Chapter 472 Unforgivable crime third watch
Near the plant garden, in a dark place, an old woman leaned her palms against the wall, her face was shocked, and the tip of her nose was already dripping with cold sweat.

"Emperor Master, he is actually Emperor Master!"

This old woman was Ma Wanting, she was muttering to herself with disbelief on her face.

Originally, Ma Wanting felt that Qin Feng was not simple, even if Qin Feng was just a Martial King, she felt that Qin Feng was already remarkable.

However, she never imagined that Qin Feng was already an emperor teacher at such a young age.

The phone vibrates.

Ma Wanting took out her phone and glanced at it. It was a message from Jiang Xue asking where she was.

She replied Jiang Xue with a word, and then continued to look at Qin Fengna.

"Don't come here! If you come here again, I'll strangle her to death!"

Jincheng Yingming watched Qin Feng approaching, he was suddenly nervous, and the pain in his body made him even more unbearable.

"Teacher! Stop!"

Gao Liuqi shouted sharply.

"Shut up! You think I'm afraid of death? Hmph! How can Xia Guo have such outstanding talents? I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled!"

Jincheng Yingming gritted his teeth and said, then spit out a mouthful of blood again.

Qin Feng frowned slightly, his body swayed suddenly, he swung his right hand, and struck Jin Cheng Yingming's abdomen with his palm.

And Zhou Qinya had already noticed Qin Feng's wink, so her body immediately tilted to the left.

Jincheng Yingming wanted to pinch Zhou Qinya's neck, but found that his arm was stiff. He didn't know when there were a few more silver needles on his arm.

Because he couldn't dodge, he was hit by Qin Feng, and his people were instantly sent flying by Qin Feng.

This time, he fell heavily to the ground again, but what was different from before was that he died instantly, and he couldn't get up again, and he couldn't even utter a word.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Jin Chengyingming being killed.

Zhou Qinya also fell to the ground because she couldn't stand firmly.

Yuan Zihan and the others walked over nervously, supporting Zhou Qinya with all their might.

"Qinya, how are you? Are you all right?"

Yuan Zihan hurriedly asked in a trembling voice.

If Zhou Qinya hadn't brought someone to the old Wang's house tonight, she might be in danger, so she didn't want to see something happen to Zhou Qinya.

"I'm fine!"

Zhou Qinya shook her head lightly, took a deep breath quickly, her pretty face was trembling constantly, but her face had returned to normal.

Qin Feng glanced at Zhou Qinya, then turned around and walked towards Gao Liuqitai.

"How do you want to die?"

Walking in front of Gao Liu Qitai, Qin Feng asked coldly.

Gao Liu Qitai was still staring at Jincheng Yingming's body, and did not respond to Qin Feng's words.

At this time, Kotaro Ooka came over, wanting to get close to Qin Feng, but was stopped by Baihu and the others.

Ooka Kotaro knelt down to Qin Feng, "Master, please let Gao Liu Keita go?"

Keita Takayanagi turned his head to look at Kotarou Ooka, he never thought that Kotaro Ooka would come out to intercede for him.

In an instant, a wry smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

He had been insulting Kotaro Ooka before, and even hated Kotaro Ooka.

But seeing Kotaro Ooka kneeling, he felt that he was still narrow-minded before.

Qin Feng looked at Kotarou Ooka coldly, and hummed softly: "Kita Takayanagi led people to attack me many times, there is no excuse for this crime."

After finishing speaking, Qin Feng gestured to Bai Hu.

Gao Liuqi looked at it, and hurriedly said in a trembling voice: "Wait! Master Emperor, please give me a chance to commit seppuku. I don't want to be like my mentor."

When Qin Feng heard this, his expression darkened instantly, because if he wanted to give Gao Liu Qitai a chance, he had to connect Gao Liu Qitai's arms back.

He hesitated for a moment, and then motioned for Baihu to come forward and untie the rope that bound Gao Liuqitai's body, and at the same time, he gave Gao Liuqitai his arms back.

Gao Liu Qitai walked towards Jincheng Yingming, and then kowtowed to Jincheng Yingming three times.

Afterwards, Gao Liu Qitai picked up the half sword on the ground, knelt down to Qin Feng, and took off his shirt.

Musashi Ziyuan frowned, and quickly pulled Yuan Zihan and the others around, not looking at Takayanagi Keita.

Keita Takayanagi looked at Kotarou Ooka, and smiled sadly: "Mr. Ooka! Sorry, I was not good enough to you before. If there is another life, I hope to work with you."

"Gao Liu-kun!"

Ooka Kotaro's face was agitated, his eyes were red, and his body was trembling, but he was powerless to change anything, after all, this was the person Qin Feng wanted to kill.

Now that Qin Feng gave Gao Liu Qitai a decent way to die as a warrior of Dongsang, it was actually a lenient.

Otherwise, Gao Liuqitai would have been like those black-clothed ninjas on the ground, who had been chopped into countless pieces.

"In this life, I have no regrets about entering Xia Kingdom, and I have no regrets about getting to know you..."

With his head held high, Takayanagi Keita looked awe-inspiring, and then stabbed half of the sword in his abdomen.

Ooka Kotaro lowered his head, his face was full of sorrow, if Takayanagi Keita was willing to listen to his advice, how could he end up like this?

(End of this chapter)

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