Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 476 Notify Chu Xuan 2

Chapter 476 Notify Chu Xuan of the second update
"Go to sleep. I have to go to the celebration party tomorrow. As for the Iga ninja, you don't have to worry about it. What you should worry about is the development of the Zifeng Group in Dongjiang City."

Qin Feng said in a low voice.

"I see."

Yuan Zihan replied in a low voice, and then kissed Qin Feng, sealing Qin Feng's mouth.

The two entangled for a while, and then fell into a deep sleep.

The two woke up at nine o'clock the next morning. Yuan Zihan wanted to get up, but was held back by Qin Feng.

"The celebration banquet is at twelve o'clock, and there are three hours left. Don't worry."

Qin Feng held Yuan Zihan in his arms and said lightly.

"But, Qinya and the others live in the suite next door. I'll go and find them. I went back to the Wang family's old house last night, thanks to Qinya who brought people to support me, otherwise Xinman and I would be in danger."

Yuan Zihan quickly broke free from Qin Feng, landed on the ground, and ran to wash and change clothes.

Qin Feng lay down with big characters, breathing softly, he didn't get up in a hurry, but got up when he saw Yuan Zihan dressing up.

"Don't follow along, I guess it's not convenient for their girls."

Yuan Zihan giggled, then twisted her graceful figure, turned and walked out of the bedroom.

Qin Feng also left the bedroom, but he did not follow Yuan Zihan, but stayed in the lobby of the suite.

Then he took out his mobile phone and asked Baihu to deal with the Iga Ninja.

Make sure it's done, and he has nothing to worry about.

As for Toshiro Iga, he can wait until the celebration banquet to discuss with Musashi Shion in detail.

After hanging up Baihu's call, Qin Feng was about to give Chu Xuan a call, but saw Cao Shirong's call coming in, and he immediately connected.

Cao Shirong's hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone: "Brother Feng, I heard that you have managed Dongsang Emperor Wu? This matter is so well done, it is estimated that if it gets out, the people of Dongsang may want to know about it all over the country." Yes, hahaha."

"Iga Toshiro hasn't been dealt with yet, so I won't spread the news for the time being."

Qin Feng said lightly, he knew that Zhou Qinya must have said something in the prestige group, so even Cao Shirong knew about it.

"Okay! Then let me be the first to publicize it. I guess they will not dare to underestimate us in Dongsang Kingdom in the future."

Cao Shirong snorted lightly, with a hint of arrogance evident in his voice.

"How are you doing in Songhe District now? Didn't you encounter any trouble?"

Qin Feng asked suddenly.

Regarding Cao Shirong's stay in Songhe District and Chenguang Group's Zhujiagang, he has been sending people to pay attention, but he has not received any special news these days.

"The Zhu family of Chenguang Group may want to touch me, but they have not dared to do it these days. In addition, I received news that they may have hired some kind of expert."

Cao Shirong restrained his laughter, and quickly replied in a deep voice.

"We abolished Zhu Zheshuo. It is impossible for the Zhu family of the Chenguang Group not to take their anger out on you, so you must be careful for a while. As long as the Zhu family of the Chenguang Group dares to make a move, we will make it unbearable."

Qin Feng snorted softly.

"That's natural. I've been keeping people watching the Zhu family of the Chenguang Group. By the way, Brother Feng, Zhu Zheyan left Songhe District. For some reason, he rushed to the West Lake in Hangzhou last night. "

Cao Shirong thought of the recent investigation and quickly reminded Qin Feng.

"Oh! It seems that the Zhu family still wants to kill me, so the Zhu family must have reached an agreement with the Zhu family of Chenguang Group. Zhu Zheyan probably thought I was in the West Lake of Hangzhou, so he ran there."

Qin Feng laughed.

"You're not in the West Lake of Hangzhou? No, I have received news that you are in the West Lake of Hangzhou, and that boy Chu Xuan, isn't he developing a market at the West Lake of Hangzhou?"

Cao Shirong was puzzled.

"I'm not in the West Lake of Hangzhou, and Chu Xuan will deal with it over there."

Qin Feng was a little surprised, Zhou Qinya and the others didn't say they were in Xitang, but he was about to leave Xitang, so it's okay if he didn't say anything, not to mention Cao Shirong didn't have time to come.

"Then you should inform that boy Chu Xuan, that guy Zhu Zheyan probably brought a lot of people to the West Lake in Hangzhou, no matter whether the Zhu family of Chenguang Group sent Zhu Zheyan to confuse my sight on purpose, I am worried that Zhu Zheyan will be wrong. Chu Xuan makes a move."

Cao Shirong quickly said in a deep voice that he was a little surprised by the Zhu family of Chenguang Group, but he guessed that the Zhu family of Chenguang Group wanted to deal with Qin Feng.

But if Qin Feng is not found, Chu Xuan may be shot.

"I see."

Qin Feng responded lightly, then hung up the phone.

He immediately dialed Chu Xuan's phone again, and then told Chu Xuan about the matter.

In the lobby of the top suite next door.

Yuan Zihan and Zhou Qinya were chatting freely.

Zhou Qinya's cell phone rang, she glanced at it, saw that it was a message from Cao Shirong, and immediately smiled at Yuan Zihan and the others.

"Master Rong probably called Brother Feng and sent me a message asking where are we?"

"Now that Iga Ninja has been cleaned up, it's okay if you tell him where he is?"

Jiang Nishang smiled lightly and said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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