

And Jincheng Yingming didn't pay much attention to Qin Feng. In a split second, he swung the sword and continued to slash at Li Nian.

Li Nian's steps were messy for a while, and Jin Chengyingming cut him a few times, so he naturally had a few more cuts in his body.

"Haha! As I said, you will not be my opponent. I am Dongsang Wudi Jincheng Yingming, and you are just a nameless rat!"

Jincheng Yingming laughed loudly, and his shots became more fierce, as if he wished he could kill Li Nian immediately.

Seeing this scene, Q Ba and Cao Xiaochuan wanted to go forward to help.

But Q Ba was originally injured because of the incident with Nie Shengjun. When he saw Qin Feng's gesture, he could only retreat regretfully.

Cao Xiaochuan and the others could only stand back and watch Li Nian make a move quietly from the sidelines.

Li Nian's face was calm, and he kept waving the Bazhan Dao to block Jin Chengyingming's Tai Dao.

Suddenly, Li Nian made a wrong step and slashed at Jincheng Yingming's heart.

"it is good!"

Q Ba couldn't help but marvel when he saw Li Nian's move.

Jincheng Yingming swung the sword, but blocked Li Nian's sword, and Li Nian immediately shook him away.

"One hundred tricks!"

Li Nian yelled sharply, because he also remembered that Qin Feng had said that he could kill Emperor Wu only after one hundred moves.

Before, he was always worried about Jin Chengyingming's hole cards, but now, he was not worried at all.

It's just Emperor Wu, he will definitely be able to kill Jincheng Yingming and take off his head tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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