Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 477 Ayako's Assassination 3 More

Chapter 477
"I don't want to tell him, lest he come to Xitang."

Zhou Qinya snorted coquettishly, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, but in fact she knew that Cao Shirong would not be able to come to Xitang.

"By the way, didn't you order some snacks for sister Zihan? Why hasn't it been delivered for so long?"

Jiang Nishang looked puzzled, and then waved to the female secretary Wei Shanshan.

"I'll go out and ask."

Wei Shanshan nodded, then turned and walked out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Wei Shanshan went out, she saw a slender waitress wearing a blue mask pushing a dining cart out of the elevator.

"hurry up!"

Wei Shanshan waved to the waitress.

The waitress immediately pushed the dining cart and walked towards Wei Shanshan.

Afterwards, she followed Wei Shanshan into the suite and went straight to the hall.

"Put the snacks here."

When Jiang Nishang saw the waitress, she immediately waved to the waitress.

The waitress immediately brought out a tray full of snacks from the trolley, and then walked towards the long tea table pointed by Jiang Nishang.

But she glanced at everyone in the hall, and then fixed her eyes on Yuan Zihan.

Yuan Zihan was chatting with Zhou Qinya, when she suddenly noticed the waitress's unfriendly eyes, she couldn't help but startled.

"who are you?"

When the waitress put down the tray, Shion Musashi shouted sharply.

The waitress turned her head and glanced at Musashi Ziyuan, and she immediately swung a dagger from her cuff, intending to pounce towards Yuan Zihan.

When everyone saw it, their faces froze instantly.

Yuan Zihan's eyes widened, and she subconsciously leaned back on the sofa. She never imagined that the waitress would dare to assassinate her.

The waitress has domineering eyes and quick hands.

Unfortunately, Shi Qimeng, who was standing next to her, had already sensed something was wrong.

She failed to protect Yuan Zihan last night. She heard that something happened to Yuan Zihan in the Wang family's old house. How could she watch Yuan Zihan have an accident again?

She swung a dagger, parried the waitress' dagger, and threw the waitress to the ground.

Kitano Mayumi and other female bodyguards also rushed up immediately, and together they grabbed the waitress' hands and feet.

"Pull her up for me!"

Musashi Shion snorted softly, and walked forward with a gloomy expression.

Waiting teacher Qimeng and the others pulled the waitress up, and she immediately slapped the waitress.

echoed throughout the hall.

"In front of me, Musashi Ziyuan, you dare to come and make trouble? You still want to touch sister Zihan? With a piece of trash like you, I don't know how many times I step on in a year!"

Musashi Shion said, and then tore off the blue mask of the waitress.

The waitress looked at Shion Musashi with sharp eyes, and she was Ayako Horiguchi who received Hideaki Kinjo.

"Tell me, who are you?"

Zhou Qinya looked at Ayako Horiguchi coldly and asked sharply.

Shion Musashi waved her hand at Zhou Qinya, then looked at Ayako Horiguchi with a sneer, and snorted softly, "She should be an Iga ninja. If Kimiko and I were not here, maybe she would have succeeded in attacking Miss Zihan. It's a pity that her hairstyle hasn't changed."

"No wonder."

Kimiko Miyata snorted softly, and looked at Ayako Horiguchi with a displeased face, "I just said why does her bun look so familiar, so she is from the Iga family."

The corners of Musashi Shion's mouth curled up, "She's quite courageous, does she think that we have no one to guard against, or does she think she is too strong?"

"You people! You all deserve to die! If it weren't for you, Mr. Gao Liu wouldn't have died!"

Ayako Horiguchi stuck her neck and roared sharply.

"It turned out that I came here for Gao Liu-jun. Unfortunately, Gao Liu-jun committed seppuku. What does it have to do with us?"

Musashi Shion sneered.

"No. Gao Liujun is a rare martial arts wizard in our Dongsang country in a hundred years. How could he commit suicide?"

Ayako Horiguchi shook her head, and immediately retorted angrily.

Shion Musashi frowned, and didn't bother to say anything, she immediately took out her phone, opened a video, and handed her hand to Mayumi Kitano.

Mayumi Kitano immediately held the phone and turned the playback screen to Ayako Horiguchi.

Ayako Horiguchi watched Takayanagi Keita in the video really commit suicide by harakiri, she was momentarily stunned.

"Did you see it? This is Gao Liujun who thought he was inferior to others, so he chose to commit seppuku. But I have to say, Gao Liujun is really a real man."

Musashi Shion said with a sigh.

Ayako Horiguchi didn't say a word, her eyes were a little absent-minded, watching Mayumi Kitano take away the phone, she bit her mouth tightly, tears streaming down her face, she wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

"If you want to ask about Gao Liujun's body, then don't worry too much. Now that Gao Liujun's body has been cremated, his urn will be taken back to Dongsang Country."

Musashi Shion snorted coldly, and a trace of cruelty flashed across his eyes in an instant: "As for you, I don't think there is any need to live."

When Mayumi Kitano heard this, she immediately swung a ninja sword and was about to stab Ayako Horiguchi in the abdomen.

"Wait. Don't see blood today."

(End of this chapter)

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