Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 470 Meet the Emperor Master 1 More

Chapter 470 Greeting the Emperor Master

Jincheng Yingming slammed into a fence, and then fell heavily on the ground, as if all his pride had been shattered.

With a knife in the right abdomen and a knife in the heart, Jin Cheng Yingming was covered in blood in an instant, looking in a panic.

He thought he could kill Li Nian easily, but in the end he was defeated by Li Nian. He couldn't stand up anymore, so he could only look up at Gao Liuqitai.

Gao Liuqi was completely panicked, and quickly turned to look at Qin Feng, begging: "Qin Feng, please, save my mentor!"

"beg me?"

Qin Feng chuckled, but shook his head, looking at Hideaki Jincheng with cold eyes: "Since he accepted Toshiro Iga's order to attack and kill me, he is destined to end like this."

"No. Qin Feng, please, give him a way out."

Gao Liu Qitai continued to beg.

"I didn't even intend to give you a way out, how could I give him a way out? And when he came here, why did he ever think about giving me a way out? Besides, I didn't bully the less with more, right? It's a fair one-on-one duel, It's his conceit that seeks death."

Qin Feng said with a cold snort.

"This...Qin Feng, otherwise, you kill me and give my mentor a way out, come, kill me..."

Gao Liuqi said tremblingly.

Hearing Gao Liu Qitai's words, Jincheng Yingming couldn't hold back for an instant, and spat out a mouthful of blood with a puff.

The night is charming, the street lights are bright, red and red lanterns are hung all over the inns, hotels, hotels, and street shops, but everything is quiet, and the air is filled with the smell of blood.

"Don't, don't ask...he..."

Jincheng Yingming clenched his teeth, his mouth was full of blood.

At this time, he was really regretful. If he didn't come to deal with Qin Feng, then he might still be drinking sake in Dongsang Country, hugging Chizuru Ota and laughing affectionately.

But now, he was defeated by Qin Feng's people, defeated by a nameless rat, defeated by a Xia Guoren, this is simply a shame in his life.

With only one breath left, even if he wanted to commit seppuku, he couldn't move, but his right abdomen was cut, which was equivalent to seppuku.

"No. Teacher, when you go back to Dongsang Kingdom, you are still someone we admire, and you can continue to educate the people of the country. You are our hope."

Koyanagi looked at Hideaki Jincheng, and continued to speak in a trembling voice.


Jincheng Yingming chuckled, he is almost dead now, what hope is there?

"Don't worry, I will send you on the road, so don't worry about it."

Qin Feng sneered, and then gestured to the white tiger next to him.

Baihu also immediately took out his cell phone and made a call, "After clearing away the remnants of Iga, come quickly to the emperor's place."

Emperor teacher?

Gao Liuqitai and Jincheng Yingming were both startled, who is the emperor teacher?Qin Feng?

For a moment, both of them looked puzzled.

Li Nian stood aside, out of breath. After all, the opponent was Emperor Dongsang Wu, and both sides went all out in their moves, and naturally their physical strength was a little exhausted.

Even so, Li Nian was still standing proudly, not sitting or lying on the ground.

After a while, a large group of people rushed towards the plant garden from several directions.

"Meet the Emperor Master!"

After these people came over, they all bowed to Qin Feng and knelt down.

Then, Li Nian, Q Ba, and Cao Xiaochuan all bowed down to Qin Feng.

"You are the emperor teacher? How is this possible? You..."

Gao Liu Qitai looked at Qin Feng in horror, he naturally knew what the emperor meant.

But he always thought that Qin Feng was just a little son-in-law of the Yuan family. He never thought that Qin Feng was actually a master of a generation of emperors!
This scene made him unbelievable. He glanced around and saw these masters kneeling to worship Qin Feng with dignified and solemn expressions.

Immediately, all doubts in his mind were relieved.

"How could this be? Xia Guo actually... has such a young emperor teacher like you? Who are you...?"

Jincheng Yingming spat out a mouthful of blood, and his speech gradually became clear, but he was trembling all over, and he was trying to speak with the last bit of strength in his body.

"That's right. I'm Qin Feng, the number one emperor who swept across Feizhou."

Qin Feng nodded and said with a cold snort.


Jincheng Yingming once again spit out a mouthful of black blood. He thought this was just a small family, so he naturally ignored it.

But he never imagined that Qin Feng would be the number one imperial master to sweep the Feizhou battlefield, and he was still such a young emperor.

"Ha ha……"

Jincheng Yingming sneered, but the smile looked sad and lonely, because this time he really fell down, and he even thought of being able to fight against an emperor teacher.

An emperor teacher, countless disciples, Wu Wang and other masters don't know how many, he thought he could kill Qin Feng, but he didn't expect that he fell into Qin Feng's killing trap.

Even so, Qin Feng also gave him the most respectable duel, but unfortunately, he didn't cherish it. Instead, he came all the way to play with women, wasted his body, and didn't pay attention to the duel.

(End of this chapter)

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