Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 474 Grasping the Opportunity 5 More

Chapter 474
"Where are Ziyan and the others, where are they now? Take me there quickly."

Ma Wanting frowned and said in a deep voice.

"They're over at No. [-] Inn."

Jiang Xue quickly reported an address and was about to take Ma Wanting over there.

But Ma Wanting waved to Hongxia, "Hongxia, you go there first, tell the others to go to Inn No. [-], and Jiangxue and I will go there immediately."

"Yes, Grandma Ma."

Hongxia nodded, then walked away.

Jiang Xue looked at Ma Wanting inexplicably, she didn't know why Ma Wanting dismissed Hongxia.

Ma Wanting waited until Hongxia had gone far, then leaned into Jiangxue's ear, and said in a low voice, "Just now I went to Qin Feng's side and saw Qin Feng's woman. That's why I deliberately left you here, and I want to explain something you."

"Yes. Grandma Ma, just tell me."

Jiang Xue nodded quickly.

"Jiangxue, you are the most beautiful of all my disciples, do you know that?"

"So, if you have the opportunity to get close to Qin Feng, then you must seize the opportunity."

"Now you may not understand the identity of an emperor teacher, but one day you will definitely understand, it is a peak existence that many of us ordinary people cannot touch."

Ma Wanting leaned against Jiang Xue's ear and spoke slowly.

"No, Grandma Ma, what you said..."

Jiang Xue looked at Ma Wanting with a blushing face, she was momentarily at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.

"You have to remember, this is what I told you. As for your other senior sisters, I won't tell them these things, so you must always remember the mission you shoulder. Can our Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara team It's up to you to take off."

Ma Wanting said with a gloomy face.


Jiang Xue still wanted to refute, but seeing Ma Wanting's face became more gloomy, she couldn't say anything, so she just nodded in agreement.

"Let's go, let's go to Inn No. [-]. As for Qin Feng's status as the emperor teacher, you don't have to tell anyone else, Hongxia will definitely not talk nonsense, and I will warn her later."

Ma Wanting waved her hand, and then walked towards the direction where Hongxia just disappeared.

Jiang Xue also hurriedly followed.

Soon, the two arrived at No. [-] Inn.

After arriving at the first suite, the two also saw Ziyan and the others.

"Grandma Ma."

Seeing Ma Wanting coming, Zi Yan and the others shouted in unison.

"It's good that you all come here, there shouldn't be any Iga ninjas slipping out from the periphery, right?"

Ma Wanting nodded and immediately asked.

"No. All the Iga ninjas should have been killed. This time Qin Feng sent so many people, but we don't need to do anything at all."

Ziyan nodded.

"That's good. Then we have explained something to Qin Feng, otherwise, if there are really ninjas absconding, it will not be a good thing for us."

"But now, Qin Feng has captured Dongsang Wudi, and I also know that Qin Feng is related to the Zhou family, a super family in Beiyan City."

"So, in the future, we must also establish a good relationship with Qin Feng, so that it will be convenient for our development in the future."

Ma Wanting finished speaking with a sigh, then waved to Hongxia, motioning Hongxia to go into a bedroom alone with her.

Hongxia knew that Ma Wanting was going to warn her, so she glanced at Jiang Xue, and followed Ma Wanting into the bedroom with some reluctance.

Jiang Xuexiu frowned slightly, her pretty face flushed instantly.

"Senior Sister Jiangxue, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that something was wrong with Jiang Xue, Xuanshuang hurriedly asked.

"I'm fine! Now we are relaxed. After all, this time we have to deal with the Iga ninjas, but I didn't expect that Qin Feng's people would dare to kill all these Iga ninjas."

Jiang Xue gritted her teeth and said, she would naturally not tell these teachers and sisters what Ma Wanting just explained, unless Ma Wanting agreed to speak out.

"Qin Feng is not easy. In short, we still have to be careful in the future."

Zi Yan shook her head lightly and said coldly.

"No. In the future, we may have to rely on Qin Feng, so instead of being careful about Qin Feng in the future, we have to follow Qin Feng to do things."

Jiang Xue also shook her head slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"Working with Qin Feng?"

The seniors and sisters all looked at Jiangxue in astonishment. They really never thought that they would join Qin Feng, and thought they were just doing something for Qin Feng.

"This...is what Grandma Ma told me, so if you have any questions, you can ask Grandma Ma later. After all, Qin Feng has such a good relationship with the Cao family and the Zhou family. What a bad thing."

Jiang Xue chuckled, but quickly transferred the matter to Ma Wanting, after all, Ma Wanting was the person in charge.

"It's nothing to befriend Qin Feng, but if you listen to Qin Feng in everything, it won't be a good thing for our team. Besides, Qin Feng doesn't seem to like our team either. He doesn't like our team."

Zi Yan snorted softly.

"Maybe, but no matter what, let's stop thinking about it, Grandma Ma will explain to us when she comes out."

Jiang Xue hurriedly laughed awkwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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