Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 475 I swore 1 more

Chapter 475

Zi Yan nodded, but turned her eyes to the door of the bedroom, but she was full of doubts, what did the old Guanyin pull Hongxia into the room for?

Jiangxue's face was embarrassed, but she didn't dare to say anything. After all, she knew that Zi Yan, as a senior sister, was sometimes suspicious, so she only asked about following the Iga ninja tonight.

"I have to say that Qin Feng is really powerful. I followed up and found that there seemed to be several groups of people, not only from Qin Feng, but I couldn't be sure whether they were from the Zhou family or from other families. If we can climb those families too..."

Zi Yan snorted softly, but a sly look flashed across her eyes. After all, if she could climb up to these super families, then she would naturally not have to worry about food and drink in the future.

When other people heard what Zi Yan said, they were also very moved.

Jiangxue smiled awkwardly, but she didn't refute Ziyan. If she didn't know Qin Feng's identity, she might think so too.

But now she is very clear that it is not Qin Feng who climbed to these super families, but these super families who are climbing to Qin Feng.

So all of a sudden, she also had a sudden anticipation in her heart, if she could make friends with Qin Feng, would she be able to rise to the top from now on?

The bedroom door was opened, and Ma Wanting walked out with Hongxia.

"What are you talking about?"

Ma Wanting glanced at Zi Yan and the others, and asked in a cold voice.

"Let's just chat casually about what we've been following tonight. By the way, Grandma Ma, just now Jiangxue said that we are going to work with Qin Feng in the future?"

Zi Yan asked quickly.

"That's right. I have such a plan. Of course, I don't force you to do this. If you don't like it, you don't have to cooperate with Qin Feng. But..."

Ma Wanting nodded, chuckled, but suddenly cut off the conversation.

Everyone looked at Ma Wanting eagerly.

"However, I just received a message that because I successfully killed the Iga Ninja this time, Qin Feng specially organized a celebration party at noon tomorrow at the Splendid Jiangnan Hotel in the Eastern New Area."

Ma Wanting continued with a smile.

"Celebration party? Who will be there?"

Upon hearing this, Zi Yan asked with a pretty face.

"You ask me, who do I ask? I am not hosting the celebration party."

Ma Wanting rolled Zi Yan's eyes, snorted softly, and continued talking.

"However, I have received some news that someone from the Wang family in Xitang will definitely be there tomorrow. In addition, people from the Zhou family in Beiyan City and the Jiang family in Donghai City will be there."

"This time, if we can get to know them, it will be a good thing for us."

In Ma Wanting's view, being able to get to know these families is definitely beneficial to their team.

Of course, whether you can make friends with these families depends on whether Qin Feng nods.

Now she has both admiration and awe for Qin Feng in her heart, and she is also very grateful to be able to follow the Iga Ninja for Qin Feng tonight. Will Qin Fengfeng take credit for their work tonight?

"But old Guanyin, can all of us pass by?"

Jiang Xue nodded and asked with a frown.

"Like I said, don't call me Old Guanyin here in Xitang, just call me Grandma Ma. As for the number of people in the past, let's limit the number of people we met Qin Feng tonight."

Ma Wanting snorted coldly at Jiang Xue, then turned to look at Zi Yan.

"By the way, Zi Yan, where is Wang Bing?"

"Wang Bing went to the hospital. He got into a fight with a ninja and accidentally cut his arm."

Zi Yan quickly explained.

"That's okay. You can inform him and let him go there at noon tomorrow."

Ma Wanting nodded, then waved to everyone: "Okay, everyone, go back and rest."

When everyone heard what Ma Wanting said, they dispersed.

at this time.

Splendid Jiangnan Hotel.

In one bedroom of the top suite.

After Qin Feng took a bath, he hugged Yuan Zihan and lay down.

"Tonight's Iga ninjas are taken down? After that, when we go shopping, there won't be any Iga ninjas popping up out of nowhere, right?"

Yuan Zihan put his arms around Qin Feng's neck and asked in a low voice.

"Unless Iga Toshiro or the Iga family send someone over. But don't worry, I have already found someone to find Iga Toshiro, and I will let Musashi Shion go and clean up Iga Toshiro tomorrow."

Qin Feng responded lightly.

"That's good. By the way, are you really going to have a celebration party tomorrow? If the Iga family finds out about this, they will probably vomit blood with anger."

Yuan Zihan chuckled, after all, it was definitely a great loss for the Iga family to deal with so many Iga masters.

"They vomit blood as soon as they vomit blood. When they come to trouble us, they must be prepared to be cleaned up by us. I swore that no one will bully you in the future, so even if Takayanagi Keita or Ooka Kotaro interceded, it would be useless."

Qin Feng said in a deep voice.


Yuan Zihan's heart was touched, and then he restrained his smile, stroking Qin Feng's slashed face with both hands.

If Qin Feng hadn't made careful arrangements tonight, she would have been arrested by Iga Ninja long ago.

Although she always seemed extremely calm during the cruise, in fact, it was because Qin Feng was by her side.

(End of this chapter)

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