Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 469 Killing Emperor Wu 6

Chapter 469 Killing Emperor Wu Sixth Watch
Li Nian was full of confidence, but Jin Cheng Yingming staggered back and almost fell to the ground.

He quickly stabilized his body, but he looked very embarrassed. He thought he could kill Li Nian, but he didn't expect that Li Nian pestered him for a hundred moves.

"Shame! Bage! You all deserve to die!"

In his impression, Li Nian was just a native of Xia, so he shouldn't have such a good skill at all.

Holding the Taidao tightly in both hands, after a roar, Hideaki Jincheng took small steps and continued to attack Li Nian.

The Taidao was swung out from Jincheng Yingming's hand, accompanied by his fury, but also with great strength.

Li Nian only fought back with the eight swords, but he was sent flying by Jincheng Yingming in the opposite direction.

"Death! I want you all to die! I am Emperor Dongsang Wu. If you don't obey me, you should all die!"

Jincheng Yingming laughed, and even tried to rush towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng looked at Jincheng Yingming coldly, stood motionless, and his eyes looked particularly cold.

However, Li Nian also sent out immediately, and people rushed over like arrows in an instant, and continued to slash at Jincheng Yingming with a pair of eight chopping knives.

Jincheng Yingming was about to hit Qin Feng, but because of Li Nian, he had no choice but to grit his teeth, swung the sword, turned around, and slashed at Li Nian.

The two also confronted each other again. You come and go, and your shots are as fast as lightning, which is very frightening.

Cao Xiaochuan and the others who were watching from the side suddenly turned their directions. They could hardly see the two shots clearly, because it was too fast, after all, both of them were already in the realm of the realm.

"Go to hell! I want you to die! Go to hell!"

Hideaki Jincheng swung the sword and cursed angrily.

"Damn it, it's you! Dare to attack and kill Mr., you are not qualified to live in this world. I want to take off your hot head, and you will die!"

Li Nian also suddenly cursed angrily.

At this time, Li Nian swung the Ba Zhan Dao, and he didn't even think about retreating. Instead, he rushed forward even more bravely, trying to knock Jincheng Yingming down close to him.

"Watch out for the right swing of his tachi."

Qin Feng frowned, and then reminded him sharply.

Gao Liuqi was so astonished, he didn't expect that Qin Feng would be able to find out the strength of Jincheng Yingming's swing all at once, because when he swings from the right side, the strength will be stronger, and the shot will naturally be more stable.

All of a sudden, Gao Liuqitai knew that Qin Feng might not be that simple, and if Qin Feng didn't have a certain level of strength, he wouldn't be able to see clearly the skills of Jin Chengyingming and Li Nian at all.

But now, Qin Feng can not only see clearly, but also easily throw out Jin Chengying's strength, which is tantamount to pointing out Li Nian's weakness on the left side.

Li Qingnian snorted, a trace of teasing flashed across his face, and he immediately avoided Jin Cheng Yingming's right swing.

"Bage, you're so weak! After I kill him, I'll tear you into pieces. Just wait."

Jincheng Yingming glanced at Qin Feng and snorted coldly.

Li Nian seized this opportunity, and slashed at Jincheng Yingming's heart.

Jin Chengying quickly dodged, and at the same time his Taidao also circled around his body, and then swiped towards Li Nian.

"So fast!"

Cao Xiaochuan couldn't help exclaiming.

"Of course fast! However, it's a pity that he should be obsessed with playing with women, so he neglects to practice. He is not as good as in physical fitness. Now his strength is not as good as courting death. If he continues to fight, he will hurt himself even more. .”

Qin Feng sneered, his eyes were still looking at Jincheng Yingming coldly, of course he would not stop Jincheng Yingming from making a move.

Now as long as Jincheng Yingming makes a move, it will be Jincheng Yingming's last chance to lose.

Of course, Jincheng Yingming can also escape, but he knows that Jincheng Yingming will definitely not choose to escape.

Li Nian roared a few times, and then speeded up. He had stabilized himself, but he found that Jincheng Yingming was already panting.

So he didn't stop at all, and his moves became more pungent, and all his moves were directed at Jincheng Yingming's fatal point.

The more Jin Chengying fought, the more he retreated, because Li Nian was too fast.

"No! I won't lose, I'm Emperor Dongsangwu..."

Jincheng Yingming was still roaring, but his strength had begun to weaken.

Jincheng Yingming's Taidao was split in two by Li Nian.

Even so, Hideaki Jincheng continued to swing half of the sword at Li Nian.

"Suffer to death!"

Li Nian's momentum was like a rainbow, and he immediately bullied him, and the Shuang Ba Zhan Dao slashed forward.

Half of the Taidao was also split into two by Li Nian again.

But that's not important. What's important is that Li Nian slashed at Jincheng Yingming's heart with an eight-cut knife.

Jin Cheng Yingming quickly dodged, but was too late, and was stabbed in the right abdomen by Li Nian.

Stab it!

There was a cut in the clothes, and blood splattered out immediately.

Li Nian stabilized his body, and slashed Jincheng Yingming's heart with his backhand again.

Jincheng Yingming was sent flying in an instant, and fell to the ground.


Gao Liuqi was so frightened that he quickly yelled at Jincheng Yingming.

But it's too late.

(End of this chapter)

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