Chapter 473
Gao Liuqita stabbed himself in the abdomen, and then slashed to the side with the knife, and he lost his strength immediately, and then fell to the ground.

Soon, he closed his eyes and gradually lost his breath.

Qin Feng couldn't sense Takayanagi Keita's aura, then raised his eyes to Ooka Kotarou, and said: "Let these corpses be left to you to take care of and cremate them together. After the cremation, I will arrange for people to send them back to Dongsang country."

"Thank you, Master Emperor."

Ooka Kotarou trembled in response.

Qin Feng made a gesture to Baihu and Cao Xiaochuan respectively, signaling them to bring someone to stay to assist Kotaro Ooka.

Then, he looked in the direction where Ma Wanting was hiding, "Come out."

When everyone heard this, they raised their eyes to look at the dark place.

Q Ba and Li Yong even swayed and rushed towards the dark place.

Ma Wanting came out quickly, raising her hands, because he felt the murderous intent of Q Ba and the others, if she didn't raise her hand, I'm afraid Q Ba and the others would kill her as an Iga ninja.

"It turned out to be the old Guanyin. It's not a good thing for you to hide in the dark and eavesdrop."

Qin Feng squinted his eyes at Ma Wanting and hummed softly.

Ma Wanting approached, hurriedly plopped, knelt down towards Qin Feng, and said with an embarrassed smile: "I'm sorry, Master Emperor, I didn't mean to eavesdrop. Please forgive me, an old woman, this time."

"I can forgive you this time, but if you dare to eavesdrop on something next time, then don't blame me for being rude."

Qin Feng said coldly.

"No, absolutely not."

Ma Wanting quickly waved her hand and said, will you eavesdrop next time?Unless she really wanted to die, otherwise, she would never dare to have a next time.

What's more, she is already old now, the older she gets, the more she cherishes her life, how can she be willing to die?
More importantly, she couldn't afford to offend Qin Feng.

"Let's go."

Qin Feng stepped forward and pulled Yuan Zihan Rouyi, and walked outside.

When everyone saw it, they gave way one after another.

Zhou Qinya also hurriedly pulled Jiang Nishang to follow Qin Feng and the others.

Shion Musashi also gestured to Kimiko Miyata, and followed Qin Feng and the others.

When Ma Wanting saw Qin Feng leave, she was completely relieved. For a moment just now, she felt that Qin Feng might want to do something.

And Qin Feng didn't ask her to stay and help, so naturally she wouldn't be foolish enough to stay and help, instead she got up immediately and left here.

The entrance to the west entrance of Xiaotong Street.

Ma Wanting saw Jiangxue and Hongxia, and she immediately walked over quickly.

"Grandma Ma, what's the matter? You seem to be in a hurry?"

Jiang Xue saw that something was wrong with Ma Wanting, and asked quickly.

"This time, I really misjudged. Qin Feng's background is not simple. He turned out to be an emperor teacher."

Ma Wanting said with a nervous expression while panting.

"What? Qin Feng is the emperor's teacher? Grandma Ma, are you right?"

Jiang Xue looked at Ma Wanting with an unbelievable expression on her face. Qin Feng is the emperor's teacher. Is this Ma Wanting's joke?

"That's right! Qin Feng is the emperor teacher! Now I understand why Qin Feng looks so strange. And you don't know that Emperor Dongsang Wu has been killed."

Ma Wanting shook her head, gritted her teeth and said.

"Emperor Dongsang? Grandma Ma, you mean that Emperor Dongsang was killed by Qin Feng? Doesn't that mean that Qin Feng's strength has already..."

Hongxia covered her small mouth, let out a low cry, and looked at Ma Wanting with a blushing pretty face, because she felt that Qin Feng must be very powerful to become the emperor's master at such a young age.

"That's right! Qin Feng's strength is at least an existence we look up to. However, Emperor Dongsang was killed by Qin Feng in the end, but the person who defeated Emperor Dongsang was Qin Feng's."

Ma Wanting turned her head to look at Hongxia, and replied tremblingly.

"Grandma Ma, do you mean that there is someone very powerful around Qin Feng?"

Jiang Xue looked at Ma Wanting inexplicably and asked.

"That's right! The people around Qin Feng are very powerful, and he also has a group of people who follow him, all of whom are very skilled."

Thinking of Li Nian and the others, Ma Wanting's face froze instantly, which made her heart skip a beat.

Because even if she hadn't confronted Li Nian and the others, she could be sure that Li Nian and the others must all be strong, and the ninjas in black in that place were the best proof.

"Then what do we do now?"

Jiang Xue asked nervously, they originally planned to get rid of Qin Feng and the others afterwards, but they never expected Qin Feng to have such an identity.

"We won't run away this time. Since Qin Feng is the emperor's teacher, we naturally want to get closer to the emperor's teacher."

The corners of Ma Wanting's mouth curled up, and she smiled lightly.

After all, Qin Feng is the emperor's teacher. If they can follow the emperor's teacher, then they will definitely have the opportunity to improve their status in the future.


Jiang Xue was startled, she thought that Ma Wanting would continue to take them away, but she didn't expect that Ma Wanting would take them to stay and join Qin Feng.

It was just a stopgap measure before, but now she can see that Ma Wanting is eyeing Qin Feng as the emperor's teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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